Павлодар, 2021

10 My dream house

10.1 Read some advertisements located in the newspaper

To rent:      

A. Quiet flat in Greenwood

2 bedrooms, large kitchen

Near shops and restaurants

£600 a month

Phone 07348 0848153

B. Small 3rd-floor flat in central London

1 bedroom

2 minutes from train station

£650 a month

Phone 020 933 9458

C. House available in Hoburn from end of September

3 bedrooms, small garden

Near the university

£1000 a month

Phone 07122 7476933


Exercise 10.1.1 Complete the sentences using the words and word expressions below:

A small garden, near the train station, available in September, a large kitchen, 600 pounds a month, central London


1) Flat A has_____;

2) Flat A costs _____;

3) Flat B is _____;

4) Flat B is in ____;

5) Flat C has ____;

6) Flat C will be ____.


Exercise 10.1.2 Work in pairs: make up your own advertisements of renting a house or a flat. Share your ads with a partner.

10.2 Read some posts, published by users A, B and C on the site www.ielts-simon.com about the most interesting houses and apartments they have visited.

A:  Well, living in an apartment is an overgrowing trend not only in my country but all over the world. We have our own apartment which is really awesome. By the way, I would like to talk about a new apartment/flat that I have recently visited. My newlywed cousin who lives in the capital Dhaka had purchased an apartment just months ago. It is in Mirpur, Dhaka, one of the sophisticated residential areas in Bangladesh. He invited me to visit his wonderful apartment and I was really excited to go there since he told me that something was undoubtedly exceptional because it was designed by a renowned American inner and outer decorator. Yeah, I was lost for words when I first saw it because of its wonderful inside decoration, although its outside look was seemed to be very simple. I was fascinated by the stylish wooden furniture, expensive colorful tiles, startling chandeliers, and three giant screens. There are some lavish sofas in the drawing room and extraordinarily designed beds in every living room. Most eye-catching areas are living rooms, kitchen with wooden figure and fine baths. It was looking really interesting due to its mind-blowing structure. There were three balconies too where the couple rear pigeons which I called amazing and decent habit. I have spent my two wonderful days in this attractive apartment and I opined that the flat was totally different compared to others, even from our one.

B: I have visited many houses or apartments in various cities and villages during my field visits but the only one house for me is unforgettable. Sometime, I call this my dream house because the house that is I am going to explain has an absolutely perfect for today's modern lifestyle. A small family of 6 members were living their own happy life. This house is situated in a small village named as Green House and just 20 kilometres away from my city. The Green house is recently constructed by a famous architectural engineer. The area of this house was about to 6000 square metres. As I called it as a modern house for living because it has was designed on the concept of both the modern and traditional arts and have shape and structure like a tomb. As I entered to visit to inside the building I feel a heaven for me because everything was maintained and built by the nature. There were five rooms, a corridor, a lawn, kitchen, park, garage, guest room, play area, swimming pool, a small garden, animals farm and a big area for cultivating vegetables. All these were constructed according to their requirements and was maintained by well planning. There were more 30 different trees species and flowers. The owner of house has installed the solar system for generating the electricity. The entire house was enlightened by natural way during night. He was growing his own vegetables through fully automated irrigation systems. Moreover, the animal were feeded by manual moving tray in a series of rows and their waste were collected for producing biogas. This gas was supplied to kitchen for cooking purposes. The natural water lifters and filters were installed for exploring and filtering ground water for cooking and drinking and irrigating purpose. The modern type of facilities were there such as internet, TV cable, and heating system, these all appliances were operated by solar energy without any cost. This was really an eye opening example for me when I discovered this type of house.

C: Well, the memory of my dream house that I recently visited crosses my mind. It was the homestay that I spent my 5-day trip to Dalat at. I can easily describe every single detail as it was just a few weeks ago. Though I hadn't read any review beforehand, which I normally did, it turned out to be more than great. The house was a small homestay with 4 humble rooms, and as I traveled on weekdays, there were almost just me and some housekeepers during my time there.

I was surprised when I first came to the house: it was on a mountain, surrounded by no neighbor family that I could see with my own eyes, but a forest of pine tree. And that was quite perfect for me, as an introvert. It was a terrace house with connecting properties and beautifully designed in rustic style. Though the outside looked a lot like a cottage, inside furniture was extremely modern and minimal. There even was a barbeque area and a kitchen which are connected by a staircase. What made this house seem special to me was the feeling into the nature it provided. I love got up early in the morning, took a seat outside the kitchen with the view to the forest, and sipped home-made espresso while enjoying the sun rising. The whole experience was my cup of tea. I love it.


Reference [9]


Exercise 10.2.1 Vocabulary:

1) newlywed – молодожен, новобрачный;

2) purchase – покупка;

3) sophisticated – утонченный, сложный;

4) undoubtedly – несомненно, безусловно;

5) exceptional – исключительный, необыкновенный;

6) renowned – прославленный, знаменитый;

7) inner and outer – внутренний и внешний;

8) be fascinated – быть очарованным;

9) lavish – щедрый, расточительный, чрезмерный;

10) eye-catching – выделяющийся, привлекающий внимание;

11) mind-blowing – умопомрачительный, шокирующий;

12) decent – порядочный, приличный, скромный;

13) tomb – гробница, могила, склеп;

14) be maintained – поддерживаться;

15) requirement – требование;

16) supply – поставлять, снабжать;

17) install – устанавливать, помещать;

18) beforehand – заранее, наперед;

19) surrounded – окруженный;

20) property – имущество, собственность.


Answer the questions


  1. What user, A, B or C, writes, that he «was fascinated by the stylish wooden furniture» in the apartment he has visited?
  2. How many trees species did user B see in the house he has visited?
  3. What has installed the owner of the house for generating the electricity in the post of user B?
  4. The house, described by user C, was designed in ….. style.
  5. What apartment or house, described by users of the site, impressed you most of all? Why?


Exercise 10.2.2 Match the words to make phrases:


1) main;                                     a) floor;

2) city;                                       b) room;

3) art;                                         c) park;

4) car;                                        d) street;

5) ground;                                  e) table;

6) sitting;                                   f) centre;

7) coffee;                                   g) clock;

8) alarm;                                    h) gallery.


Exercise 10.2.3 Match the synonyms:

1) exceptional;               a) absolutely;

2) lavish;                        b) shocking;

3) eye-catching;            c) keep;

4) mind-blowing;          d) generous;

5) decent;                      e) aim;

6) renowned;                 f) highly;

7) extremely;                 g) famous;

8) maintain;                   h) insistent;

9) purpose;                     i) decorous;

10) totally;                      j) extraordinary.



Exercise 10.2.4 Guess what parts and objects of a house are hidden in the words:

  • e b d;
  • e w d b r a r o;
  • s b e d i e d  b t e a l;
  • r f g i d e;
  • o n v e;
  • b t a h;
  • o w a m i c r v e o n v e;
  • l e o i t t;
  • o f s a;
  • c t p e a r;
  • u d s t y.


Exercise 10.2.5 Using the information from the posts write an essay about some interesting house or apartment that you have visited. You should note in your essay the following:

1) where the house or apartment was;

2) who lived there;

3) what it looked like on the outside and/or inside;

4) and explain why you found this house or apartment interesting.


Exercise 10.2.6 Write the following sentences using the verbs to be or to have in correct form:

1) It ... difficult to find a suitable house now, ... it?

2) ... you got a new or an old house?

3) Your relatives live with you, ... they?

4) There ... only twenty flats in our house.

5) I ... no time to visit you yesterday.

6) What ... you fond of?

7) My hobby ... drawing.

8) Some people say that their homes ... the only places they feel comfortable in.

9) I like ... at home.

10) ...she going to buy a new flat next year?

11) … proud of the house you live in?


Exercise 10.2.7 Fill in the blanks with the prepositions (where necessary):

1) My home is the best place ... the world;

2) My family always takes care ... me and supports ... me when I need it;

3) I completely agree ... the people when they say "East or West home is best";

4) It is strange to hear when people say that their home is just a roof ... their heads;

5) I was brought ... there and my dearest people live ... that place;

6) I need ... them very much especially when I am ... a trouble and they are always ready to help ... me ...any situation.


Answer the following questions 

  1. Would you like to live in a city?
  2. Would you like to live in a country side?
  3. Would you like to live in a centre?
  4. Would you like to live in a flat or have a house of your own?
  5. Would you like to have a big house?
  6. Would you like to have a small house?
  7. Would you like to have a mansion?
  8. Would you like to live alone?
  9. Would you like to live on the top?
  10. Do you like to cook?
  11. Do you need much room for parties?
  12. Do you need any kitchen equipment?
  13. Do you need a study?
  14. Do you need a playing yard for children?
  15. Do you like domestic animals?
  16. Your house of your dream: should it be a cosy house for children?
  17. Should it be a small house for one?
  18. Should it be a castle for a princess? 19. Should it be a farm?

1) constitution;

2) referendum;

3) unitary state;

4) term of office;

5) bicameral parliament;

6) province;

7) court;

8) legislative power;

9) executive power;

10) judicial power;

11) akimat.

a) the branch of government which executes and enforces law;

b) regional executive authority in Kazakhstan, district state administration in Kazakhstan;

c) a system of government in which the legislature comprises two houses;

d) place where legal matters are decided by a judge and jury or by a magistrate;

e) a state governed as a single entity in which the central government is ultimately supreme;

f) the branch of government which is charged with declaration of what law is and its construction;

g) the term during which some position is held;

h) the branch of government which makes laws for a political entity such as a country or city;

j) the highest law;

k) an administrative division within a country or state;

l) a vote in which all the people in a country are asked to give their opinion about an important political or social question.