Павлодар, 2021

14 Foreign languages

14.1 Read the text and answer the following questions:

1) Why are foreign languages socially demanded today?

2) In what major areas is English used?

3) What is the main purpose of learning foreign languages?

4) Is any ideal method of learning foreign languages today?


Learning languages

The problem of learning languages is very important today. Foreign languages are socially demanded especially at present time when the progress in science and technology has led to an explosion of knowledge and has contributed to an overflow of information. Foreign languages are needed as main and the most efficient means of information exchange among the people.

Today English is the world language. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the USA, New Zealand, Australia and in many other countries. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada and the South African Republic. As a second language it is widely used in the countries, former British and US colonies.

English is not only the national or official language of some thirty states, which represent different cultures, but it is also the major international language of communication in such areas as science, technology, business, mass entertainment and so on. English is one of the official languages of the United National Organization and other political organizations. It is the language of literature, education, modern music and international tourism.

Kazakhstan is integrating into the world community and the problem of learning languages, especially English, is urgent today. So far, there is no universal or ideal method of learning languages today. Everybody has his own way. Sometimes it is boring to study grammar or to learn new vocabulary but, it is well known that reading books in the original, listening to the news in English, communicating with native speakers is a very effective way of learning English. When learning a foreign language you learn the culture and history of one or the other country and

it helps broaden your horizons.   


Exercise 14.1.1 Vocabulary:

1) socially demanded – социально значимый;

2) explosion of knowledge – быстрый рост знаний;

3) contribute – внести вклад;

4) overflow – переполнение;

5) efficient – действенный, эффективный;

6) mother tongue – родной язык;

7) represent – представлять;

8) area – сфера, область;

9) mass entertainment – культурно-массовые мероприятия;

10) world community – мировое сообщество;

11) urgent –актуальный;

12) boring –скучный;

13) in the original – в оригинале;

14) native speaker –носитель языка.


Exercise 14.1.2 Match the vocabulary (1-14) and its definition (a-n):

1) represent;

2) explosion of knowledge;

3) native speaker;

4) area;

5) socially demanded;

6) boring;

7) mass entertainment;

8) contribute;

9) in the original;

10) mother tongue;

11) world community;

12) overflow;

13) urgent;

14) efficient;

a) needed to many people;

b) a great raise of information;

c) to take part;

d) too much;

e) effective;

f) your parents’ language;

g) give an idea of smth;

h) field, sphere;

i) action, measures for people’s cultural development;

j) all people of the world;

k) important, demanded;

l) not interesting;

m) in the learning language;

n) a person who speaks in his own language.


Exercise 14.1.3 Fill in the blanks with necessary words from vocabulary:

1) New medical reforms are ____ in this country;

2) I would like to talk to a ____ to improve my language;

3) Kazakh is my _____ ;

4) ________ has improved our lives;

5) I don’t like this film, it is _____ ;

6) Mr. Smith ______ the Liberal party;

7) He is a great scientist, he has _____ to chemistry a lot;

8) My sister speaks English fluently, she likes reading _____ ;

9)_____ of the river has led to the flood of the nearest villages;

10) The problem of terrorism is _____ today;

11) Newton is one of the most outstanding scientists in the ____ of physics;

12) I hate ____ during holidays, I prefer relaxing at home;

13) ______ doesn’t recognize force actions;

14) This patient needs ______ measures of treatment.


Exercise 14.1.4 Complete the sentences with the following words:

over            degree          find          way

typical        again            mess         far


1) I’ve learned several languages to one __________ or another;

2) I just ____________ them fascinating;

3) The ____________ kinds of programs we see every day;

4) You can really quickly hear the same words repeated ___________ and again;

5) There was no __________________ I was going to understand everything;

6) By _________________   the best practice I had was just talking to people;

7) Usually, I’d make a right __________________ of it first of all;

8) But after you get _____________________ the embarrassment, it’s quite funny really.


14.2 Read the text about Simon’s experience of learning several languages in a variety of different ways

I want to talk about learning languages. I’ve lived in many different countries, both in Western Europe, Middle East and now here in Hong Kong. And during all of that time, I’ve learned five or six different languages to one degree or another. I love learning languages. Not only are they important when you move to a country, I just find them fascinating. Before I came to Hong Kong, I lived in Barcelona, Spain, for ten years. And when I first arrived, the most important thing was being able to communicate with people locally. I don’t attend classes. I don’t think I’m particularly good in classes. I prefer to learn by just talking to people, finding out what I need to say, by looking at dictionaries and listening carefully. Other things that helped me when I first moved to Spain were watching the typical kinds of programs we see every day on channels around the world, for example the weather. This is great, because they always say the same things, so you can really quickly hear the same words repeated again and again. And the pictures help of course. Other types of program that helped me learn Spanish quickly were things like game shows, where the same thing happens. They have a catchphrase or a slogan that they repeat endlessly when contestants win or when they are called to compete. As well as that, I used to pick up the Spanish newspapers. First of all, I just accepted there was no way I was going to understand anything but one or two words. But gradually, I found that I learned lots of new things about this. I was interested because I wanted to know what was happening in the country I lived in. But I also knew that I could learn a lot of language this way. So I’d take a dictionary with me sometimes, or I’d notice a word and I’d ask other people what … it meant. Anyway, by far the best practice I ever had was just talking to people in the street or in shops, where I’d rehearse in my head what I wanted to say beforehand, before I went in. Usually, I made a right mess of it first of all, but after you get over the embarrassment, it’s quite funny really. And people are very sympathetic and supporting in most cases. It took me a long time to develop a good level of Spanish. I lived there for ten years, and I think I’m very fluent now. But I think for the first two years that I was there it was quite a struggle to hold a decent conversation. There were always lots of words and expressions that I didn’t pick up on. In particular, with the colloquial expressions, idioms, that kind of thing, that people use in everyday talk, but you don’t necessarily see written down. I didn’t find those very easy to learn at all. But it was a lot of fun. And people, as I said, are really supporting when they know that you are genuinely interested in learning their language.


Reference [20]


Exercise 14.2.1 Vocabulary:

1) locally – в стране пребывания, локально;

2) fascinating – увлекательный, замечательный, очаровательный;

3) particularly – в частности, в особенности, исключительно;

4) catchphrase – фирменная фраза, любимое словечко;

5) contestant – противник, соперник, конкурсант;

6) pick up – брать в руки, собирать, подхватывать;

6) rehearse – репетировать, разучивать, повторять;

7) beforehand – заблаговременно, заранее, до этого;

8) embarrassment – смущение, душевный дискомфорт, стыд;

9) support – поддерживать, оказывать помощь;

10) decent – приличный, достойный, честный;

11) colloquial – разговорный, обиходный;

12) genuinely – искренне, не поддельно, по-настоящему.


Exercise 14.2.2 Match the definitions (a–h) with the vocabulary (1–8):

1) …… to be a struggle;

2) …… to rehearse;

3) …… to get over;

4) …… a degree;

5) …… a catchphrase;

6) …… to pick up on;

7) …… by far the best;

8) …… to make a right mess of;

a) clearly the best;

b) a certain level;

c) to be difficult to do;

d) to notice;

e) to do something quite badly;

f) to feel better about something upsetting;

g) to practise something you plan to say or perform;

h) a short, popular phrase that makes you think of the person who says it.


Answer the following questions


  1. Where did Simon live before coming to Hong Kong?
  2. What helped him in learning language when he first moved to Spain?
  3. How did Simon work with dictionary?
  4. Did people support him in learning language or not?
  5. According to Simon’s words, what is the most important thing in learning foreign languages? Do you agree with him or not?


Exercise 14.2.3 Discuss in groups: What is the most effective language learning method for you?


14.3 Read and translate the text about one girl’s experience of learning Spanish language and list the tips she shares with us


Scared of speaking a new language?

There’s no denying that learning a foreign language is difficult, and when it comes to speaking in the language, it can be extremely daunting. I remember walking into my first-ever Spanish class at university only to discover that half of my class were already fluent in multiple languages. It’s safe to say I felt out of my depth!

At first, the thought of speaking in Spanish terrified me; not only were my vocabulary and grammar very limited, but I had never spoken another language before. Despite my initial apprehension I was determined to overcome my fear, and by adopting a few simple strategies I have been able to build my confidence and develop at my own pace. So, I thought I would share a few tips with you in the hope that you find them useful too.

Firstly, remember it is OK to make mistakes and that you should embrace them. This sounds obvious, but when it comes to language learning we often aim for perfection and feel as though we are not ready to speak until we have ‘enough’ words or grammatical knowledge. The truth is you will never feel ready, and instead it is important to use the knowledge that you do have to communicate what you can.

This leads on to my next tip: don’t compare yourself to others. This can be a hard one, especially if you are in a large language class. It is important to remember that we all learn at different speeds and through different styles of learning. By all means, keep up with your class material, but do not stress if you don’t understand everything – especially in the early stages.

Something that really helped me progress was finding a patient language exchange partner. Finding someone to practice with whose level of English was similar to my level of Spanish made me feel much more confident.

Lastly, celebrate the small successes and remember how far you have come! Instead of focusing on how far you have to go, focus on the progress you have already made and be proud of your achievements!


Reference [20]


Exercise 14.3.1 Vocabulary:

1) deny – отрицать, отказывать;

2) daunting – обескураживающий, ошеломительный;

3) apprehension – опасение, понимание, восприятие;

4) overcome – преодолеть, побороть;

5) confidence – самоуверенность, вера в свои силы;

6) embrace – охватить, освоить;

7) obvious – явный, очевидный;

8) pace – шаг, темп, скорость;

9) by all means – любым способом, безусловно, любой ценой;

10) achievement – достижение, успех;

11) keep up with – не отставать, быть наравне, идти в ногу.


Answer the questions 

  1. What difficulties did the girl face at first?
  2. How did she manage to overcome them?
  3. What made her feel much more confident?
  4. Do you think the process of learning foreign languages is quite a difficult thing? Why?
  5. What difficulties did you face in the beginning of this process?
  6. Do you think her tips are useful for those who want to learn a foreign language?
  7. Do you have any tips for getting over fears about speaking another language? What has helped you build your confidence?


Exercise 14.3.2 Match the synonyms:

1) achievement – staggering;

2) by all means – to be on a level with;

3) obvious – refuse;

4) confidence – tempo;

5) apprehension – progress;

6) embrace –pull through;

7) daunting – anxiety;

8) pace – assurance;

9) deny – evident;

10) overcome – grasp;

11) keep up with – in every way.


Exercise 14.3.3 Match the parts of expressions:

1) to overcome;

a) rules;

2) to feel;

b) language;

3) be proud of;

c) material;

4) foreign;

d) mistakes;

5) keep up with;

e) difficulties;

6) native;

f) achievements;

7) grammatical;

g) confident;

8) make;

h) speaker.


Exercise 14.3.4 Work in pairs: Do you agree or disagree with the statements below? Support your answer with a reasonable argument:

1) You shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes when you learn another language;

2) Some languages are easier to learn than others;

3) The most important part of learning foreign language is learning grammar;

4) You shouldn’t say anything in another language until you can say it correctly;

5) Women are better than men at learning languages.

6) Finding a patient language exchange partner helps to improve your level of language;

7) You should focus on the progress you have already made instead of focusing on how far you have to go.


Exercise 14.3.5 Read about the history of education in Kazakhstan

At the beginning of the 20th century most Kazakh children had an opportunity to study only in countryside madrasa where training was limited to learning Koran ayats by heart.  On the eve of 1916 there were only several Russian and Russian-Kazakh schools in the Kazakhstan territory, 19370 Kazakh children were studying there.  By 1932 there were more than 10 research institutes and pilot stations, about one hundred base stations,laboratories and weather stations, several geological survey organizations.  Kazakh Base of Science Academy of USSR was created on 8 March 1932. Zoology and Botany branches were operating there.  In 1935 Kazakh Research Institute of National Culture including Kazakh Language and Literature, Folk Arts brunches were placed under the authority of Kazakh Base of Science Academy of USSR.  At that time the Almaty Botanical Gardens was founded, medical science was developing.  During the The Great Patriotic War plenty of scientific institutions and institutes of higher education were evacuated to Republic.  World- famous scientists were working there, such as  I. P. Bardin , L. S. Berg,  V. I. Vernadsky , N. F. Gama-leya, I. I. Meshaninov, N. D. Zelinsky, L. I. Mandelshtam, N. V.Tsitsin, S. G. Strumilin, A. M. Pankratova,  A. E. Fa-vor-skiy, S. E. Malov, V. G. Fesenkov, G. A. Tikhov, B. A. Voron-tsov-Veliaminov and others.  These scientists made a number of suggestions with great value for defending and pertaining national economy, introduces their works, discovered fields of ferrous metals, molybdenum, tungsten, manganese ores and others. In 1942 the Institute of Astronomy and Physics was organized, in 1943 the Institute of Metallurgical and Chemical Sciences; Institute of Soil Science, Botany, Zoology and Tropical Diseases. In 1942–1945 the particularized Institute of Chemistry, Metallurgy and Mining, Fireproof and Building Materials, Zoology was organized. 


Exercise 14.3.6 After reading answer the questions:

1) What kinds of schools were there on the eve of 1916 on the Kazakhstan territory?

2) What events are connected with the date of March 8, 1932? 

3)What world-famous scientists were working there?  Find additional information about them. 

4) What spheres of science were popular at that time? 

5) What spheres of science are popular nowadays?


14.4 Read the article and render it into Russian

The 1991 year is beginning of new period in development of native science.  The law «On scientific and technical politics in Republic of Kazakhstan» had been passed on 15th January 1992, in the same year had been organized the Ministry of Science and New Technologies.  In 1993 state expert of scientific and technical programs was introduced, which was financed from public account. Unified  procedure of registering reporting documentation, which was introduced during development-structural and development-technological works in the republic, confirmed lеgislative base of financing scientific-technical and experience-structural works transfer to method of special program.

Results of work, which was conducted in scientific- technical area, were showed on exhibition in Astana in February 1998. Projects of government programs on development of mechanical engineering, atomic industry and energy in the country, as  well conclusion of developmеnt of mining and smelting complex in republic was organized.  For the first time native computers and series of electronic equipment of industrial and common function were produced.

The scientists of republic made their contribution to ensuring processes of public administration.  History of Kazakhstan and Kazakh philosophy were explored from ancient times to present days.  New philosophy and methodology of science were made in the context of interference of eastern and western cultures.  Development of constitutional processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan.  Eurasian fusion and geopolitics were explored, population forecast was made.  On a hundred years birthday jubilee,academician K.I.Satpayev was included in register of jubilees conducted under support of UNESCO.  International scientific symposium dedicate to this event took place in Paris on 15-23 April 1999. «The scientist of Kazakhstan: from the past to the future» exhibition was organised there. 

Researches, which have been conducted in the recent years, indicated competitive capacity of native science and technology.  In order to form works that associates with science restructuring of scientific bases are being conducted, the efficienсy of using natural and mineral resources is increasing, producing new materials and preparations,improving prоcessing of man-caused wastes, stabilizing work of mining and smelting complexes, using attainment of molecular and cellular biology in the biotechnology,medicine, agriculture, communications, and atomic energy.  Years of independence are characterized by new methods of science and science administration, favorable conditions for scientists, training new generation of scientific manpower, and searching effective system of fusing education and science.


Reference [3]


Exercise 14.4.1 Read the text below and compare secondary and higher schools in our time

Only boys could learn reading and writing. This demand was recommenced by quite a number of Moslem sovereigns and special keeper saw to its realization. The Medieval schools of Moslem world had much in common with each other and greatly varied in standard of education. It showed social distinction, as well as evolution of development type of schools. One of the first rate Madrasa was established by famous viewfinder Nizamal-Mulk at the latter half of 11th century in Baghdad, by means of government, with pays for teachers and grants for pupils.

In the Iran and Middle Asia dependent to Arabian caliphate there were prohibitions to translate the Koran from Arab into other languages. This prohibition lasted for centuries. Tabari translated the Koran into Persian language in 10th century, but his book was withdrawn.

The Middle Asia and Kazakhstan was invaded from the east by innumerable nomadic armies of Chingishan in 1219, carts with families followed them. So, new period in the history of Kazakh steppes begun. In the 15-16th centuries the best-known Madrasas were in the Bukhara, Samarkand and Tashkent. Madrasas, left since then, are outstanding monuments of architecture. Kazakh and Kyrgyz nationalities formed on the their today's territories in the 16th century. Diplomatic and trade relations with Russian realm became stronger. And the next stage of development of educational system and spreading literacy is closely related to the influence of Russia.



Cambridge is the second oldest university in Britain, Oхford - the first oldest. Cambridge University was opened in 1284 with the construction of the first college, Peterhouse. At present Cambridge University comprises 28 colleges of which one is only for men and two of them are women's colleges; the remaining 25 take both men and women.

Lying on the river Cam, the city of Cambridge takes its name from the river. The old university where mostly teachers and students live is full of ancient buildings and libraries; college buildings are located there, too.

In the old times student's life was full of restrictions. Students of Cambridge were not allowed to play games, sing, hunt, fish or even to dance; they had to wear special dark clothes and the «squares», the academic caps they still wear nowadays. During the course all students have to live in the college; there are at present over 9000 students in residence.

Cambridge has won international fame as the university where historical figures and personalities of literature and science received their education, Cromwell, Newton, Byron and Darwin among them. Cambridge University has made the city of Cambridge internationally famous as a centre of science where Rutherford, Kapitza and other famous scientists have worked.


Answer the questions 

  1. What is the history of Cambridge University's opening?
  2. What kind of lifestyle had the students in the old times?
  3. What is the university famous for?
  4. Why is the university called Cambridge?
  5. What does the university include?


Studying at university

If you to go to university, you must first pass examitations that most students take at the age of eighteen (called “A” levels). Most students take three “A” levels, three examinations in three different subjects. And they must do well in order to get a place at university because universities choose their students after interviews, and competition for places at university is fierce. If you get a place at university, the tuition is free, and some students also get a grant from their Local Education authority. The grants cover tuition fees and some of the living expenses. The amount depends on the parents' income. If the parents do not earn much money, their children will receive a full grant which will cover all their expenses. Students at university are called undergraduates while they are studying for their first degree.

Most university courses last three years, some courses last four years. During this period students can say that they are doing history, or doing for a degree in history. When they finish the course and pass their examinations or finals. they receive a degree (the qualification when you complete a university course successfully).

When you complete your first degree, you are a graduate. Some students then go on to do a second course or degree. These students are then postgraduates. There are usually three possible degrees:

MA (Master of Arts) – usually one year

Mphil (Master of philosophy) – usually two years

PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) – at least three years

Most 18-19 year-olds in Britain are fairly independent people, and when the time comes to pick a college they usually choose one far away from home as possible. Many students in northern and Scottish universities come from the south of England. It is very unusual for university students to live at home. Although parents may be a little sad to see this happen, they usually approve of the move, and see it necessary part of becoming an adult.

When they first arrive at college, first year university students are called “freshers”. A freshers' life can be exciting for the first week. During the first week, all the clubs and societies hold a freshers' “fair” during which they try to persuade the new students to join their society. The freshers are told that it is important for them to come into contact with many activities during their time at university, but the choice can be a bit overhelming.

Often freshers will live in a hall of Residence on or near the college campus, although they may move out into a rented room in their second or third year, or share a house with friends. On the day that lectures start, groups of freshers are often seen walking around huge campuses, a worried look on their faces. They also learn a new way of studying. There are regular seminars, at which they read their papers. The paper then is discussed by the tutor and the rest of group. Once or twice a term students will have a tutorial and they see a tutor alone to discuss their work.


Reference [3]


Exercise 14.4.2 Translate into English:

1) Не очень-то просто поступить в университеты Англии;

2) В основном туда принимают хорошо подготовленных студентов;

3) Студенты первых курсов живут в студенческом общежитии;

4) Некоторые студенты получают грант от местных властей;

5) В большинстве случаев возраст поступающих 18 лет;

6) По окончании первой степени вы являетесь выпускником;

7) Один-два раза в семестр у студентов будут занятия СРСП, где они будут иметь возможность встретиться с преподавателем индивидуально.



Answer the questions on the text and summarize the text 

  1. How can you enter university in England?
  2. How long do university courses last?
  3. When do students receive a degree? How many degrees are there?
  4. How often do they have seminars and tutorials? What do students do at seminars?
  5. Why do 18 and 19 olds choose a college as far away from home as possible?
  6. Where do often freshers live?
  7. What do all the clubs and societies do to persuade the new students to join their society?