Павлодар, 2021

3 Free time

3.1 Talking the time: What’s the time? What time is it now?

Exercise 3.1.1 Match the times to photos:

  1. a) three o’clock;
  2. b) six fifteen;
  3. c) eight twenty;
  4. d) twelve thirty;
  5. e) twelve forty-five;
  6. f) ten thirty-five.


Exercise 3.1.2 You can say times in a different way. Match the times to ex.3.1.1:

1) twenty past eight;

2) twenty-five to eleven;

3) three o’clock;

4) half past twelve;

5) quarter past six;

6) ten past ten;

7) quarter to one.


Exercise 3.1.3 Make interrogative sentences from words and phrases, answer the questions:

1) you what do get up in the morning time;

2) time the university you what do go to;

3) does what time classes start your;

4) now is what it time;

5) What classes end time does your;

6) time in the evening do you take a bath what;

7) What time like do you to walk with your friend;

8) go to bed time do you what like to at night.

Exercise 3.1.4 Vocabulary. Read and translate these words:

After that …;

Then …;

After breakfast/lunch/ dinner …;

When my working day is over;

wake up;

get up;

get dressed;

do exercises;

go jogging in the park;

have a shower;


brush my teeth;

wash my face;

comb/brush my hair;

wash and dry my hair;

do my hair;

cook breakfast;

have a cup of coffee/tea;

have some sandwiches for breakfast;

like healthy food;

I leave home at;

get to work by bus/underground;

drive to work;

My father gives me a lift to school;

My husband gives me a lift to work;

I have lunch at ...;

watch TV shows and series;

surf the Internet

chat with friends in social networks;

work/study until ten o'clock;

read books, magazines;

spend time with my children;

cook dinner for the whole family.


Exercise 3.1.5 Work in pairs. Ask your partner:

1) What time do you usually wake up in the morning?

2) What time do you get to work (university)?

3) What time do you get home after work (classes)?

4) What time do you usually have lunch?

5) What time do you usually go to bed?

6) How many times a week do you go shopping?


3.2 Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missed words given in the table:


eat, watch, water, do, get, leave (2), go (5), take (2), is, to feed, play, have (3), read, prepare, tidy up, start, get up


I _____ my day early in the morning. I usually _____ at 7 a.m. and _____ things that everybody does at this time: washing, having a shower, doing exercises, having breakfast and working out for 30 minutes. Also I___ my things like a wallet, keys, backpack and a tablet, and ____ home at about 9 o’clock. I don’t have a car that’s why I ____ to the bus stop and wait for the bus. It ____ 50 minutes to get to my office by it.

My day at work ____ typical: phone calls, talking to people, answering emails, writing reports and discussing some important issues with my boss. So, you can imagine that I have my hands full.

During the day we ____ a break for lunch. I usually____ in the kitchen with co-workers. Sometimes we____ football, ping-pong and video games. Then___ back to work. I usually____ at 7:15 p.m. After leaving my office, I head to downtown where I____ dinner with my best friend in our favorite cafe. Then straight from the cafe, I_____ to the supermarket to buy some food and____ home.

While returning home in public transport I always_____ some interesting tales which I found on the web. I am at home at about half past nine. And the first thing that I have to do is____ my hungry cat. After that, I can change into more comfortable clothes and_____ supper. I always_____ a lot of housework to do in the evening, I_____ the flowers, ____ my flat and ____a shower. Sometimes I____ TV series, skype to my relatives and play hide-and-seek with my cat. At last, I_____ to bed at 12.

So, now you know how I spend my working day.


Exercise 3.2.1 Work in pairs: ask your partner how much time it takes him to …, then make a reply. Change the roles:

1) wake up early in the morning;

2) have breakfast;

3) get to the university;

4) get ready with homework;

5) clean the room;

6) fall asleep.

Example: - How much time does it take you to clean your room?

                - It usually takes me an hour to do it.


Exercise 3.2.2 Match the words (1-10) with the definitions (a-k):

1) brush your teeth;

2) wake up;

3) go home;

4) go to bed;

5) have breakfast;

6) go to school;

7) have a shower;

8) have dinner;

9) get up do;

10) homework.


a) you do this after a long day and just before you fall asleep;

b) You do this in the afternoon when your classes at school have finished;

c) You do this in the morning because it is the most important meal of the day;

d) You do this at the dinner table with your family;

e) You do this to make your body and hair clean;

f) You do this after you wake up;

g) You do this so you can meet your friends and learn new things;

h) You do this after school because your teacher will get angry if you don't;

j) Your dentist will be pleased if you do this twice a day;

k) You do this when your alarm clock goes off in the morning.


Exercise 3.2.3 Write your daily routines. Once you are ready, exchange daily routines with your partner then ask questions to each other.