Павлодар, 2021

7 Kazakhstan and its geographical position

Answer the questions

  1. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan?
  2. Who is head of the state Kazakhstan?
  3. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
  4. What is the state language of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
  5. Who is first cosmonaut of Kazakhstan?
  6. What is the most popular national holiday in Kazakhstan?
  7. What is the national currency of Kazakhstan?


7.1 Read and translate the text



Geographical position

Kazakhstan, officially the Republic of Kazakhstan, has the population of more than 18 million people and territory 2,719,500 sq. km, is situated in central Asia. It borders on Siberian Russia in the north, China in the east, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan in the south, and the Caspian Sea and European Russia in the west. Astana is the capital and Almaty (Alma-Ata) is the largest city. Other major cities include Shymkent, Semey, Aqtobe, and Oskemen. Kazakhstan consists of a vast flatland, bordered by a high mountain belt in the southeast. It extends from the lower Volga and the Caspian Sea in the west to the Altai Mts. in the east. It is largely lowland in the north and west, hilly in the center (Kazakh Hills), and mountainous in the south and east (Tian Shan and Altai ranges). The highest peak in the country is Khan Tengri at 7,013m above sea level. There are many rivers on the territory of Kazakhstan: the river Irtysh is in the east, the Syr Darya is in the southwest, the Ili is in the southwest, the Ural is in the northwest, the Chu and other. Most of the region is desert or has limited and irregular rainfall.


The country is situated far from the oceans. The climate is sharply continental and zone like due to vast territory.

In the north winters are cold and long. As a result of arctic air frosts can reach 40–45 C below zero. There is a little snow but there can be severe snowstorms. The average winter temperature in the north is about -20 C. In the central parts winters are not so cold, but in the south they are mild and warm. Summer is dry: in south it is hot. In the mountains it is short. The summer temperature in the north is about +20 C; in the central parts it is +30 C. In the south it can reach +45 C. It usually rains in the steppes in summer and in the deserts in spring. There is a lot of precipitation in the mountains. It is very windy in all parts of Kazakhstan.

   The population of Kazakhstan consists mainly of Muslim Kazakhs and Russians; there are smaller minorities of Ukrainians, Germans, Uzbeks, and Tatars. Kazakh, a Turkic language, is the official tongue, but Russian is still widely used. Despite Kazakhstan's largely arid conditions, its vast steppes accommodate both livestock and grain production. Wheat, cotton, sugar beets, and tobacco are the main crops. The flora and fauna depend on the climate of the area. The raising of cattle and sheep is also important, and Kazakhstan produces much wool and meat. In addition, there are rich fishing grounds, famous for their caviar-producing sturgeon, in the Caspian, although these have been hurt by overfishing. The Kazakh Hills in the core of the region have important mineral resources. Coal is mined at Qaraghandy and Ekibastuz, and there are major oil fields in the Emba basin. The country's industries are located along the margins of the country. Steel, agricultural and mining machinery, superphosphate fertilizers, phosphorus acids, artificial fibers, synthetic rubber, textiles, and medicines are among the manufactured goods. Temirtau is the iron and steel center. The Baikonur (Bayqongyr) Cosmodrome in central Kazakhstan was the Soviet space-operations center and continues to serve Russian space exploration through an agreement between the two nations. The main trading partners are Russia, China and Kyrgyzstan.


Exercise 7.1.1 Vocabulary:

1) border on – граничить;

2) be situated – быть расположенным;

3) include – включать в себя;

4) flatland – равнина;

5) extend – простираться;

6) lowland – низменность, долина;

7) due to – благодаря, вследствие;

8) precipitation – выпадение осадков;

9) vast – обширный, огромный;

10) sugar beet – сахарная свекла;

11) sturgeon – осётр, осетровые;

12) margin – край, граница, берег;

13) superphosphate fertilizers – суперфосфатные удобрения;

14) phosphorus acid – фосфорная кислота;

15) artificial fibers – искусственные волокна;

16) space exploration – космическое исследование;

17) agreement – соглашение.


Exercise 7.1.2 Complete the sentences:

1) The Republic of Kazakhstan is________ in the Central Asia;

2) Its population is___________;

3) Kazakh is the ____________________ of the country;

4) Kazakhstan ___________ China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia. 5. There is a long border coast on the Caspian Sea in _________;

6) The river Irtysh is in _________, Illi is in __________, Syr-Darya is in _________, and Ural is in__________;

7) The flora and fauna__________on the climate of the area;

8) The climate of the country is ___________;

9) Rain usually _________ in spring and autumn;

10) In spring green grasses and flowers of different colours ________ flat lands and hills.


Answer the following questions


  1. Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?
  2. What countries does Kazakhstan border on?
  3. What is the size of the area of Kazakhstan?
  4. What can you say about the population of the Republic?
  5. What large cities do you know?
  6. What is the official language of the country?

7) What are the main resources of water in the country?

  1. What can you say about the Kazakhstan industry?
  2. What problem does the country suffer?
  3. Does agriculture takes a very important sector in the national economy.
  4. What is growing by the people of the country in the agriculture sector?
  5. When does Kazakhstan celebrate its Independence Day?
  6. How does the climate of Kazakhstan vary?



Exercise 7.1.3 Are these sentences true or false?

1) Kazakhstan is the second largest country of the former Soviet Union. T/F

2) Kazakhstan doesn’t share its border with China. T/F

3) Kazakhstan is a sovereign independent city. T/F

4) The population of Kazakhstan is 16 million. T/F

5) The Caspian Sea is the home of pike perches. T/F

6) The country is rich in mineral recourses. T/F

7) The landscape of Kazakhstan is diverse one. T/F

8) The republic celebrates its Independence Day on the 16th of December. T/F

9) Kazakhstan is a major producer and exporter of agricultural products. T/F

10) The highest peak in the country is Khan Tengri at 6,013m above sea level. T/F

11) In the south, southwest and east of Kazakhstan you can find the Tien Shan, Tarbogatai and Altai mountains. T/F


Exercise 7.1.4 Work in groups. What do you know about regions of Kazakhstan and their administrative centers? Fill in the table, guided by the map:

Administrative center





in the north-east of Kazakhstan




















West Kazakhstan Region









Exercise 7.1.5 Fill in the table with the words below:

Tien Shan, Irtysh, copper, Zaisan, phosphorus ore, tungsten, machine-building, Tarbagatay, power-engineering, wheat, iron, chemical, Syr-Dariya, lead, Ural, salt, Balkash, vegetables, oil, Ili, metallurgy, Altai, Tobol, coal, Ishim, Aral, rice.







Mineral recourses









7.2 Read and translate the text


Political system and government of Kazakhstan


According to the Constitution, adopted at the national referendum on August 30, 1995, the Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary state with a presidential form of government, which has three independent branches: executive, legislative and judicial.

President is the head of the state, elected by a national popular vote. Presidential term is seven years. Current president is Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev.

Executive branch.

Executive power is exercised by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Composition of the Government is formed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Constitution.

Legislative branch

Legislative power is vested in the bicameral parliament. Parliament has two chambers: the Senate and the Majilis. The Senate consists of deputies: two persons from each province, city of national importance and the capital. The Majilis consists of 107 members. A member of the Parliament cannot be simultaneously a member of both chambers. The term of office of the Senate members is 6 years; the term of office of the Majilis members is 5 years.

Judicial branch

Judicial power is vested in the Constitutional Court and the system of local courts. Courts of the Republic are the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, local courts and other courts of the Republic, established by the legislation.

The administrative divisions

Kazakhstan is divided into 14 provinces: Akmola province, Aktobe province, Almaty province, Atyrau province, East Kazakhstan province, Zhambyl province, West Kazakhstan province, Karagandy province, Kostanay province, Kyzylorda province, Mangystau province, Pavlodar province, North Kazakhstan province, South Kazakhstan province.

The capital city is Nursultan and Almaty has the status of the state importance. These cities do not relate to any province. Baikonur city has a special status.

Local authority

An akimat is a residential executive body in Kazakhstan. The akim is the head of the akimat and represents the President and the Government of the Republic in the province.


Reference [11]


Exercise 7.2.1 Complete the sentences:

1) The Constitution was adopted at … on August 30, 1995. 

2) The Republic of Kazakhstan is a … state with a … form of  government. 

3) The government has three independent branches: …,  … and ....

4) … is the head of … and represents the President and the Government in the province.

5) … power is exercised by the Government of the Republic of  Kazakhstan. 

6) Composition of the Government is formed by … in accordance with the Constitution. 

7) … power is vested in the bicameral parliament. 

8) Parliament has two chambers: … and ….

9) … consists of 107 members. 

10) A member of the Parliament cannot be simultaneously a … of both chambers. 

11) The … of the Senate members is six years; the … of the Majilis members is five years.

12) … power is vested in the Constitutional Court and a system of  local courts. 

13) Courts of the Republic are the … Court of the Republic, … courts and other courts of the Republic, established by the ….

14) Kazakhstan … into 14 provinces. 

15) … and … do not relate to any province. 

16) … is a regional executive body in Kazakhstan. 


Answer the questions

  1. When was the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted?
  2. What kind of state is the Republic of Kazakhstan?
  3. What kind of Government does Kazakhstan have?
  4. Who is the head of state on Kazakhstan?
  5. How long is his term of office?
  6. What power does Government exercise?
  7. Who forms the composition of the Government?
  8. How many deputies does the higher chamber have?
  9. How many deputies does the lower chamber have?
  10. Can a member of the Parliament be simultaneously the member of both chambers?
  11. How long are the terms of office of a senator / a majilisman?
  12. What is the judicial power vested in?
  13. What are administrative division units in Kazakhstan?
  14. What city has a special status?
  15. What status does Almaty have?
  16. What is an akimat?
  17. What is the akim responsible for?


Exercise 7.2.2 Match the terms (11) with their definitions (a-l):

1) constitution;

2) referendum;

3) unitary state;

4) term of office;

5) bicameral parliament;

6) province;

7) court;

8) legislative power;

9) executive power;

10) judicial power;

11) akimat.

a) the branch of government which executes and enforces law;

b) regional executive authority in Kazakhstan, district state administration in Kazakhstan;

c) a system of government in which the legislature comprises two houses;

d) place where legal matters are decided by a judge and jury or by a magistrate;

e) a state governed as a single entity in which the central government is ultimately supreme;

f) the branch of government which is charged with declaration of what law is and its construction;

g) the term during which some position is held;

h) the branch of government which makes laws for a political entity such as a country or city;

j) the highest law;

k) an administrative division within a country or state;

l) a vote in which all the people in a country are asked to give their opinion about an important political or social question.