Павлодар, 2021

8 Travelling

8.1 Warming up. Discuss the following questions in group:

1) What is the most convenient way of travelling? Which form of transport do you prefer?

2) Which is the quickest way of traveling?

3) What countries have you already been to?

4) What countries you haven’t travelled yet?

5) What country would you like to visit most of all? Why?


Exercise 8.1.1 Match the definitions (a–f) with the vocabulary (1–6):

1) …… polluted;

2) …… noodles;

3) …… alternative;

4) …… authentic;

5) …… express;

6) …… a stand.


a) real or normal for a place, not specially for tourists;

b) dirty from traffic or chemicals;

c) fast;

d) another way to do something;

e) a table where food or other things are sold in a market;

f) a long, thin food made from flour, water and eggs.


8.2 Read a travel guide about Bangkok

A travel guide Whether you’re travelling to the islands or the mountains of Thailand, you’re likely to spend at least one night in its capital city on the way. Bangkok might be noisy and polluted but it’s also an exciting city with plenty of things to see and do. Why not make it a longer stay?

Where to stay

The Khao San Road was a famous traveller spot even before Leonardo di Caprio’s character in the film The Beach stayed there. But it’s noisy, not very pretty and not very Thai. For something more authentic, Phra Kanong offers an alternative place to stay, with its fantastic street markets where everyday Bangkok people eat, work and live. It’s not as convenient for the main tourist sites, but it has a Skytrain station so you can be at the Grand Palace in 20 minutes.

How to get around

Bangkok’s traffic can be a nightmare. Sure, you can easily take a taxi – if you want to spend hours stuck in traffic jams – but there are two much better ways to get around the city. To explore the temples and historical sites, catch an express boat river taxi or a longtail boat along the Chao Phraya river and the canals. For the modern part of the city, the Skytrain is a fast, cheap way to travel from the river to the shopping malls and nightlife of Sukhumvit, and the famous Chatuchak street market.

Where to eat

The simple answer is: everywhere! Thai street food is among the best in the world, and for around $5 you can eat a filling and delicious meal. Some food stands have little plastic seats where you can sit and eat and they cook the same dish over and over, like fried chicken on rice or Pad Thai noodles. Head for Chinatown – Yaowarat Street – and choose whatever looks most interesting from the many excellent Chinese and Thai restaurants and food stands.

What to do

After you’ve seen the main sites like the Giant Buddha at the temple of Wat Pho and the spectacular Grand Palace, and shopped at Chatuchak market, check out the snake farm and watch the live snake show. You can even touch a snake yourself if you want to!


Reference [13]


Exercise 8.2.1 Vocabulary:

1) trip – поездка;

2) journey – путешествие;

3) route – маршрут;

4) destination – место назначения;

5) round the world tour – кругосветное путешествие;

6) go on a trip (journey, tour) to… – отправиться в поездку (путешествие, тур);

7) afford – позволить себе;

8) take ages to get to – требуется вечность, чтобы добраться;

9) airport – аэропорт (at the airport);

10) railway station – вокзал (at the station);

11) bus stop – автобусная остановка;

12) arrive at – прибыть в небольшой город (место: arrive at the airport, arrive at the station);

13) take a bus (a taxi) – сесть на автобус (такси);

14) get on a bus (a plane) – сесть на автобус  (самолет);

15) get off a bus (a plane) – сойти с автобуса (самолета);

16) luggage – багаж;

17) pack the luggage – упаковать багаж;

18) carry the bags (the luggage) – нести сумки (багаж);

19) plane ticket – билет на самолет;

20) travel abroad by plane – путешествовать за границу;

21) last for … days (weeks)  – длиться;

22) tourist attractions – достопримечательности;

23) attract attention – привлекать внимание;

24) it is necessary to have – необходимо иметь;

25) insurance – страховка;

26) foreign currency – иностранная валюта;

27) visa – виза;

28) buy plane tickets  – покупать билеты на самолет;

29) beforehand – заранее;

30) check in – регистрация;

31) check-in desk – стойка регистрации;

32) to check in – зарегистрироваться;

33) to get the boarding pass – получить посадочный талон;

34) flight – рейс;

35) be delayed – задерживаться;

36) be announced  – объявляется;

37) arrival – прибытие;

38) departure – отправление;

39) luggage – багаж;

40) hand luggage – ручная кладь;

41) to weigh the luggage – взвесить багаж

42) passport control – паспортный контроль

43) to fill in the declaration form – заполнить декларацию

44) valuable things – ценные вещи

45) customs – таможенный контроль

46) to get through customs – пройти таможенный контроль

47) to board the plane –сесть на самолет

48) boarding pass – посадочный талон

49) to take off – взлететь


Exercise 8.2.2 Using information from the text match the Bangkok landmarks and places with the descriptions:


Wat Pho                            Khao San Road                                                           

Yaowarat Street                Phra Kanong                                               Chao Phraya                         Sukhumvit

1) ……………… a place that you might see in the film The Beach;

2) ……………… a place where local Thai people go;

3) ……………… an alternative route through the city;

4) ……………… a place to go for shopping and bars;

5) ……………… a place to go for food;

6) ……………… an important sightseeing spot;


Exercise 8.2.3 Are the sentences true or false?

1) One night is enough time to see Bangkok. T/F

2) Khao San Road is an authentic Thai area of the city. T/F

3) Phra Kanong is further away from the main tourist sites than Khao San. T/F

Road is. T/F

4) The river boat taxis often get stuck in traffic too. T/F

5) Taking the Skytrain is a faster way to see the city than going by taxi. T/F

6) You need to choose where to eat carefully, as not everywhere is good. T/F






8.3 Read the text about the things that air passengers often complain about and come up with the most suitable heading.


What do air travelers find the most annoying?


A recent survey shows that the experience of taking a plane is often not a pleasant one. Here are the top complaints.

Uncomfortable seats

Often, there’s very little room for your legs, and then the person in front of you decides to move his or her seat back. It’s no surprise that 58% of passengers prefer the aisle seat, which offers a little more legroom, at least for one leg. Many passengers aren’t prepared to pay more for the seat upgrade to a more comfortable part of the plane.

Additional costs

Passengers are particularly annoyed about airline charges. Twenty years ago, you paid for your flight and everything was included. Today, baggage allowances are lower, and some airlines make you pay even for the first suitcase. Passengers often try to put everything in one small bag to take on the plane with them. However, some airlines now have weight restrictions which limit hand baggage to 8 kg or less. And you want to choose your seat, or have a drink and something to eat on the plane, you may have to pay again.

Long waits at the airport

Even though airline passengers know that security scans are necessary, they would like more machines and employees to check their luggage more quickly. They also know that it is often bad weather or technical problems that cause a delayed flight. But they still complain about missed connections when their first flight arrives too late for the next one.

Other passengers

The biggest complaint here is about noisy children. Maybe you can avoid waiting in line with a screaming baby if you use the airline’s self-service check-in to get your boarding pass. But there’s nothing you can do if you find that the same baby and its parents are occupying the seats next to you on the plane.


Reference [1]


Exercise 8.3.1 Vocabulary:

1) aisle seat – место в проходе салона самолета

2) seat upgrade – повышение класса обслуживания

3) airline charges – авиационные сборы, расценки, платежи

4) baggage allowances – норма провоза багажа

5) weight restrictions – ограничения по весу

6) hand baggage – ручная  кладь

7) security scans – досмотр

8) delayed flight – задержанный рейс

9) self-service check-in – самостоятельная регистрация

10) missed connections – несостоявшаяся стыковка


Answer the questions


  1. What are the most popular things passengers complain about?
  2. What has changed in airline charges within twenty years?
  3. Why are security scans so necessary?
  4. What can cause a delayed flight?
  5. Do you agree that screaming children is a big problem as many travelers think?
  6. Which aspects of air travel do you find the most annoying? What about other forms of travel?


Exercise 8.3.2 Match the vocabulary (a-k) with definitions 1-10:


1) the reason it’s not possible to take a heavy bag;

2) a change to a more expensive seat;

3) when your plane is late leaving;

4) you might sit here to have a little more space;

5) bags that you put above or under your seat;

6) when you get your flight document from a machine;

7) the maximum number of suitcases you can take;

8) when you pay more for services before or during your flight;

9) they do this at airports to protect passengers;

10) when your second plane leaves before the first one arrives.

a) aisle seat;

b) seat upgrade;

c) airline charges;

d) baggage allowances;

e) weight restrictions;

f) hand baggage;

g) security scans;

h) delayed flight;

j) self-service check-in;

k) missed connections.


Exercise 8.3.3 Cross the word in each group that can’t combine with the word in bold. Then compare your answer with a partner:

1) middle / hand / window                         seat

2) online / priority / passport                     check-in

3) free / First Class / electronic                  upgrade

4) excess / hold / seat                                 baggage

5) connecting / airport / cancelled              flight

6) additional / delayed / extra                     charges


Exercise 8.3.4 Discuss in pairs. What travel problems might these people have? What would the consequences be? 

1) A business traveler flying to an important meeting;

2) A family of four with two children leaving for a 2-week holiday;

3) A student flying abroad for a 9-month placement.


Exercise 8.3.5 Open the source https://www.instagram.com/englishwithronia/, watch the video «At the airport» and answer the questions:

1) What is «check-in»?

2) What questions can be asked at check-in?

3) How do passengers usually go through customs?

4) What is «boarding pass»?

5) When are passengers directed to go through customs?

6) What is «carry-on»?


Exercise 8.3.6 Discuss in pairs: imagine that you want to take a trip around the world. You are leaving your hometown anywhere in the world. Tell us about your route and means of transport that you intend to use. Use the following constructions:

1) I am planning to go to …;

2) I am going to to travel…;

3) I will … .


8.4 Read the text and make the exercises below.

The scientific and technological progress of the 20th century has allowed people to overcome time and distance, to cover in a blink of an eye the vast expanse of our planet. The whole world is open now. The limitations of former times have ceased to exist.

Modern life is impossible without travelling. Most of us in big cities begin every day with travelling to our schools, offices and factories. For some people it is quite a trip to get from home to work. They go by underground, they change to a bus or they take a taxi. From time to time we have to go to another city or country on business. Then after a year's work people go on holiday and they do not like to spend it at home.

Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places or just for a change of scene. It is always interesting to discover new things, to see different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms.

Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or on the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and lie in the sun.

People who wish to travel either for pleasure or on business have at their disposal various means of transport. If you want to get somewhere as quickly as possible the best way is to travel by plane. It is better to book tickets in advance. On the appointed day you go to airport by car. Soon you'll be boarding the big airliner and it will carry you to new lands. When on the plane you may look around. In front of you in the cockpit you'll see the pilot and his crew. Some of the passengers are already reclining in comfortable armchairs. There is a kitchen in the rear part of the plane where the stewardesses are preparing the meals. Presently we take off and in a few minutes the pilot informs us of the altitude. Sometimes it is possible to see land. It is like a geographical map. Our plane is due to arrive in eight hours. The time passes quickly. The plane arrives at the airport on time.

Travelling by train is slower than by plane but it has its advantages. When on the train you can always see the countryside around you, so you are not simply travelling, but your holidays have already begun. To have a good trip by train you must book the tickets in advance. When the day of your departure comes, you go to the railway station, which is usually closer to your home than the airport. The porter helps you with your luggage. You go to your carriage and find out if you have a lower or upper berth in your compartment. Each compartment has its own window, a place for your suitcases and, of course, four berths.

Travelling by sea is mostly for those who are going on holiday and want a pleasant voyage. On board of a large cruise ship people traverse oceans and visit other countries. The ship stops for a day or two in different ports and people go ashore on excursions. Crossing the ocean is a magnificent and very long voyage, with enormous waves before you and a 4-deck liner under you.

Many people prefer travelling by car. This way you can explore the nearby towns and cities. The greatest advantage is that you can stop whenever you like and that you are not bound by any schedule. You start from your own front door and take any road you like.

Coach tours are not expensive and very popular. There is a chance to do a lot of sightseeing and have a good rest at the same time.

 One of the cheapest and the most popular ways of travelling is hiking. It is always a great experience for a lover of nature.

Suggest the Russian for:

to go ashore on excursions; to book tickets in advance; departure; it is possible; the railway station; pleasant voyage; in your compartment; a lower or upper berth; to travel for pleasure; a lover of nature; due to; coach tours; sightseeing; to have a good rest; whenever you like; people traverse oceans; in different ports; a magnificent voyage; with enormous waves; a 4-deck liner; you are not bound any schedule; all over the world; the ruins of ancient towns; for a change of scene; to enjoy picturesque places; at their disposal; to discover new things; in advance; to try different food; to listen to; art galleries; exotic restaurants; city dwellers; a quiet holiday by the sea; on the mountains; lie in the sun; to have travelling by sea; as quickly as possible; the best way; on the appointed day; boarding the big airliner; to look around; in front of you; in the cockpit; passenger; pilot; crew; to recline; on board of a large cruise ship: a great experience.

Suggest the English for:

Время и расстояние; в мгновение ока; ограничения; метро; пересаживаются на автобус; во всем мире; современные города и руины; живописные пейзажи; отпуск на море; путешествовать самолетом; заказать билеты заранее; в назначенный день; вскоре; оглядеться вокруг себя; откинуться; наконец мы взлетаем; предпочитать; достопримечательности; пеший туризм; приятное путешествие; носильщик; багаж; океан; порт; гигантские волны; четырех палубный лайнер; расписание; вовремя.


Reference [3]


Exercise 8.4.1 Guess the meaning of the words and word combinations in italics and translate the whole sentence:

1) They travel to enjoy picturesque places or just for a change of scene;

2) It is always interesting to discover new things, to see different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms;

3) City dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or on the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and lie in the sun;

4) People who wish to travel either for pleasure or on business have at their disposal various means of transport. 5. It is better to book.


Exercise 8.4.2 Translate into English:

1) Теперь весь мир открыт. 2. Современная жизнь невозможна без путешествий;

3) Они пересаживаются на автобус или берут такси;

4) Им не нравиться проводить отпуск дома;

5) Миллионы людей во всем проводят отпуск путешествуя;

6) Городским жителям обычно нравится спокойный отпуск на море или в горах;

7) Вскоре вы сядете в большой авиалайнер, и он отнесет вас к новым землям;

8) Пассажиры могут откинуться в удобных креслах;

9) Сидя в самолете вы можете оглядеться вокруг себя;

10) Люди совершают путешествия чтобы увидеть другие страны и континенты, другие города или просто рады перемены обстановки;

11) Всегда интересно встречать новых людей, открывать для себя что-то новое.


Exercise 8.4.3 Read and translate the text:


Surfing capital of the world

Any sunny day on the coast of Australia, you can see hundreds of young people going to the beach. They all share Australia’s national passion-surfing. ”My friends and I usually go down to the beach before  breakfast in the summer”, says 19-year-old Jim Wolfe, ”and come home again for dinner!”. At weekends it is quite normal to drive hundreds of kilometers to find that “perfect wave”. But in Sydney, the biggest city in Australia, you don’t have that problem there are thirty-four beaches close to the city center!

The music of the people

The most popular dance of Brazil, samba, is often called “the music of the people”. In the 1960s and 1970s people turned to US-style pop music, but these days’ samba is back again. There are different versions of samba: some that people dance in their villages, others that they practice specially to dance at Carnival. In Rio thousands of people go to samba schools, typically on a Saturday night-to dance, to learn or just to watch. Thirty-year-old Ana Rita goes every week with her husband “just because it’s fun! Everybody loves to dance, and it’s a great way to meet people!”

A day in the “banya”

If you are happy to take a bath in public, then a Russian banya or bath house, is the place for you. Russians of all types meet there at any time of day. They go there to relax, to talk to their friends or even to discuss business. ”It doesn’t matter if you are old or young, fat or thin. Nobody cares, nobody looks at you. It’s a wonderful place!” says 24-year-old Masha, a student from St. Petersburg. There are cold baths, as well as a hot room where the temperature can reach forty-three degrees.


Vienna, or Wien in German, is the capital of Austria. It stands on the bank of the river  Danube and is the gateway between east and west Europe. Its music, theatre, museums and parks make it a popular tourist center. It has a population of over 1,500,000.

Vienna has a rich history. Its university opened in 1365, and is one of the oldest in Europe. From 1558 to 1806 it was the center of the Holy Roman Empire and it became an important cultural center for art and learning for 18th and 19th centuries. The famous psychiatrist, Sigmund Freud, lived and worked there.

Vienna was the music capital of the world for many centuries. Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert, and the Strauss family all came to work here. It is now the home of one of the world’s most famous orchestras, the Vienna Philharmonic. Its State Opera House is also world famous.


Liverpool is Britain’s second biggest port after London. It stands on the banks of the River Mersey in north-west England. It is an important passenger port for travel to Ireland and many Irish immigrants live there. It has a population of nearly 500,000.

King John named Liverpool in 1207.The city grew bigger in the 18th century, when it became an important trade center for sugar, spices and slaves Between Africa, Britain, the Americas, and the West Indies.

Liverpool’s most famous musicians are the Beatles. In the 1960s this British rock group was popular all over the world. They had thirty top 10 hits. They were all born  in Liverpool and started the group there in 1959.They first played at night club called Cavern and then traveled the world. Many tourists visit Liverpool to see the homes of the Beatles.


Reference [3]


Exercise 8.4.4 Discuss these them:

1) Tell what you have known about these countries.

2) Ask and answer the questions according to the texts above.

3) What do you know about places you can have a rest in Kazakhstan? Check yourself and compare your answers with the partner.

1) constitution;

2) referendum;

3) unitary state;

4) term of office;

5) bicameral parliament;

6) province;

7) court;

8) legislative power;

9) executive power;

10) judicial power;

11) akimat.

a) the branch of government which executes and enforces law;

b) regional executive authority in Kazakhstan, district state administration in Kazakhstan;

c) a system of government in which the legislature comprises two houses;

d) place where legal matters are decided by a judge and jury or by a magistrate;

e) a state governed as a single entity in which the central government is ultimately supreme;

f) the branch of government which is charged with declaration of what law is and its construction;

g) the term during which some position is held;

h) the branch of government which makes laws for a political entity such as a country or city;

j) the highest law;

k) an administrative division within a country or state;

l) a vote in which all the people in a country are asked to give their opinion about an important political or social question.