Unit 3

Gadget of the XXI century

1.Warm-up activity

Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the word “gadget”.

2.Pre-reading task

  1. What gargets of the XXI century can you name?
  2. How useful are they?


Google is planning to release a “fully polished” version of the smart eyeglasses for consumers before the end of the year, according to The Verge’s Josh Topolsky, who was able to extensively test out the gadget recently. Google also indicated that it would cost less than the $1,500 price tag that developers and creative types can spend to get an advanced version and that its pricing would be more in line with a new top-model smart phone.

Google Glass does many of the same things you do with your smart phone, such as snapping pictures, recording video, displaying augmented reality user interfaces (such as driving directions) and communicating with others. Also, the device can connect with your smart phone’s (iPhone or Android) cellular data network via Bluetooth, so you can stay connected anywhere. Previously, some speculated that Google Glass would only work with smart phones running Google’s native operating system, Android, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. At least according to The Verge’s report.

The tentative consumer release time frame for Google Glass is sooner than the general product launch timeline stated by Google cofounder Sergey Brin last summer. Obviously, Google is aggressively pursuing its goal of being the first major manufacturer to get into the wearable computing gadget market, especially since rivals Microsoft and Apple are also rumored to be working on a product of their own.


Source: http://venturebeat.com


4.Vocabulary work

Synonym match. Match the following synonyms from the article:

1. smart

a. sizable

2. consumer

b. preliminary

3. gadget

c. purchaser

4. extensive

d. bright

5. augment

e. gossip

6. speculate

f. opponent

7. tentative

g. hypothesize

8. display

h. appliance

9. rival

i. show

10. rumor

j. increase


  1. Free writing

Write about advantages and disadvantages of modern gadgets.


  1. Diagram

Compare Google Glass with different gadgets. Write down the differences and similarities of these technologies.