Unit 5

Ten Things to Do Before You Graduate

  1. Warm-up activity

Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the word “university”.


  1. Pre-listening task
  2. What the video will be about?
  3. What interesting facts do you know about your university?


  1. Listening

Watch the video, listen to the information and answer the questions.


Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/universityeducation/student-life/10070315/Ten-things-to-do-before-you-graduate.html


Comprehension questions:

  1. What pieces of advice do you remember?
  2. How do you understand the phrase “Get a 0% interest student overdraft”?
  3. Do you have any courses at your university where you can gain a skill for free?
  4. Have you ever painted yourself blue (red, green etc.)? Why?/Why not?
  5. Which things in the list are helpful and which of them are ridiculous? Will you follow them?


  1. Put the words in the right order


  1. full card use of it student Make before your expires


  1. all-student performance Go an to


  1. unlikely an Give a shot relationship


  1. interest overdraft a student 0% Get



  1. Speaking

What do you think? Give your opinion using the following expressions.


  1. What world’s top universities do you know?
  2. Have ever heard about Ivy League?
  3. What advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad can you name?
  4. Are you happy to study at your university?
  5. What will you miss about your university after graduation?