Unit 7

United Nations Asks Us to Eat Insects

1.Pre-reading task

  1. What sort of insects is edible?
  2. What cultures are adding insects to their every day


  1. What do you imagine insects taste like?


  1. Reading

A new United Nations report says that we should all eat insects. The report is from the U.N. Food and Agriculture organization. It is called “Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security”. The U.N. says it is important we eat insects to help the Earth. It gave three reasons why we should be adding insects to our diet. The first is they are good for our health. “Insects are healthy, nutritious alternatives to mainstream staples such as chicken, pork, beef, and even fish”. The second reason is they are better for the environment that breeding cows, sheep, and other animals. Finally, “insect farming” would help millions of poor families around the world eat and start a small business.

Many cultures already include insects in their diet. The report says: “Many people around the world eat insects out of choice, largely because of the tastiness. More than 1,900 species have reportedly been used as food”. However, most people in Western or “developed” countries think the idea of eating insects is disgusting. The report says governments need to educate Westerners about the benefits of eating bugs so they get over the “disgust factor”. Ento, a company in London that sells insect-based food, said it is difficult to get people to eat creepy-crawlies. It told the “New Scientist” magazine: “On paper, insects are fantastic, but on a plate most people won’t touch them”.


Source: https://www.fao.org/edible-insects/84787/en/


  1. According to this article, are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?

1. A new UNESCO report says that we should all eat insects.


2. The report is called “Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security”


3. The U.N. says it is important we eat insects to help business


4. There are two main reasons why we should be adding insects to our diet


5. Many cultures already include insects in their diet


6. Westerners cannot get over the “disgust factor”


7. Unfortunately, there are no companies that sell insect-based food



  1. Vocabulary work

Match the words and definitions.


1. insect

a. nourishing

2. diet

b. stomach-turning

3. nutritious

c. available as another choice

4. alternative

d. creepy-crawly

5. prospect

e. safety

6. security

f. eating habits

7. benefit

g. advantage

8. disgusting

h. expert

9. scientist

i. farming

10. agriculture

j. expectation


  1. Speaking

Complete the table and record your answer using the following link http://www.vocaroo.com



Disgusting (10 - very / 0 – not at all)






















Sheep’s brain







