Unit 9

The Louvre is Most Visited Art Gallery

  1. Warm-up activity

Spend several minutes drawing any famous picture you remember. Show your masterpiece to somebody if he/she guesses.


 2.Pre-listening task

  1. What famous museums in the world do you know?
  2. What do you know about the Louvre?
  3. Launch virtual tour to the Louvre by clicking to



The KWL chart. Fill in the table by pooling your knowledge of the tour.



  1. Listen to the tape script and answer are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?

1. The Louvre attracted more than 9 million visitors


2. Newsletter conducts survey of galleries every year


3. London museums are in top five in the survey


4. The most popular exhibition of the year was the Dutch Old Masters


5. Traditional art is popular in Europe


6. Japanese exhibition drew over 14,000 visitors a day


7. The Louvre opened its new wing dedicated to Islamic art.



Source: http://www.globalpost.com 



  1. Vocabulary work. Synonym match. Match the following synonyms from the article


1. to top

a. to devote


b. place

3. venue

c. up to date

4. to boost

d. to control

5. to dedicate

e. to lead


f. yearly

7.to dominate

g. to revere


h. to increase

9. ambitious

i. making good progress

10. to venerate

j. aspiring


  1. What do you think? Record your 2-3 minutes answer using the following link http://www.vocaroo.com


  1. What is your favorite genre of art?
  2. How often do you visit art galleries?
  3. Name the most popular artists?
  4. Do you prefer traditional art or modern art?


  1. Grammar Spot. Active and passive.

Meaning and use

In English, we can express sentences in two different ways: active voice and passive voice.

The active voice is used when the focus is on the subject (or agent) of the main verb. This is the person or thing doing the verb.

Millions of people use the Internet every day.

Only six students passed the test.


The passive voice is used when the person or the thing affected by the main verb becomes the focus.

The internet is used by millions of people every day.

The test was passed by only six students.

The passive is often used when the person or thing doing the verb is not important, unknown, or obvious. In this case, we may leave them out completely.

The solution was heated to 100 degrees. (agent is unimportant)

My bike was stolen last Thursday. (identity of agent is unknown)


The active voice is made with subject + main verb + object.

Bees make honey.

James Cameron directed Titanic.


The passive voice is made with subject + to be + past participle + by + object.


Honey is made by bees.

Titanic was directed by James Cameron.


We make the negative passive with subject + negative of to be + past participle + by + object.

Honey is not made by wasps.

Titanic wasn’t directed by George Lucas.


Source: https://www.bbc.com/learningenglish/english/intermediate-grammar-guide