An essay is a group of paragraphs written about a single topic and a central main idea. It must have at least three paragraphs but a five-paragraph essay is a common length for academic writing.
The structure of an essay
Three main parts of an essay:
the first paragraph explain thesis statement last sentence
explains the topic supports main idea summarizes thesis
has a thesis statement between introduction and conclusion supports ideas
expresses main idea
Task. Label the three parts of the essay: introduction, main body paragraphs, and conclusion.
Problems in the Paradise of Metropolitan City
Metropolitan City is full of charm and scenic beauty, so visitors from around the world come to enjoy its famous theaters, museums, countless ethnic restaurants, and scenic wonders. The city may sound like a paradise, but it is not, because the city has several serious problems. These include a poor public transportation system, congested streets, and expensive housing.
The first and most important problem for the city is Metropolitan’s inadequate public transportation system. Thousands of residents rely on the city’s buses and streetcars to travel throughout this large city, but Metro Transportation System’s daily schedules are totally unreliable. A bus or streetcar that should arrive at 7:45 a.m. may not arrive until 8 o’clock or even later. Sometimes three buses or streetcars will arrive in bunches, one after another. Moreover, it is not unusual for a bus driver or a streetcar conductor to pass up groups of people anxiously waiting in the snow in freezing weather because he or she is behind schedule and wants to make up for lost time. Unfortunately, passengers become unhappy victims of the waiting game as they are forced to be late for work or to miss important appointments. For instance, one student reports that she waited so long in below-zero weather that she caught a bad cold and ended up in bed for a week. Another student reports that on the day of his psychology final, the streetcar was 30 minutes late, and he had to beg the professor to allow him to make up the exam at another time. To get to their destination on time, people must allow for extra waiting time at the bus and streetcar stops.
The second serious problem is the extremely congested condition of the city streets. There are simply too many cars everywhere. In addition, the businesses of the city require deliveries, often by large trucks that have no space to park other than the street, where they block other vehicles. Besides the heavy traffic caused by in-city residents and businesses, many commuters drive on the freeways and bridges leading into the city from the suburbs; city statistics show that more than 500,000 cars a day move between the suburbs and the city. These, added to the existing in-city traffic, cause even greater traffic jams. To clear up congested streets, city officials want city residents to leave their cars at home and use public transportation. They have also pleaded with out-of-towners to use the transit systems that feed into this huge metropolis. However, their pleas have received no response because even suburban residents mistrust the city’s public transportation; furthermore, suburbanites like the convenience of driving, with the freedom to come and go as they please, rather than waiting on the sometimes uncertain schedules of the transit system.
In addition to transportation-related problems, the lack of reasonably priced housing in Metropolitan City is a significant issue. This city is fascinating; in particular, its amenities offer an exciting lifestyle for young, ambitious business and professional people. Further, immigrants are attracted to this city because it offers so many unskilled job opportunities. All of these would-be residents need affordable rentals such as apartments, flats, and single-family houses. Unfortunately, because there is a tremendous shortage of rental units, rents have skyrocketed. So people are leaving the city. In the past year alone, the average rent on a 3-bedroom apartment in the center city area has risen 75 percent (“Housing”). For example, Kathleen and Suzy’s rent for a 2-bedroom flat was recently raised from $1500 to $2100 per month. As a result, Suzy moved to Vallejo, where she teaches. Kathleen has since been looking for a studio apartment and, so far, has found that the rents range from $1200 to $1650 per month, depending on location, even for such a small unit.
In conclusion, Metropolitan City must improve its public transit system, clear up the massive traffic jams caused by congestion in the downtown areas, and keep rentals down to affordable levels. That is, Metropolitan City must improve its image, or it will soon become just another mediocre city as a result of the administration’s unwillingness to take responsibility for solving these unfortunate problems.
Thesis statements
What is a thesis statement?
The thesis statement is the statement that tells the main idea of the whole essay. It can be compared to the topic sentence, which gives the main idea of the whole essay. It can be compared to a topic sentence, which gives the main idea of a paragraph. It usually comes at or near the end of the introductory paragraph. The thesis statement sums up your whole essay and states its purpose. Nearly all college writing sets out to persuade the reader of an idea: that idea is the thesis you are presenting.
Task. Look at the essay above. Underline the thesis statement.
Sometimes you know exactly what you want to show the reader, the point you want to make. In that case, you should line up your evidence and your reasoning. What do you need to explain to make your point understandable? What arguments might be used against your point? How would you respond to them?
Be prepared to revise your thesis. As you present evidence, you may discover that your original formulation is not exactly what you mean or that you need to modify it to be more truthful. Go back and build your essay toward your new, more accurate thesis.
When You Don’t Know Your Thesis
Often you have a general topic, but no point you are trying to prove. Three questions might be helpful:
1) What do I find important about this topic?
2) What do my examples prove?
3) What have I read or heard that I disagree with?
Based on these questions, write a hypothesis – a preliminary thesis. Then go ahead and write a draft of your paper. Frequently, you discover what all the details mean only after you’ve written them out and examined them. In the process of writing, you will clarify just what you want the paper to show and can then rewrite it, cutting out ideas that no longer fit and strengthening the support for your real thesis.
Phrasing Your Thesis
Most college papers state the thesis in a single sentence. (Occasionally, the thesis requires two sentences.) Your thesis sentence should not simply state the general topic or the parts of your paper. You need to take a stand – state a position you intend to prove.
The seeds of World War II were sown at the end of World War I.
Misreading the patient’s symptoms can lead to disaster, even death.
Jazz is a metaphor for the American experience.
When shopping malls replaced downtown stores, the economy of inner cities declined.
The cell phone has changed the style and content of communications: in the business world, in families, and even in foreign relations.
As you write your paper, keep improving your thesis statement by narrowing it, making it more specific, more accurate.
Where to State Your Thesis
Feature your thesis where it will have the most impact. In most college essays, state your thesis in a sentence or two near the beginning of the essay – in either the first of second paragraph.
Here are five approaches to positioning your thesis sentence:
When the thesis is not at the beginning of your paper, make sure that the phrasing is particularly sharp and clear. Don’t bury your thesis!
Here are some examples of thesis statements that, as originally written, do not meet the guidelines for a good thesis. Notice how each revision makes the subject clear, introduces the controlling idea, uses specific language, and maintains a reasonable tone.
Table 4.1 – Good vs. Bad Theses
The Bad… |
The Good… |
There are unstated standards of beauty in the workplace. Problem: Neutral, with no suggestion of the writer’s position. |
The way we look affects the way we are treated at work and the size of our paychecks. |
This paper is about violence on TV. Problem: Too broad, and it makes an announcement. |
Television violence has to take its share of blame for the violence in our society. |
Plessy v. Ferguson, a Supreme Court case that supported racial segregation, was overturned in 1954 by Brown v. Board of Education. Problem: A fact, which is not arguable at all. |
The overturning of Plessy v. Ferguson by Brown v. Board of Education has not led to significant advances in integrated education.
Bilingual education has advantages and disadvantages. Problem: a truism (statement that is obviously true). |
A bilingual program is more effective than an immersion program at helping students grasp the basics of science and mathematics. |
Racism is the worst kind of prejudice. Problem: a personal or religious conviction that cannot be logically debated. |
The best weapon against racism is primary and secondary education. |
I think water-skiing is a dumb sport. Problem: an opinion based only on feeling. |
Water-skiing should be banned from public beaches. |
Women understand housework. Problem: a sweeping generalization. |
The publication of a lengthy guide to housekeeping and its success among both men and women suggests a renewed interest in the domestic arts. |
Task. In these three introductory paragraphs underline the thesis statement.
Paragraph 1. Obviously, for any parents there is nothing more important than their children's schooling. The first thing to choose from is to send the child to a state school or a private school. State schools do not charge fee as they are funded by the government while private schools charge a considerable amount of fee to cover their expenses. Before deciding whether to send the child to a state or private school, parents should learn the differences between these two types of schools and the aftereffects of their choice on the child's future.
Paragraph 2. Nutty Bars, Cosmic Brownies, Swiss Cake Rolls and Zebra Cakes. Rows and rows of brightly packaged cookies, cakes and crackers ensure there is a treat to tempt every taste. Unfortunately, this display is not located in the snack aisle of the grocery store. It is the snack line at your local school and the line for these sugary delights surpasses the regular lunch line. It is clear that providing students access to unhealthy snacks during lunchtime is a mistake because it sends the wrong message, it has a harmful impact on student health, and it negatively affects student concentration and learning.
Paragraph 3. These days, the amount of violence in media is growing. While some people argue that this trend will undoubtedly lead humans to dangerous future, others claim that it has no damaging effect on the society. I believe that in most cases media violence doesn not affect people's behavior.
Task. Following are preliminary notes that a student took in preparation for an essay about options for walking tours of Sydney, Australia.
Walking in Sydney:
- temperate climate;
- natural beauty;
- ideal city for walking.
- capture a view of the essential Sydney;
- paths trace headlands and inlets around Watsons Bay;
- invigorating cliff-top walk at Bondi;
- glimpses of the original landscape in Manly's unspoiled bush land;
- explore narrow streets of historic Balmain;
Facilities en route:
- scenic rest areas;
- picnic spots;
- cafes and restaurants;
Choose the better draft thesis statement based on the notes:
1) Sydney is a great city for walking because there is so much to see and do there;
2) Sydney's temperate climate, natural beauty, and many route options make it an ideal city for walking;
3) Scenic rest areas, picnic spots, cafés, and restaurants are features of walks in Sydney;
4) Sydney offers many options for enjoying a walk around the city.
Task. Evaluate the following thesis statements to determine if they meet any of the characteristics of a good thesis as described in the Table on page 93. You should also refer to the handout on good vs. bad thesis statements. In this practice, revise where necessary to turn any bad thesis statements into good thesis statements.
Task. These thesis statements are weak. Explain why they are weak. Rewrite them as necessary, to meet the good thesis characteristics of providing a clear idea of the subject of the paper.
Business is a good major for many students.
India began an independent country in 1947.
Half of the families in my country own a house.
Classical music concerts are very popular in my country.
There are several advantages of owing a car, but there are also many disadvantages.
While travelling, staying in a hotel offers more comfort, but sleeping in a tent is less expensive.
Task. For each of these topics write a thesis statement:
- university study;
- air pollution;
- urbanization;
- medical tourism;
- digital technologies;
- part-time jobs.
Finding an organization for your essay
Your goal in organizing is to produce a sequence of paragraphs that leads the reader to s single strong conclusion. But there are many ways to reach this goal. Some people need an outline; others write first and then reorganize when they see a pattern in their writing. Still others begin in the middle or write the parts of their papers out of order.
No method is the “right” one. Some approaches are better for certain topics; some are better for certain people. Do not feel that you have to fit into a set way of working.
Using a Formula as a Plan
Sometimes a teacher will give you a specific format to follow, but most of the time you will need to discover the organization that best enhances the content of your essay. A formula is especially useful for assignments you must do repeatedly or quickly.
Some topics lend themselves to particular arrangements:
Common Patterns of Organization:
- chronological (the sequence in which events occurred);
- narrative (how you learned what you know);
- generalization, followed by examples or arguments;
- process (the steps for how something is done);
- comparison (similarities and differences);
- classification (types and categories);
- problem and solution;
- cause and effect (or a result and its causes);
- a brief case study or story, followed by interpretation of what it shows;
- dramatic order (building to the strongest point).
The problem with formulas is that they quite often create boring papers. For most topics you will need to discover the best plan by making lists of ideas and reordering them or by writing for a while and then reworking what you’ve written.
Creating a Rough Outline
Here’s a method that works for many writers:
When to Adjust Your Plan
Sometimes the trick to good organization is reorganization. No matter what you thought when you began – even if you had an outline – your topic may well shift and change as you write. Often you will come up with better ideas, and as a result, you may change your emphasis. Therefore, you must be ready to abandon parts or all of your original plan. Some minor points may now become major points. Most writers need to revise their plan after they finish a first draft.
Here are the signs that a paper needs to be reorganized:
In the end, make sure that you know the main point you want the reader to get and that every sentence contributes to making that point clear.
Introductions and Conclusions
Introduction and conclusion are two of the three main parts of an essay. Without an introduction and conclusion, an essay is just a group of paragraphs. The introduction and conclusion work together to make the topic and main ideas of the essay clear to the reader.
The first paragraph of an essay is called the introduction.
A strong introduction …
- introduces the topic clearly;
- gives several sentences of information about the topic;
- states the thesis (main idea) of the essay.
A weak introduction …
- does not give enough information about the topic;
- it talks about too many different topics;
- it does not state a clear thesis.
How to make an introduction interesting
To make the introduction paragraph interesting for the reader, you can include…
- interesting facts or statistics;
- a personal story or example;
- an interesting quotation.
Task. Read and discuss the following introductions with your partner. Identify weak and strong ones. Explain why you think they are strong or weak.
Task. Pretend that you are a reader leafing through a magazine: what opening would make you stop and read an article on your topic?
Sometimes you may get stuck writing an introduction. In that case, try writing your introduction after you’ve written the rest of the first draft. Often you don’t find your real main point until you’ve written several pages. However, in an essay exam or under time pressure, write the introduction first to indicate the map of the paper.
Here are a few common methods for beginning an essay:
Indicate the Parts of Your Essay
In many academic papers and in technical or business reports, the introduction should indicate what is coming. Write a brief paragraph summing up the points you plan to make, one at a time. Then, in the middle of your paper, develop each point into one or more paragraphs.
Three factors caused the sudden population increase in eighteenth-century Europe. First, the newly settled colonies provided enough wealth to support more people. Second, eighteenth-century wars did not kill as many Europeans as did seventeenth-century wars. Finally, the discovery of the potato provided a cheap food source.
Sometimes you can indicate the parts of your essay more subtly:
Although Walden and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn treat similar themes, the two books have very different tones and implications.
Take a Bold Stand
Start out with a strong statement of your position.
Millard Filmore is the most underrated president in American history.
Start with the Other Side
Tell what you disagree with and who said it. Give the opposing reasons so that you can later prove them wrong. Be very fair – save your counterarguments for later in your essay. For examples of this technique, see the editorial or “opinion” page of your newspaper.
Tell a Brief Story
Give one or two paragraphs to a single typical case, and then make your general point. The brief story can catch the reader’s interest and make clear the personal implications of the topic you will present.
Use the News Lead
Write one sentence incorporating who, what, when, where, how, and sometimes why.
In 1967, Cesar Chavez found a new way to win a living wage for the farm workers of California: he called for a nationwide boycott of grapes.
Move from the General to the Specific
Begin with the wider context of the topic and then zero in on the case at hand.
When we think of “strength”, we usually picture physical strength – for instance, a weight lifter. But there are subtler forms of strength. Perhaps the rarest is moral strength: the ability to do what is right, even when it is inconvenient, unpopular, or dangerous. My grandfather in Italy was actually a strongman in the circus, but I remember him for his moral strength rather than for his powerful arms.
The conclusion.
The conclusion is the final part of the essay. A good concluding paragraph of the essay:
- summarizes the main points of the essay;
- restates the thesis (using different words);
- makes a final comment about the essay’s main idea;
- may emphasize an action that you would like the reader to take.
You should start with a linking phrase, but some are better than others. Here are some examples:
- finally;
- in a nutshell;
- in general;
- in conclusion;
- to conclude.
Finally isn’t really suitable because it indicates that you are making a final point and therefore a new idea. Finally belongs in the main body of your essay, not the conclusion.
In a nutshell is too informal and we should never use it in IELTS conclusions.
In general tells the reader you are going to talk generally about a topic. This is not what we are going to do in our conclusion and we should therefore not use it.
In conclusion and to conclude are the only two linking phrases you should use to start your conclusion. They tell the reader exactly what the paragraph is about and they are formal.
Task. Read and discuss the following conclusions with your partner. Identify weak and strong ones. Explain why you think they are strong or weak.
Task. Read the following paragraphs. Then choose the best concluding sentences for it.
How to Make an Essay Longer (and When to Make It Shorter)
Adding words and phrases to your paper makes it at most an inch longer. Adding new points or new examples will make it grow half a page at a time. On the other hand, there are times when cutting a little bit will make your whole paper stronger.
How to Make an Essay Longer
When to Make a Paper Shorter
Condense minor points. Sometimes you think a point is necessary, but when you read your essay to a friend, you notice that you both get bored in that section. Or sometimes you get tangled up trying to make a point clear when you can cover it briefly or cut entirely.
Watch your pace when you tell a series of events. Head toward the main point or event directly. Don`t get lost in boring preliminary details.
Avoid getting sidetracked. The digression may interest you, but it may not add to the real point of the essay.
Check to see whether you have repeated any point several times. If so, decide on the most effective place to make that point and make it fully on one place.
Trim out wordiness: replace a dull phrase with a single strong word; cut words that won`t be missed. Tightening sentences makes your writing forceful.
Critical Reading Questions to Answer
Title ____________________________________________
Author ____________________________________________
Task. You should write at least 250 words on any of the tasks below.
Students at universities often have a choice of places to live. They may choose to live in university dormitories, or they may choose to live in apartments in the community. Compare the advantages of living in university housing with the advantages of living in an apartment in the community. Where would you prefer to live? Give reasons for your preference.
If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.
In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.
Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed people’s lives:
- automobiles;
- bicycles;
- airplanes.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.
When famous people such as actors, athletes and rock stars give their opinions, many people listen. Do you think we should pay attention to these opinions? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
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