1.10 Read the text

Criteria for measuring the development of a culture of knowledge work

To develop a holistic concept of pedagogical conditions for the development of future teacher’s culture of intellectual work, it is necessary to analyze a component of this process – the criteria for measuring the development of future teacher’s culture of intellectual work.

From our point of view, the criterion base of personality-oriented education is based on tracking the formation of personality neoplasms: value orientations, emotional and intellectual spheres, socially significant qualities and abilities.

Education in the college is the main one for the professional and personal development of future specialists of the pedagogical college, because it is during this period that the formation of both his personal properties and professional qualities is carried out to the maximum, which leads to universal and professional improvement.

It is difficult to identify the most important qualities of a teacher's personality as (because) in the mental aspect, a personality is a fairly dynamic and plastic formation that is in constant motion. A person consciously and unconsciously changes, masks, enriches, compensates, rebuilds, complements his qualities, which makes difficult the problem of fixing stable, stable socio-psychological manifestations of personality.

From the structural-content components we have identified as the criteria only those features that can be studied, fixed, described and, to some extent, measured.

According to the requirements for the selection and justification of the criteria in the theory and practice of teacher education, the criteria should reflect the main patterns of personality formation, with their help, links should be established between all components of the system under study; qualitative indicators should act in unity with quantitative ones.

Developing the criteria for professional and pedagogical culture, I.F. Isaev [25, p. 126], supplements the general criteria with the requirements that reflect the specifics of professional and pedagogical culture:

- the criteria should be disclosed through a number of qualitative features (indicators). And as they appear, one can judge the greater or lesser degree of its severity;

- the criteria should reflect the dynamics of the measured quality in time and cultural and pedagogical space;

- the criteria should, wherever possible, cover the main types of pedagogical activity.

The progress of a student from a low level of development of the culture of intellectual work to an average, chosen by us as the main criterion for measuring, and from that to a high one, we faced the need to identify the indicators of these levels, criteria for classifying students to a certain level, a mechanism for converting qualitative indicators into quantitative ones. To do this, we have created qualitative characteristics of students’ personality, corresponding to all levels of development of the culture of intellectual work (Table 2).


Table 2 – Characteristics of the levels of development of future specialists’ intellectual work culture  



1 Characteristics of a student with a low level of development of the culture of intellectual work:


1 The need for knowledge is minimal. The student avoids situations that require him to make any effort to solve cognitive problems or master new ways of intellectual activity. Indifference to the quality of the final result gives lead to the absence of any desire to overcome difficulties. The level of activity and performance is low. Knowledge is not perceived as

Continuation of the Table 2




2 The student works at the reproductive level based on the proposed pattern of actions, he needs a long time to find the right answer. The transfer of knowledge and skills to a new situation leads to a significant expenditure of time and physical strength. The ability to analyze, compare, generalize, and so on is manifested fragmentarily.It is difficult for him to formulate conclusions, to sum up. Although a person knows the rules of work in the library, he prefers to seek help from its employees in choosing the necessary source. The perception of information is not always adequate, there are difficulties in processing information, as well as the errors are made during its preparation.


3 There is an inability to determine the goals of their mental activity. In its implementation, the result will take place in of using algorithms of methods of activity. The skills and abilities of introspection, self-assessment, self-control are practically absent. Attention is focused on the presence of the final result, and not on its correctness and rationality of achievement. The place in the audience is chosen according to the principle: further from the teacher; features of vision and hearing are not taken into account. Posture when writing is not controlled.

2 Characteristics of a student with the middle level of development of the culture of intellectual work:


1 The student has a strong desire for a successful end result of mental activity, which indicates the student's understanding of knowledge as a value, the meaning of learning. Occasionally demonstrates interest in what he was especially attracted to, however, the desire to learn new things and solve problematic problems has not yet become an internal conviction. Difficulties in activities lead to a decrease in efficiency and activity.

2 The student is able to use the existing knowledge and methods of activity in new cognitive situations, but does not always choose a more rational solution. The ability to analyze the studied phenomena and facts is manifested incompletely. Difficulties arise in explaining one's own conclusions and mental actions. The perception of information is adequate, but there are difficulties in its comprehension. The choice of the method of recording information depends on the reserve of time, the characteristics of the source and the mood. The formatting of the information is mostly correct.


3 The ability for independent goal-setting and goal-keeping is not always manifested. It depends on the level of self-regulation, the degree of difficulty of the upcoming activity, interest and readiness for it. Difficulties arise in independent modeling, design and planning of labor, there are deviations from the plan, the target program. The student chooses a place in the audience, mainly in accordance with the characteristics of vision and hearing, but depending on the degree of preparation.

Ending of the Table 2




4 The quality of the design of the work depends on the place of its implementation (audience or outside the classroom), the degree of independence of the student. Makes mistakes and corrections in written work.

3 Characteristics of a student with a high level of development of the culture of intellectual work:


1 The process of cognition causes positive emotions, cognitive activity is a pleasure. Great need for knowledge. Interest and readiness for mental activity determine the meaning-forming motive of the individual. There is a steady desire to engage in mental activity.

2 Difficulties that arise are considered as a means of self-development and self-improvement. Mental activity is aimed at the high quality of the end result.

3 The personality is characterized by a creative approach in mental activity, which manifests itself in the ability to rationally use knowledge about the methods of activity in new conditions non-traditional, original solutions. The level of performance of mental operations is high. For the student is characteristic: fluency in the reference apparatus of the library, orientation in various objects of information, adequacy of perception, presentation of information in the form of a plan, theses and abstracts.

4 A person is capable of independent goal-setting and goal-keeping, modeling and planning of his own mental activity. He knows how to accurately carry out the target program and follow the plan, analyze and evaluate the intermediate and final results, drawing conclusions for the future, masters the technologies of mental work.

5 The student has a permanent place in the audience, chosen in accordance with the characteristics of vision and hearing, controls the posture.

6 The handwriting is beautiful, legible. Lectures are recorded and homework is done regularly. The presence of conventional signs of attention, underlining, the use of their own original solutions in the design of works.

Based on the characteristics of student’s personality with a high level of development of the culture of intellectual work, we have developed a system of criteria and indicators of the levels of development of students’culture of intellectual work.

1.10.1 Answer the following questions

1) Why is it necessary to higlight the criteria for measuring the development of a culture of intellectual work? What is this criteria based on?

2) What is the difficulty in identifying the distinctive qualities of the future teacher's personality? What are the requirements for identifying and substantiating criteria in the theory and practice of teacher education?

3) Describe the three levels of development of the culture of intellectual work of future specialists.