1.11 Read the text

The criteria and indicators of student’s culture of intellectual work

In order to formulate the guiding ideas of productive pedagogical support for the development of a culture of intellectual work of future specialists in pedagogical specialties, the following patterns were identified as reflecting the most important objectively existing relationships between the created pedagogical conditions and the effectiveness of the development of future teacher’s  culture of intellectual work.


Table 3 – The criteria and indicators of student’s culture of intellectual work





Formation of cognitive motives cognitive interest

The level of development of cognitive motives


- Special education;

- Intellectual preparedness.

- Knowledge about the methods of cognition; the effectiveness of knowledge

- Focus on practical use;

- The level of development of cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, imagination)

Organizational and technical   

- Educational and cognitive competence;

- Self-organization of  intellectual activity


- Level of knowledge of intellectual labor technologies;

 - The effectiveness of intellectual work;

goal-setting, planning, organization, reflection, control of the process and result of intellectual work


Development of mental health hygiene

- The state of neuropsychic health and comfort of the student


Culture of objective activity

Aesthetic performance and design of work

The theoretical analysis of the problem made it possible to state that the development of a culture of intellectual work depends on:

- actions of internal (motives) and external (social, pedagogical) incentives for educational activities;

- content of university education;

- organization of the educational process in the university (the presence of the educational and educational environment of the university, methods of pedagogical interaction, the quality of pedagogical activity,  including  students in educational activities, the conditions for the flow of the educational process (sanitary and hygienic, moral and psychological, etc.) ;

- the quality of the student's own educational activities;

- the level of personality development (physical, mental, intellectual, spiritual, social components).

The identification of these patterns allowed us to formulate the main guiding ideas that underlie the development of a culture of intellectual work:

- formation of the idea of educational and cognitive activity as value-significant one ;

- ensuring the development of future teacher’s culture of intellectual work through the organization his activities;

- taking into account at each level of development of the student's personality his interests and abilities;

- maximum orientation to the development of independence in the educational activities of students;  

- psychological comfort (removal of stress-forming factors at the university, creation of a benevolent atmosphere focused on the implementation of the ideas of cooperation pedagogy).

Thus, the following provisions can be distinguished:

The culture of intellectual work is understood as the synthesis of such personality traits that together characterize the attitude to mental activity, the level of intellectual, organizational, technological, aesthetic and hygienic aspects of activity, enabling a person to perform intellectual work qualitatively, rationally, with the least effort and time.

We believe that specially created pedagogical conditions can ensure that future specialists in pedagogical specialties achieve the required level of development of a culture of intellectual work.

1.11.1 Answer the following questions:

1) Explain the main criteria and indicators of student’s culture of intellectual work. What determines the development of a culture of intellectual labor?

2) Describe the main ideas underlying the development of a culture of intellectual work.