1.13 Read the text

Characteristics of pedagogical abilities

According to Kuzmina N.V., in a personality of future teacher it is necessary to form a whole group of personal properties, which she calls pedagogical abilities.

The scientist defines pedagogical abilities as a set of properties of a human personality that meet the requirements of pedagogical activity and ensure easy mastery of this activity and the achieving high performance results. She singled out two groups of pedagogical abilities (perceptual-reflective and projective), which include different types of teacher sensitivity to certain aspects of the pedagogical process. They are : pedagogical imagination, pedagogical observation, pedagogical tact, organizational skills, exactingness as a character trait, distributed attention [3].

She defines abilities as the individual personality traits that are a condition for the successful completion of one or more activities.

A significant contribution to the study of the role of the teacher and his personal qualities in the education and upbringing of the younger generations was made by V. A. Slastenin. In his fundamental works the scientist considers the teacher’s activity as a work that is complex in terms of functional structure and psychological content, which requires the maximum manifestation of all personality traits. According to V. A. Slastenin, the teacher's personality model  should include: properties and characteristics that determine the professional, pedagogical and cognitive orientation of the teacher's personality; requirements for his psychological and pedagogical training; volume and composition of special training; the content of methodological training in the specialty [4].

Research on the analysis and characterization of the main personality traits of a teacher as an individual has been carried out by V.P. Simonov.

He developed the structure and approximate content of the main professionally significant indicators for diagnosing the personality and the effectiveness of the professional activity of a teacher, summarized in one general card, which is filled out on the basis of a number of test and questionnaire methods [27, p. 40].

There is a tendency to increase the requirements for the future specialist’s personality and, above all, for the formed professionally significant qualities, for scientific erudition, general culture, cognitive needs and intellectual activity. In general, we can talk about the growth of the requirements for the professionalism of a future specialist, the individual and creative features of his personality.

Based on the general definition of the professionally significant qualities of a teacher, taking into account the complexity of the problem of developing a future teacher’s culture of intellectual work, it is possible to determine the core qualities of a personality that are the part of its core (orientation) and affect the effectiveness of intellectual work:

formation of cognitive motives, cognitive interest; special education; intellectual readiness; educational and cognitive competence, self-organization of intellectual activity; formation of mental health hygiene; culture of objective activity.

They defined some qualities of the future specialist, enabling him to develop successfully a culture of intellectual work.

1.13.1 Answer the following questions:

1) Define the term «pedagogical abilities» (according to N.V. Kuzmina). What groups of pedagogical abilities did the scientist single out?

2) How did V. A. Slastenin define the activity of a teacher? Describe the model of the personality of the teacher, derived by the scientist.

3) Analyze the studies of V.P. Simonov on the characteristics of the main personality traits of the teacher. Find and study in other sources the map for diagnosing the personality and the effectiveness of the professional activity of the teacher V.P. Simonov.

4) Determine the main qualities of the teacher's personality as an integral part of the culture of intellectual work.