1.14 Read the text

Different approaches to the development of the culture of intellectual work

A student-centered approach (V.V. Serikov, I.S. Yakimanskaya) is considered as a specific pedagogical activity to create optimal conditions for pupils to develop their potential, spirituality, forming their independence, their ability to self-education, self-upbringing and self-realization.

E.F. Zeer identified the leading provisions of student-centered professional education: - personal and professional development of students is considered as the main goal, which implies the subjective activity of the student. He himself creates the doctrine and himself;

- the criteria for the effectiveness of the organization of professional education are the parameters of personal and professional development; - the educational-professional situation acts as a didactic unit of professional education. The totality of these situations makes it possible to model all the components of the professional educational process;

- socio-professional characteristics of the teacher’s personality are integrated into the content and technology of education, become factors in students’ professional development, the compilation of author's academic disciplines and the individual style of pedagogical activity;

- the key to the full-fledged organization of the professional educational process is the cooperation of teachers and students. Education provides a unique opportunity to organize cooperative activities of teachers and students [28].

Of the approaches that we relied on in the process of work is the systemic one (V.P. Bespalko, N.V. Kuzmina, V.P. Simonov). V.P. Simonov defines the system as a set of structural and functional components and system-forming factors: the purpose of the activity, the object of the activity, the content and the methods of the activity. A systematic approach involves solving the following interrelated tasks: understanding the system of activities leading to a given result, choosing criteria for measuring the result obtained, identifying factors that accidentally affect or influenced the desired result, and correcting the created system of activities [29].

Each component of the system is considered as independent one, with its own elements and structure. At the same time, all components of the system are interdependent and operate in unity. The interaction of these components contributes to the emergence of the new qualities that are not characteristic of the parts that form this system.

The systematic approach allows to identify the substantiation of the system of development of the future specialist’s culture of intellectual work, which includes a set of theoretical and concrete-practical pedagogical conditions.

Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, we suggested that the first pedagogical condition for the development of a culture of intellectual work of a future specialist is to strengthen the cognitive component of the motivation for learning and intellectual growth of the individual. This idea is confirmed by the positions of scientists who consider motives as factors of meaning formation, giving personal meaning to reality.

Solving the problem of stimulating the development of a culture of intellectual work among future specialists, we come to the understanding that it is necessary to influence their motivational sphere in order to influence the purpose and nature of their activities.

We believe that the most important motive for learning is the cognitive interest, which contributes to the positive attitude of the future specialist to self-education, to his own cognitive activity and, as a result, to the development of his own culture of intellectual work. The motive that prompts the personality to activity is not an impulse immanently inherent in the personality or a purely internal impulse that comes spontaneously «from the ideal depths of the personality». According to A.N. Leontiev, a person is motivated to act by the phenomena of the surrounding world, which are of  special meaning for him – «a special personal meaning» [21].

Work, which is the main core of teaching, is associated with a huge consumption of human energy resources (B.G. Ananiev). The influence of cognitive interest here is difficult to overestimate. Cognitive interest contributes not only to the effect of mental actions, teaching in general, but also to an easier, free flow of activity. Interest relieves fatigue, nervous tension, and as a result, the teaching becomes more fruitful.

A person who has a cognitive interest goes deep into the essence of the cognizance. Thus, the initiation and maintenance of cognitive interest among students in the process of studying disciplines is not only the key to successful learning in general, but also an important condition for the development of a culture of intellectual work.

Sustainable interests, unlike episodic ones, do not depend on specific conditions; they are characterized by the fact that they encourage activity in the area of interest to a person, even when the conditions for this are unfavorable. Thus, the development of a culture of intellectual work of future specialists is ensured not only by a steady interest in knowledge, but also in the process of cognition itself. The presence of a stable cognitive interest among students creates a condition under which the internal efforts coincide with the external influences of the teacher, which ensures the optimal level of developing of the culture of intellectual work of future teacher. And, although the objective criteria of what is interesting today have not been finally determined, experts still single out general, universal ways to stimulate students in the pedagogical process.

Stimulation in pedagogy is based on the use of a person's ability to respond to the impacts exerted on him, which allows him to direct his activity in a certain direction.

Thus, incentives are defined as activities associated with the selection and presentation of incentives in order to positively motivate the development of a culture of intellectual work. The study of the possibilities of the educational process in encouraging students to learn allowed us to discover three most important sources of stimulation of cognitive interests: the content of the educational material, the organization of students' cognitive activity, and the relations that develop between the subjects of the educational process.

Thus, the stimulation of the development of the culture of intellectual work of future specialist is carried out by the teacher; it is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the self-development of the student's personality and performs, mainly, an encouraging roleCognitive interest at a higher stage of development should act not only as a motive, but as a stable feature, a quality of the personality, which is characterized by a steady desire to improve one's own cognitive activity. Here, in our opinion, important reserves for the development of a culture of intellectual work of students are hidden, the necessary condition for which is the formation of a personally significant attitude to education. An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature suggested that the second pedagogical condition for the development of a culture of intellectual work of a future teacher is the improvement of the content and technological components of teaching.

We believe that the orientation of the content of education on the development of a culture of intellectual work of a future specialist will become more productive if the organization and presentation of educational material is focused on the scientific nature and novelty of the material, its practical significance and the diversity of its presentation.

1.15.1 Answer the following questions:

1) Define the personality-oriented approach to the development of the culture of intellectual work of scientists and teachers (V.V. Serikova, I.S. Yakimanskaya, E.F. Zeer). Name the main positions of student-centered professional education.

2) Name the scientists and teachers, representatives of the systems approach to the development of a culture of intellectual work. Define a systems approach. What tasks are solved within the framework of this approach?

3) What is the first pedagogical condition for the development of a culture of intellectual work of future teacher? What is the purpose of influencing the motivational sphere of the student?

4) Define the term «motive». What do you think is the most important motivation for learning? What is the importance of cognitive interest in the learning process?

5) What is the key to successful learning and an important condition for the development of a culture of intellectual work of future teacher? How does the presence of a stable cognitive interest among students ensure a high level of development of the culture of intellectual work of future teacher?

6) Define the terms «stimulus», «stimulation». Identify the most important sources of stimulation of cognitive interests. How is the development of a culture of intellectual work of a future specialist stimulated?

7) What is the second pedagogical condition for the development of a culture of intellectual work of future teacher? What are the requirements for the educational material offered to students?