1.16 Read the text

The problem of forming of general educational skills

The effectiveness of any activity, including intellectual labor, depends on a person’s practical readiness for it, which is based on a set of skills corresponding to the activity. The problem of the formation of general educational skills is considered in the works of many scientists: A.K. Gromtseva, V.A. Kulko, I.A. Naumchenko, N.F. Talyzina, T.D. Tsekhmistrova, T.Ya. Yakovets and others.

For example, I.A. Naumchenko paid special attention to the development of the skills to do with book: to use the main types of reading; to retell the read material, to analyse and record it; writing and note-taking; drawing up plans, abstracts: citing and reviewing; systematization of records [30].

A.K. Gromtseva singles out such techniques when working with a book as the ability to isolate the main idea (the ability to analyze facts, to penetrate into their essence); the ability to draw up a complex plan (mastery of the structure of subordination and subordination); the ability to take notes (isolate the main facts, arrange them according to the leading idea); organizational skills (to set educational goals, determine rational ways to solve them, plan educational activities, monitor its results) [31].

Based on the analysis of various definitions of general educational skills and abilities, we consider them as the basic, fundamental methods of activity that reflect and serve the main aspects of students’ educational work, extending to all academic subjects and self-educational activities, ensuring continuity in the cognitive activity of students between school, college and various forms of continuous education.

Having analysed the works by Yu.K. Babansky, S.Ya. Batysheva, N.Sh. Valeeva, M.M. Garifulina, N.P. Goncharuk, E.N. Kabanova-Meller, V.A. Kulko, T.P. Liznev, V.Ya. Laudis, I.L. Naumchenko, I.G. Ovchinnikova, P.I. Pidkasisty, N.F. Talyzina, A.V. Usova, I.F. Kharlamov and others, who covered the problem of the formation of general educational skills, we consider it possible to group them as follows.

Intellectual abilities and skills:

1) Ability to manage attention, which will give the future teacher the opportunity to master the techniques of maintaining attention; understand the factors that increase attention; recognize the causes of inattention, absent-mindedness. Ability to control attention in the process of listening to lectures, speeches, reading various literature, memorizing information  in the process of mental activity.

2) Skills and abilities of mental activity consist in mastering basic mental operations: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, concretization, induction, deduction, classification, generalization, systematization. Mastering techniques that help to understand complex material will allow the future specialist to highlight the main and secondary in the studied material, to compose and ask questions on the studied material  , to find various connections and relationships between the objects under study. Skills and abilities to competently and meaningfully build a report, speech; justify the acquired knowledge; find analogies, use different forms of evidence, find contradictions, formulate problems and hypotheses; the ability to draw conclusions, generalizations and discourses; the ability to self-determine in situations of choice; possession of a general approach to clarify  the essence of any objects, a versatile vision of the problem under study are signs of the professional competence of a future specialist of a pedagogical specialty and the indicator of a high level of development of a culture of intellectual work.

3) The ways of remembering, saving and reproducing information. Rational methods and techniques for productive memorization and learning of various material: methods of semantic text processing, classification, drawing up plans, finding associations with the already known material, including in the general knowledge system, techniques for reconstructing material, etc. Methods of repetition and reproduction. Mnemonic methods of memorization and reproduction.

Information Skills and abilities: 1 Skills and abilities of effective perception of information. Ability to work with various sources of information: skills of rational reading of various literature; ability to work with educational and scientific texts.

2 The ability to effectively listen to lectures, reports, take notes correctly; keep short notes. 3 The ability to carry out bibliographic search, extract the necessary information from various sources of knowledge (textbooks, reference books, etc.), work with the technical sources of information, make observations, process information.

The content of education and the methods used in the educational process should become personally significant for students, only then the development of a culture of intellectual work will be internally motivated (associated with the creation of conditions for self-knowledge, self-development, self-realization and self-acceptance), which will ensure active self-improvement of the individual.

1.16.1 Answer the following questions:

1) Which of the scientists deal with the problem of  the forming of general educational skills? What types of skills do authors distinguish? Define general educational skills and abilities.

2) Name the main groups of general educational skills. Which of the scientists deals  with the problem forming of skills?