1.18 Read the text

Organization of students' educational work

There are some regulatory requirements regarding the rational organization of students' educational work, which are established taking into account the performance indicators of the youth. The need for scheduling is especially noted, taking into account the change in mental performance during the day.

A certain role in the rational organization of mental work is played by the daily routine of students. It is compiled taking into account the age characteristics of the youth, the normal duration of sleep, stay at the educational institution, establishes the most favorable periods for completing tasks, provides for the necessary breaks in educational work, etc.

Taking into account preserving the health of students, in our opinion, special attention should be paid to switching from intellectual work to physical activity, from static work to motor activity. It is known that physical culture not only has a beneficial effect on health, but also strengthens the nervous system, stimulates mental activity, due to the improvement of cerebral circulation [85].

Interpersonal relationships with teachers and the same-age peers play an important role in maintaining students’ health. To some extent, the harmony of a person’s relations with himself also depends on them. Therefore, the next important step to preserve the health of students is to create a favorable psychological climate in the team.

Pedagogical tact, establishing mutual understanding between the teacher and students, respect for other people's opinions, humane attitude towards the people, creating conditions for self-realization of the individual are of great importance in organization of students' educational work. This contributes to the emotional liberation of students, the formation of their need for communication, a sense of community with peers, teachers , as well as student’s self-development, his self-actualization as a person. In creating a favorable emotional mood, increasing students’ efficiency is played by the aesthetics of the environment. At the same time, an environment that does not meet the elementary requirements of industrial aesthetics can have an overwhelming effect on the psyche, cause depressive states, etc.

In our opinion, the pedagogical conditions proposed by us for the development of the culture of intellectual work will contribute to the formation of important qualities of future teacher's personality: responsibility for his work, the ability to organize it, critically comprehend and evaluate it; the desire to improve their work, using rational methods for this; responsibility for the results of labor, for the effectiveness of their use, etc.

Thus, the results of the theoretical analysis of the problem of pedagogical support for the development of future teacher’s intellectual work culture in the process of professional education allow us to formulate the strategies that form the conceptual basis of our study.

The culture of intellectual work of a future specialist is an integrative multi-level professionally significant characteristic of his personality, expressed in stable cognitive motivation, thinking culture, hygiene of intellectual work and its pedagogically expedient organization, taken in unity.

The basis for the development of a specialist's culture is the understanding of its essence as a qualitative characteristic of the future teacher's personality, including motivational, cognitive, organizational, technical, aesthetic  and hygienic components.

The criteria for the formation of the culture of intellectual work are: the formation of cognitive motives, cognitive interest, special education, intellectual readiness, educational and cognitive competence, self-organization of intellectual activity, the formation of hygiene of intellectual work, the culture of objective activity. Indicators of the effectiveness of the development of the future teacher’s culture of intellectual work are: the level of development of cognitive motives; knowledge about the methods of cognition; the effectiveness of knowledge (focus on practical use), the level of development of cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, imagination); the level of knowledge of intellectual work technologies; the effectiveness of intellectual work; the state of student’s mental health and comfort; aesthetic performance and design of the work.

The complex of pedagogical conditions that ensure the development of   future specialist’s culture of intellectual work includes:

- strengthening the cognitive component of the motivation for learning and the intellectual growth of future specialist’s personality;

 - improvement of the content and technological components of learning;

- pedagogical assistance to self-organization of students' intellectual activity.

It should be noted that the selection of these conditions is possible only at the theoretical level, while in practice they are complementary and capable of performing compensatory functions in relation to each other.

1.18.1 Answer the following questions:

1) Define the concept of «pedagogical assistance». Can we say that it is one of the components of the development the culture of intellectual work of students? What role in the process of increasing the culture of intellectual work  is assigned to student's independent work?

2) Who plays the main role in developing student’s culture of intellectual work? What forms of work are provided in this activity?

3) What organizational skills and abilities are necessary for the successful implementation of pedagogical assistance of teachers to students?

4) What factors can reduce the productivity of the process of forming the culture of intellectual work? What measures should be taken to reduce the neuro-emotional stress of students?

5) Name the main requirements for the rational organization of students' educational work. Describe the role of physical education in this process?

6) What factors contribute to the improvement of the emotional state of students? The formation of what personality traits will be promoted by the pedagogical conditions for the development of a culture of intellectual work?

7) Define the concept of the culture of intellectual work. What is the basis for its development? What are the criteria for the formation and performance indicators of the culture of intellectual work? Describe the set of pedagogical conditions for ensuring the development of  the  culture of intellectual work?