2.5 Read the text

New Kazakhstani patriotism

Scientists Bizhanov A., Kasenov U. as the foundation of Kazakhstani patriotism consider the commonality of the historical destinies of the ethnic groups that make up the people of Kazakhstan, common features in the mentality of Kazakhstanis, their involvement in the created economic potential of the republic, the commonality of the natural environment [54, p. 62].

Among the dissertations of the post-Soviet period, the dissertation of G.K. Aaliyeva deals with the socio-philosophical analysis of the problems of patriotism [55]. The study touches on two related and topical problems of today: ecology and patriotism. The author formulates the most important problems: the implementation of the patriotic attitude of the individual to nature, the harmonization of relations between society and nature and the achievement of their sustainable co-evolution on this basis.

The social and pedagogical significance of the essence of patriotism and patriotic education is revealed in the works of G.K. Akhmetova [56], A.K. Kalimoldaeva [57].

These studies consider the conditions, mechanisms and features of the formation of patriotism in the educational and pedagogical process. A. S. Kalmyrzaev’s research is devoted to the study of the problems of the formation of national statehood, democracy and freedom, the formation of a national mentality, national spirit, issues of nationalism, globalism, cosmopolitanism, and patriotism [58]. The issues of the formation of a person as a citizen and patriot of Kazakhstan, with his will, rights and obligations are reflected in many government documents: in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laws and state programs.

In the Plan of the Nation «100 Steps to Implement Five Institutional Reforms», steps 85 and 89 are dedicated to the idea of «Mangilik El». This document sets out the tasks to create a project for introducing the values of «Mangilik El» into the curricula of school education, which will allow to educate the younger generation in the spirit of new Kazakhstani patriotism.

All of the above convinces of the relevance of the topic of patriotism in the context of the modernization of the consciousness of Kazakhstani society.

So, Beisembayeva A. A. considers «Kazakh patriotism» as a consolidating intellectual and political factor, as a new paradigm of state policy and ideology [59, p. 9].

According to Mukhtarova Sh.M., «patriotism is gradually losing its «defensive» character, the tendency of creative development of one’s own side with another’s is more and more clearly manifested. The scientist singles out as an important sign of patriotism not only its ethnic coloring, but also social one, since in the conditions of multi-ethnic states the philosophical category «patriotism» goes beyond the boundaries of the ethnic concepts. The scientist highlights patriotism as the key constant of the phenomenon she is researching - citizenship [60, p. 31-32].

Patriotism as the basis of citizenship and the consolidation of society is also considered by E. E. Burova, F. K. Bisenbaev, A. D. Doszhan. F. K. Bisenbaev considering patriotism and citizenship in the context of globalism, reveals their value-ontological foundations [61, p. 12-17]. M.Z. Izotov [62, p. 8-12].

  1. Sagikyzy pays attention in her work to the theoretical and methodological origins of patriotism and highlights the humanistic orientation of patriotism [63, p. 61-68]. Scientists K. Zh. Nugmanov, S. B. Alimova, D. Imanbaeva, A. A. Bukhaeva consider patriotism as an axiological component of civil society and the national idea. The moral aspects of patriotism as an integral spiritual and moral quality of a person are revealed in U. Almukhambetov, D. Eshpanova’s works.

Issues related to the problem of the formation  and development of patriotism are also of interest to well-known public figures, writers and poets O. Suleimenov, A. Kodar, M. Shakhanov and others.

Based on the analysis of the literary sources, it can be concluded that the concept of the new Kazakhstani patriotism in the scientific literature is characterized as an emotional and value phenomenon, the essence of which lies in a deep feeling of love for the native land, language, traditions, for one's people, native land. The basis for the formation and development of patriotic feelings - one of the topical areas of educational work in the educational organizations – are national forms of education, folklore, written cultural monuments that have developed over the centuries.

2.5 Answer the following questions:

1 Reveal the main phases in the development and study of the concept of «patriotism» (the post-Soviet period, the period of the formation of statehood and the era of the Independence). What features characterize each stage? What conditions, mechanisms and features does patriotic education have in the educational and pedagogical process?

2 What qualities are at the heart of Kazakh patriotism?

3 Find and analyze articles from the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other official documents on issues of civic position of Kazakhstanis and patriotism. How, based on these documents, is the official doctrine connected with the process of formation of the national spirit, mentality and cosmopolitanism?

4 Analyze articles 85 and 89 of «the 100 Steps to Implement Five Institutional Reforms Nation Plan», dedicated to the idea of «Mangilik El». According to this program, how is it planned to introduce the ideas of patriotism into the curricula of school and post-school education?

5 Do an analysis of the studies of Kazakhstan’s scientists devoted to the idea of forming patriotic education: A. Beisembaeva, Sh. Mukhtarova, F. K. Bisenbaeva, A. D. Doszhan. F.K. Bisenbaeva, M.Z. Izotov, K. Zh. Nugmanova, S. B. Alimova, D. Imanbaeva, A. A. Bukhaeva, A. Sagikyzy. What are the similarities and differences in their approach to patriotic education of these researchers?