2.9 Read the text

Regional aspekts as one of the components of the historical continuity of generations (based on the materials of famous personalities of Pavlodar region)

Regional specifics rightly considers regional identity of Kazakhstan as one of the ways of formation of patriotism, civil and ethnic identity of the youth generation.

Pavlodar region is the great place. It is located in the north-east of the Republic in the median flow of mighty Irtysh River where Kazakhstan and Siberia meet each other. It is often called as the land of contrasts: a gold «Sary Arka» adjoins with coy birch chopping and centuries-old Chalday tape forest that reiterates the ancient river bends. The emerald in the gold steppe is Bayanaul and thousand lakes as thousand precious stones.

This land has given many great people to Kazakhstan. Pavlodar region is the birthplace of many prominent personalities. It would not be superfluous to recall the brightest and most famous people from Pavlodar and Pavlodar region who glorified their land in the past and do it today [80].

The role of the regional component is to allow the ensure the historical continuity of generations, the preservation, dissemination and development of the national culture, to educate the patriots of their country, citizens with special tolerance. The origins of regional culture arouse in person the need for knowledge of environmental conditions common to all living spaces for the integrated assimilation of local historical and cultural features, specific traditions, national, geographical, and regional cultural features of the environment [80].

The target of the article brought to your attention contains information on famous people of Pavlodar region.

Dmitriy Polikarpovich Bagaev (1884 - 1958) is a famous photographer, expert in regional history, founder and first director of the Regional Historical Museum of Local Lore named after G. N. Potanin. He was born in 1884 in the village of Tumany, Vyatsk province which was quite far from Pavlodar. In 1889 he arrived to Pavlodar to earn money.

In 1903, Bagaev wrote a letter to the famous Western Siberian photographers –Korkin brothers, attaching his photos. He was soon invited to study in Omsk, where he spent two years working in the photography shop. The professionalism of the young master became so high that retouchers could not distinguish the work of the student from the work of the teacher.

As a corresponding member of the West Siberian branch of the Russian geographical society, he visited almost every part of Pavlodar region. The collection «Life and manners of the Kazakh people of the early twentieth century» is an invaluable evidence of history. Bagaev reflected the realities of everyday life of Kazakhs – soul, customs, endless steppes and picturesque nature. In his photographs there is not only history, but also an objective assessment of time shown. Dmitriy Bagaev – is the unique person. He told about the art of photography: «Photography is not just a pastime, photography is the science, art, evidence of time». His photos «On prisoner transport», «Woman at the hearth», «Exchange field», «Mother’s thoughts at the cradle», «Altybakan» are worth to be called the heritage of world photography. His photographs reflect all historically significant events in Pavlodar region – the revolution, starvation, collectivization, the Great Patriotic war, the virgin lands epic. He was equally good at portraits, landscapes, scene shots about people’s life and event reportage photography [86].

Bagaev was a very demanding master with a fine artistic taste. The pursuit of excellence prompted him to build a photostudio, which became soon famous and unique not only in Kazakhstan but also in Western Siberia. The main exhibit of the photo pavilion is a unique camera of the Austrian company «Voigtlander & Sohn», acquired by Bagaev in Moscow in 1928. Dmitry Bagaev is called as the main local historian of Pavlodar region.

In 1942, he founded and headed the Museum of local history. He died in 1958, leaving descendants a photo chronicle of his native land. Bagayev’s works are known and recognized not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad. His photographic heritage is of most interest and becomes more valuable. The house-Museum of Bagaev, opened in early 2001, is recognized as a monument of history and architecture.

Sultanmakhmut Toraygyrov (1893 – 1920) is a prominent Kazak poet and democrat. He was born on October 29th, 1893 in Kzyl-Tau area, Kokshetau region. At the age of four Sultanmakhmut moved to Bayan-Aul area, Pavlodar region. In 1902–1911 he studied in different schools, medrasse. In November 1912 S. Toraighyrov went to Troitsk to continue his education. While studying there, he wrote the poems.

When he was 13 years old, Toraygyrov started writing poems. The flourishing of social and philosophical poetry as well as genre and artistic enrichment of literature are connected with the name of Sultanmakhmut Toraygyrov. In 1914 he wrote the novel «Kamar Sulu», which was one of the most significant works in Kazakh literature of pre-revolutionary period. In 1913-1914 he worked in the editorial office of a well-known magazine «Aikap». Until the autumn of 1916 he worked as a teacher in Katon Karagai.

In 1916 Toraighyrov learned Russian language in Tomsk. It helped him to get acquainted with Russian classical literature, to study history, philosophy, geography. In March 1917 in Semipalatinsk he worked as a Junior Secretary in Kazakh Committee. The newspaper «Saryarka» published his articles and poems, where he praised the leaders of the Alash party. However, soon S. Toraighyrov was disappointed with the policy of temporary government.

For health reasons, he returned to Bayanaul in the summer of 1918. Here he worked as a teacher, wrote poems. During these years S. Toraighyrov read a lot of political and philosophical literature. He wanted a big change in society. The establishment of the Soviet regime in Kazakhstan gave him strength and confidence. In his works the poet supported the revolution, hoping for the establishment of a rightful society. In December 1919 he was appointed as the Chairman of the revolutionary Committee of the Shiderty district (Pavlodar region). But after only 2–3 months he left work because of the disease. During his illness, in early 1920, he began his poem «Aitys», where he seeked to appreciate critically the program of the Alash party.

  1. Toraighyrov lived only 27 years. He managed to leave valuable literary heritage. The main feature of his works are realism and national spirit. The humanism of the works of Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov was highly appreciated in Kazakh literature [87].

In Pavlodar Toraigyrov’s work is high honored. The largest University in the region, the regional library and the Central street of the city are named after S. Toraighyrov.

Alkey Khakanovich Margulan (1904 - 1985) is a prominent scientist, expert in the field of ethnography, oriental studies, history, literature, and art history, a founder of Kazakh archaeological school. He is the great-grandson of Olzhabay Batyr – Abylai Khan.

Alkey Khakanovich Margulan was born on May 11th, 1904 in Bayanaul. Alkey Margulan simultaneously studied at three universities in Leningrad – the Institute of Oriental studies, the Institute of material culture (later the Institute of Archeology) and the Institute of Art by the great Russian orientalists V. Bartold, S. Oldenburg, I. Krachkovsky, S. Malov, V. Struve, A. Samoilovich, N. Marra.

In 1934, due to slander, he got to the Petropavlovsk fortress; after miraculous escaping returned home and defended his thesis. In 1946 he defended his doctoral thesis on «Epic Tales of Kazakh People» and became the head of the Department of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan. Since 1946 he is a member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR; since 1958 – an Academician; since 1960 – the Professor.

Being a versatile scientist, he also wrote many books «Shokan and Manas» (Chokan Valikhanov and the Kyrgyz epos «Manas»), «Egely anystar Zhyr» («Ancient tales») and «Kazakh Applied Art» in three volumes.

Margulan discovered and justified Begazy-Dandybaev culture of the late bronze age – the largest part of civilization in Central Kazakhstan.

The Professor was the editor and compiler of the collected works of Ch. Valikhanov, as well as the author of numerous monographs about him. Margulan combined scientific and teaching activities with organizational work, leading for many years the Coordination Council on ethnogenesis of the Kazakh people, the Scientific Council of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, a specialized Council for doctoral theses. Over the years, A. H. Margulan has published more than 300 scientific and popular works. His fundamental works on history, architecture, epic tales and applied Kazakh art, monographs about Korkyt, Manas, Chokan Valikhanov, Abai, Mukhtar Auezov and Kanysh Satpaev are the important treasures of the world scientific knowledge. Enormous erudition, constant search for answers, discerning mind and love for the nation enabled professor Margulan to present the history of nomads in encyclopaedic nature.

Shaken Kenzhetaevich Aymanov (1914 – 1970) is one of the originators of national theatre and cinema. He was a perfect artist-improviser, reader, theatre director, artistic director of the Kazakh Drama Theatre, film actor and filmmaker.

Shaken Aymanov was born on 2 (15) February, 1914 in Bayan-Aul, Pavlodar region. In 1931-1933 he studied at Kazakh Institute of Education in Semipalatinsk. In 1933 he arrived in Alma-Ata, and joined the Kazakh Drama Theater in 1947-1951 as the chief director of the theater. He began his career with the film-play named «The Poem about Love» («Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-sulu») in 1954. Among his best roles are Akan Seri («Akan Seri – Aktokty» by G. Musrepov), Koblandy («Karakipchak Koblandy» by M. Auezov), Kazantsev («Night rumblings» by M.Auezov), Tikhon («The Storm» by Alexander Ostrovsky), Ivan Shadrin («The Man with the Gun» by N.Pogodin), Petruchio («The Taming of the Shrew» by William Shakespeare), Othello («Othello» by William Shakespeare) [88].

Shaken Aymanov’s great films, including musical comedy «Our Darling Doctor» (1957), folklore film «Aldar Kose» (1964), philosophical film on the war

«The Land of Fathers» (1966), and historical detective «Ataman’s Death» (1970). In Almaty one of the streets and the Kazakhfilm film Studio (1984) were named after Shaken Aimanov, a memorial plate was installed on the house where the Director lived. The annual festival of feature and animated films «Stars of Shaken» has been held in Almaty since 2003. In Pavlodar there is a cinema named after Shaken Aymanov [89].

Shafer Naum Grigorievich (Nahman Gershevich) (1931 – 2022) is the Soviet and Kazakh musical expert, Professor, collector, composer, who composed more than 300 works, including the Opera «Pechorin». Authoritative researcher of Bulgakov’ s and Dunaevsky’ s creative work, theorist of literature, candidate of philological Sciences, famous scientist and founder of the world’s only Museum of phonograph records.

Naum Shafer was born on January 13th, 1931 in Kishinev; early childhood he spent in Leovo (at that time, Bessarabia occupied by Romania). In June 1941 Shafer’s family was deported to Kazakhstan, Akmola region. Naum Grigorievich graduated from high school in Akmolinsk, Philology Department of Kazakh state University in 1955. At the same time he studied at Kazakh state Conservatory in the class of composition by E. G. Brusilovsky, began to compose own music under the nickname Nami Gitin. He worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature at school, graduated from post-graduate school at Kazakh state University, was sent as a teacher to Tselinograd pedagogical Institute. He collected a unique collection of phonograph records, which became the basis for the creation of the House-Museum, including also a huge library. He has published a number of articles on history of the bard songs, the works of B. Okudzhava and V. Vysotsky, methods of teaching classical and modern literature, music in high school. Professor studied in detail the heritage of the great composer Isaac Dunaevsky [90].

In 1971 he was arrested and convicted in Pavlodar for keeping and distribution of self-published books. His thesis for doctoral degree was rejected. Shafer was released in 1973, in 1989 fully vindicated. It is difficult to list all his achievements: the Man of the year (2001), an excellent student of education, the honored art worker of Kazakhstan, the member of the Union of journalists of Kazakhstan, the honored worker of culture of Kazakhstan. In addition, he regularly publishes articles in the Kazakh and foreign press.

Naum Shafer is a remarkable person in the history of Pavlodar and in the lives of its citizens. He is a legend of our city. His books, written on difficult problems of Russian literature and Soviet music, are generally understood and affordable. They are written in simple artistic language, and are characterized by clarity of judgments, accuracy of facts and clarity of images. He doesn’t impose his point of view on anyone, but tries to achieve harmony. This is the program of his life.

Professor Schafer has a huge library (now public), a storehouse of rare books and newspapers. Literary, historical, cultural, ethnographic materials have always been the main generator of Professor Shafer’s ideas. In the library of the House-Museum are carefully collected works of Kazakh and Pavlodar poets and writers. As a true educator, Naum Grigorievich is interested in the popularization of regional literature.

Naum Shafer is a mythogenic personality. His phrase «how we lived should be judged not by the gap we rolled into, but by the heights we reached» claims to be the motto of the time and the whole era. The unique and singular nature of his personality can be traced in the fact of his move to Pavlodar. In a city with its own history, he could not take a wait-and-see attitude. The appearance of Naum Grigorievich, his erudition, personal qualities, as well as free possession of the material – all this makes his figure mythogenic.

He didn’t leave Pavlodar to work in one of the prestigious University, and realized his professionalism in various spheres. He gifted the City all books and records. He never experiences personal preferences, is always open and friendly, especially towards young people. House-Museum of Naum Shafer is worth to be called «a heritage of national and world culture».

During his life, Naum Grigorievich collected 27 thousand gramophone and vinyl records, which he donated to the state. In addition, his collection includes 14 thousand phonograph records, 15 hundred tape reels and the same number of audio cassettes. There are a lot of laser discs, and an extensive film library. A huge library consists of 20 thousand books, old magazines and newspapers, more than 64 thousand units of newspaper and magazine publications related to records, a great number of literary records.

Among the rare records of Naum Shafer there is, for example, one of the first local Kazakh records released in 1936, with a record of kui «Kenes» performed by Zh. Kalambayev and L. Mukhitov.

Professor Naum Shafer is a deserved representative of the «national heritage» of Pavlodar and the Republic of Kazakhstan. All his creativity, memorable lectures, weekly meetings-lectures in the House-Museum made an invaluable contribution to the formation of the teacher of the new formation. In his opinion, the teacher doesn’t just broadcast new knowledge. A real teacher is responsible for the spiritual and moral formation of his students.

One of the famous Pavlodar journalists noted that the province is determined not by the distance from the capital, but by the richness of spiritual life. Famous masters of culture and art, having visited our city, note the special elusive aura created by artistic outstanding people, first of all, such extraordinary personality as Professor Naum Grigorievich Shafer.

Yuri Dmitrievich Pominov (born 1953). Had been the editor-in-chief of Pavlodar oblast newspaper «Zvezda Priirtyshya» for more than 25 years. He is a member of the editorial board of the Kazakh literary and socio-political magazine «Niva» (Nur-Sultan). Chairman of Pavlodar regional organization of the Union of journalists of Kazakhstan. In 1977 he graduated from Kazakh State University named after S. M. Kirov, faculty of journalism. After graduating from the University he began working in Pavlodar regional newspaper «Zvezda Priirtyshye» as correspondent, Deputy editor, and since 1988 – as editor-in-chief.

He was elected as a member of the Bureau of the regional Committee of the Communist party of Kazakhstan, Deputy of Pavlodar regional Council of people’s deputies.

Pominov is awarded by anniversary medals, mark «For merits to Pavlodar region», by the order of merit for national journalism, established by the Novosibirsk regional organization of the Union of journalists of Russia. Yuri Pominov is a laureate of the Union of journalists of Kazakhstan awards (1980, 2000 and 2003), of the competition «Kazakhstan literature-2000» in the category «Best editor among Russian speaking newspapers of Kazakhstan», 2009. He is also the honored journalist of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Yuri Pominov is the author of many books: «I Remember and love», «Characters», «I Live», «My contemporaries», «Glitter», «Between the past and the future», «Chronicle of the time of troubles».

Yuri Pominov said: «Yes, journalism is my main profession...It gave me a main thing – brilliant outstanding people, heroes of my publications, who often became my friends for all my life. Many of them you know well: writer, one of my advisers Sergey Shevchenko; statesman, as well as writer, poet Boris Isayev, whose human qualities were highly appreciated by our President Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev; the philologist, musicologist Naum Grigoryevich Shafer; editor of «Niva», poet and novelist Vladimir Gundarev; the outstanding farmer of our region Nikolay Miller; the outstanding orthopedic surgeon, the organizer of clinic of new type Nikolay Onipko... And more than a dozen people, meetings with whom is like a gift of fate» [90].

2.9.1 Answer the following questions:

1 Name the famous representatives of the Pavlodar Irtysh region. Describe their life path and creative achievements.

2 Why is it important to learn regional information?