1.3 Read the text

The term «development»


In philosophy the concept of the «development» is considered as a consistent, progressive and generally irreversible quantitative and qualitative change in the psyche of living beings. These changes ensure the transition of living beings from lower (more simple) to higher (more complex) forms of interaction with the environment.

The development of the human individual is a conditional and, at the same time, an active self-regulating process. This is an internal necessary movement, «self-movement» from lower to higher levels of life activity, in which external circumstances, training and education always act through internal conditions; with aging, the role of the individual's own activity in forming his personality gradually increases.

In his desire for self-education, an individual acts as the subject of his own development. Actively changing the circumstances of his life, an individual forms himself as a personality. At the same time, individual differences in development can be observed in each age period. This allows us to understand the process of developing a culture of intellectual labor as a process that prepares itself the conditions for its subsequent development, provoking thereby its own self-propulsion.

Let us turn to theories that illuminate the development of culture, the development of the individual. In modern psychology, ideas about the driving forces and conditions of development are different depending on the researcher's belonging to a particular scientific direction.

According to the scientists working in line with the activity approach and the cultural-historical theory of development (L.S. Vygotsky, E.V. Ilyenkov, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein), the source of personality development is the society and social environment. Contradictions in the system of objective activity are usually considered as the driving force of personality development, and the genetically determined qualities of the human individual play the role of biological inclinations or conditions for personality development.

In contrast, in numerous psychological concepts (A. Adler, A. Maslow, K. Rogers, Z. Freud, E. Fromm, K. Jung, etc.), a biologically incorporated principle is recognized as the source of personality development. At the same time, external factors create conditions for its deployment.

Cultural-historical theory by L.S. Vygotsky and his followers does not deny the immanence of development, internal self-development, but only a social individual who is in interaction with other people and not cut off from socio-cultural values, communication and cooperation, from training and education [14].

Development is considered as self-movement, due to the presence inside the object of the mechanism of transition to more complex structures in the process of acquiring experience from outside. Externally controlled growth the author refers to the formation (G.P. Shchedrovitsky and his followers) [15].

In the system of purposeful education and upbringing, development as an immanent process is possible if the teacher connects to the internal mechanisms for deploying the student's activity, helps to understand the difficulties in the activity, the formation of new knowledge, the search for the means necessary to remove the difficulties, ways to manifest reflection in relation to the original activity. At some stage student begins to develop independently, due to internal factors. The ideal, the goal, the product of such training should be the self-development of a person.

The following provisions stand out as methodological foundations for the pedagogy of self-development (O.S. Anisimov), [16, p. 38]:

- development is always forced to assume external conditions;

- the developing always paves its own path of development and depends on its capabilities in it;

- it is not the external influence itself that is significant, but the ability of the internal to use the external as a support for its manifestation;

- the developing person at a certain step acquires the ability to independently build conditions for his further development;

- self-development is inseparable from a person, but only as an opportunity that requires additional conditions for his actualization;

- human development depends on the emergence, functioning and development of social relations and structures.

All psychological mechanisms involved in activity become changeable in training and upbringing: needs for something, emotionally sensitive assessments of internal and external situations, organization of external behavior, reflection of activity, etc. (O.S. Anisimov).

Entering the education system, a person must participate in a special activity - the activity of mastering ways to change oneself with the participation of a teacher. To do this, in the content of education, the emphasis should be shifted from equipping a person with the ability to carry out a particular type of activity to equipping him with the ability to carry out self-change activities.

In modern science the development of a person throughout the life path is represented by two hypotheses. According to the first hypothesis, human development occurs constantly, continuously, throughout his life. According to the second, the main characteristics of a person develop to a certain level, a peak, after which a decline is observed (B.G. Ananiev, Yu.N. Kulyutkin, E.N. Stepanova, etc.

One of the sensitive periods of development and self-development of personal culture is the age of youth. Scientists indicate different boundaries of youth. In this matter we adhere to the position of the classics of psychological science, distinguishing early youth (15-18 years old) and late youth (18-23 years old. During the student period, the personal characteristics of a person are especially intensively formed. At this age the features of temperament, the character of a person and the general orientation of the personality become more definite.Thus, a holistic personality is formed (B.G. Ananiev, I.S. Kon) revealing the features of student age, civil and professional position of the individual.

All abovementioned makes it possible to state that adolescence carries rich psychological prerequisites for the formation of a culture of students' intellectual work.

1.3.1 Answer the questions:

1) How is the concept of «development» defined  from a philosophical point of view.

2) Under what conditions and circumstances does the development of the human personality take place? How does a person, as he grows up, participate in the process of developing a culture of intellectual work?

3) What was the essence of the activity approach and the cultural-historical theory of development? Name the representatives of this approach.

4) What did supporters of psychological concepts of personality development oppose to the activity approach? Name the representatives of this approach.

5) What is the main idea of the cultural-historical theory of personality development by L.S. Vygotsky?

6) What role in the implementation of teaching activities is assigned to the teacher and the directly learning person? What, ideally, is the result of the bilateral activity of the teacher and the student?

7) According to O.S. Anisimov, what are the main methodological components of the pedagogy of self-development?

8) Describe the main periods of development and self-development of personal culture, using both the materials of the manual and other sources.