1.7 Read the text

The structure, criteria and indicators of formedness of a culture of intellectual work of future teachers

The culture of intellectual work has its own internal content (essence), structure and attributive characteristics (factors, conditions, prerequisites, criteria and indicators, patterns, principles of formation).

To identify the pedagogical conditions for the development of a future specialist’s culture of intellectual work it is necessary to consider all the above-mentioned components of the process.

It is natural that the essence and structure of the pedagogical conditions for the development of the culture of intellectual labor is determined by the essence and structure of the very phenomenon of the culture of intellectual labor, therefore it seems appropriate to consider this phenomenon.

Conducting a systematic analysis of human activity, M.S. Kagan emphasizes the dynamic characteristics of the system, which manifests itself in two forms of system movement: the development of the system, its emergence, formation, transformation, and its movement as functioning [7].

In accordance with this, the movement of the system is considered by the researcher in three angles: subject, functional and historical.

The subject angle gives an idea of the state of the components and the nature of the connections between them; functional – reveals functional content of the system and its components; historical – ensures the unity of the historical and logical, genetic and phenomenological in revealing the stages of the past, present and future.

The pedagogical conditions for the development of a culture of intellectual work of future teacher will act as a system, provided that they ensure the activation of all components of learning in accordance with the specific goal of educational and cognitive activity. There are different approaches to identifying the components of activity in psychology, philosophy and logic. In particular, M.S. Kagan identifies five components: motivational, orientational, operational, energy and evaluation [7, p. 175-176].

The isolation of these components is based on the main function of the psyche – the management of specific processes of human activity. This approach can be used in pedagogical research when developing a system of conditions that ensures increasing of the student’s role in the education process, turning him from a passive object of control into an active subject of activity. The structure of activity management proposed by M.S. Kagan, in our opinion, can serve as a basis for highlighting the components of the process of developing a culture of intellectual work.

Transforming the model of M.S. Kagan to solve the problem of our study, we proceed, firstly, from the fact that the development of a culture of intellectual labor is a reflective and transformative activity for mastering experience; secondly, in the process of this development all the components of activity are in unity.

1.7.1 Answer the following questions:

1) Expand the features of the system analysis of human activity by M.S. Kagan. In what dimensions did the scientist consider the concept of «system»? What is meant by each of these measurements?

2) Under what condition will the pedagogical conditions for the development of a culture of intellectual labor act as a system? What approaches to the allocation of activity components exist at the present time?

3) What function of the psyche is the basis for highlighting the components of activity? How, in your opinion, can this approach contribute to the transformation of a student from a passive object of management into an active subject of activity?