1.8 Read the text

The components of the «Intellectual work»

We consider the culture of intellectual work as an element of the pedagogical system in the unity of its structural and functional components. These components are the backbone elements of the culture of intellectual work. Based on this, we will try to reveal the essence of each of the selected components:

1) The motivational component is based on the emotional-volitional and motivational sphere of the individual, involves the development of cognitive interest, beliefs (a system of conscious needs that encourage the individual to engage in activities in accordance with their views, principles, worldview and aspirations), readiness to overcome difficulties in the process of solving problematic tasks (self-regulation). The main task of the teacher is to develop students' internal motivation for learning, since it is the basis of purposeful cognitive activity.

2) The cognitive component is based on the culture of the individual’s thinking: the ability to see the general in the concrete, to single out the concrete from the general, to see inside and interdisciplinary connections regarding various scientific concepts; awareness of the unity and integrity of the scientific picture, the ability to correlate scientific categories with objective reality;

- the level of understanding of the relative nature of knowledge and the need to clarify them through systematic knowledge; the ability to analyze, synthesize, abstract, classify and generalize; the ability to think logically, prove and argue, engage in creative and research activities;

- the ability to think logically, prove and argue, engage in creative and research activities; includes a system of leading knowledge (representations, facts, concepts, laws, theories).

3) The organizational and technological component involves mastering the basic technologies of intellectual work (goal setting, planning, organizing, achieving goals, introspection and self-control), the ability to navigate a variety of information, the culture of its perception, understanding and memorization, the ability to record and formalize knowledge rationally, logically, clearly, competently express thoughts, use the source of information in self-control and self-assessment of the quality of the results of self-education.

4) The hygiene component involves knowledge and implementation of sanitary and hygienic standards in the organization of educational activities, the ability to reasonably spend one's physical strength, determine and correctly distribute the load, alternate various activities in order to prevent overwork and maintain health.

5) The aesthetic component provides the basis for the individual’s emotional and value attitude to intellectual work, which allows one to perceive, appreciate and create beauty. Based on the analysis of studies on the theory of culture and particular cultural areas, as well as taking into account the specifics of intellectual labor, we have identified the following main functions of future teacher’s culture of intellectual labor: informational, socializing, creative, managerial and regulatory, humanistic, compensatory.

6) Information function. The future specialist needs to navigate the variety of psychological and pedagogical information, new and already known, be able to use various sources of information.

7) The creative function is associated with the psychological processes of a person. From our point of view, the culture of intellectual work gives great opportunities for creativity in various directions and is an impulse for self-discovery of a person, causes a desire to fulfill oneself, to find one's place in life.

8) The managerial and regulatory function concerns managerial relations that are necessarily present in every teacher’s the activities. Pedagogical management is a conscious impact on the student team as a whole, on its individual areas, phenomena, processes with the aim of streamlining, organizing and optimal harmonious development.

9) Humanistic function, i.e. human-creative, is now of the most important significance. Pedagogical activity, like no other, should be guided by humanistic ideals, since the object of attention of teachers is the child’s personality. 

10) The compensatory function provides various forms of spiritual and psychological relaxation, rest due to various types of creative activity, communication. The development of production, its complication leads to a sharp increase in the expenditure of psychic energy. The evolution of the entire education system is moving in the same direction. There is no balance between theoretical and figurative thinking (left and right hemisphere)in learning. The complication of the content, the increase in the duration of study and the expenditure of intellectual energy makes it inevitable in culture to the tendency towards a compensatory-entertaining beginning.

The culture of intellectual work is a mechanism for relieving the enormous stress that arises in the process of education.

- development of a culture of intellectual work of a future specialist is a complex process that takes place under the influence of many objective and subjective factors.

An idea of the essence, structure and content of the culture of intellectual work of a future specialist makes it possible to identify the pedagogical conditions for its development.

1.8.1 Answer the following questions:

1) Explain the essence of the components of the  «intellectual work» concept.

2) List the main functions of the culture of intellectual work of future teacher. What is the basis for highlighting these functions?

3) How does the culture of intellectual work contribute to the facilitation of the educational process? How is the process of forming a culture of intellectual work of a future specialist?