1.9 Read the text

Factors and conditions for the development of the culture of intellectual work  

The most important factors in the development of future teacher’s culture of intellectual work in our opinion are:

-self-critical attitude towards himself, creative activity in cognition and self-understanding, reflection (value orientations of self-creation);

- satisfaction of his interests, taking into account self-understanding, his individual capabilities, abilities, conscious development of his individuality, self-actualization;

- involvement in pedagogical activity, when an active attitude of the individual to his own professional training is manifested;

- a scientific approach to solving the most important problems of self-education.

The main meaning of the selection of factors is to provide a promising opportunity to know the relationship of each factor with the creation of the most favorable pedagogical conditions for the development of culture of intellectual work of the future.

The description of the pedagogical conditions for the development of the culture of intellectual work presupposes an appeal to the very concept of a condition.

In philosophy, the term «condition» is interpreted as a category that expresses the relation of an object to the surrounding phenomena, without which it cannot exist. A condition is an essential component of a complex of objects (things, their states, interactions), from the presence of which the existence of a given phenomenon necessarily follows [23].

In modern psychological literature, the category «condition» is considered as a specific pair in relation to the generic concepts of «environment», «circumstances», «situation».

However, in our opinion, such an interpretation unreasonably expands the set of objects necessary for the emergence, existence or change of a conditioned pedagogical structure, since it includes all of its environment.

I.V. Yakovleva, considering the pedagogical conditions, defines them as a set of measures in the educational process that ensure the student achieves a professional and creative level of activity [24, p. 22].

Under the complex of educational measures, we understand the motivational conditionality of educational activities associated with the development of personal motives for learning to socially significant ones; content, methods, organizational forms of education; didactic processing of educational material of special disciplines, consistent with the goals of training specialists; laws, principles, rules of education; approximation of the nature of educational and cognitive activity to the nature of the future specialty.

At present, researchers of the school process and model curriculum preparation distinguish several groups of conditions. These include: textbooks, programs, systems of creative, problematic tasks; application of a complex of methods and forms of teaching, depending on the content and specifics of the studied material.

Describing the conditions that contribute to the productive activity of future teachers, we would like to emphasize the need to take into account the characteristics of the cognitive processes of a particular student – memory, imagination, thinking, etc., the motivational-volitional sphere; the formation of pedagogical empathy, communication and communication standards, the ability to self-control and self-understanding of their activities, that is, the individualization of the educational process.

The diversity of the existing pedagogical conditions is largely due to the difference in setting the goals and objectives of specific researchers, as well as the changing demands of society for schools and universities.

So as to judge the effectiveness of any process or activity, one must clearly represent the desired result (goal) and be able to compare the actual result with it, taking into account  the spent time and efforts.

It can be said that the coincidence of the actual result with the ideal, that is, the achievement of the goal in the optimal time frame, is evidence of the effectiveness of the corresponding process or activity.

The study of the effectiveness of development is associated with certain difficulties. Since the formation of each specific personality is purely individual and, in fact, infinite, there is no way to present its final results in relation to each pupil. It is possible only tentatively, based on social norms, to present the basic requirements for a person, taking into account his individual capabilities.

Identification of the conditions for the development of the culture of intellectual work is possible only at a theoretical level, while in practice they are combined, complementary and capable of performing compensatory functions in relation to each other.

In order to implement successfully  the set of these conditions, the following necessary prerequisites for the development of the culture of intellectual work must be provided:

- personality-oriented orientation of this process of development of the culture of intellectual work, which is based on the harmonization of future pedagogical activity with personal characteristics, its interests, inclinations, abilities and needs;

- the presence of a professional orientation of the individual;

- the need of the individual for self-development;

- the presence of basic knowledge and skills of the culture of intellectual work obtained at school;

- implementation in the college of interdisciplinary integration at the content, methodological and technological levels;

- a complex of material and technical educational opportunities of the college;

- the student's interest in maintaining and strengthening their health and performance.

1.9.1 Answer the following questions:

1) What are the main factors in the development of the culture of intellectual work? Can you characterize each of them? What is the point of identifying these factors?

2) Give a description of the concept of «condition» from a philosophical, psychological, pedagogical point of view.

3) What groups of conditions for the development of the culture of intellectual work are currently distinguished in modern pedagogy? What conditions contribute to the productivity of future teachers’ activity?

4) Do you agree with the statement that identification of the conditions for the development of the culture of intellectual work is possible only at a theoretical level? What is necessary for successful development of the culture of intellectual work at the pedagogical college?