
This textbook is devoted to topical issues of training teachers in modern conditions. Modern society needs a smart, competent, creatively thinking person who managing his own intellectual activity in interaction with members of society. The problem of its development is referred to the priority areas in the policy of Kazakhstan. The strategic resource of modern society is human capital, which includes accounting and evaluation of its intellectual potential. The formation of intellectual nation is one of the strategic goals in the development of Kazakhstan, where the main emphasis is on the formation of an industrial-innovative economy of the country with a qualitatively new intellectual nation. In the national project «Intellectual Nation», high-quality education, innovative and information revolution, spiritual education of youth are defined as the main vectors for the development of an intellectual and moral personality [1].

Modern teacher needs to update, supplement and apply previously acquired knowledge and skills, expand his horizons, receive, process, actively assimilate and apply new information. The search for ways to improve the culture of intellectual work in the learning process is constantly in the field of view of pedagogical science, since the need to further improve school, secondary vocational and university education requires solving this problem every time at a new level.

The textbook consists of two parts, the glossary and test tasks for the studied material. The first part of the tutorial is devoted to the problem of updating and developing the culture of intellectual work of future pedagogical specialists as one of the main components of professional competence. Through the texts for reading and tasks aimed at active mastering of English language and development of critical thinking skills, the theoretical and methodological foundations of the technology for developing the culture of intellectual work of future teachers are analyzed; the phenomena of the development of culture of intellectual work, the essence of the concept of «culture of intellectual work», the structure of its development in the process of vocational education at the university and college are considered, the criteria and indicators that characterize the levels of development of the intellectual work culture of future specialists are developed; the main pedagogical conditions for the development of the culture of intellectual work of graduates and undergraduates of a pedagogical profile in the process of their professional education are characterized.  

New pedagogical realities have significantly influenced the change in the appointment of a teacher – the teacher becomes a link between ethnic, Kazakh and world cultures, able to solve the problems of multicultural education, formation of of a sense of patriotism, tolerance, ethnic identity of younger generation. Today’s teacher’s personality is the bearer and creator of the socio-pedagogical, intellectual and moral conditions for the formation of the society. An important role in the civil development of a teacher, in the formation of his moral qualities is played by the socio-cultural and intellectual values of people. Preservation of the ethnic and cultural identity, formation of intellectual and moral values among the younger generation became the goal of developing the National Project «Ulttyk ruhani Zhangyru» (2021), where  the development of Kazakhstani identity and intellectual potential, formation of a sense of patriotism are mentioned as the main goals. In this regard, the second part of the educational textbook contains materials that consider the key values of the consciousness of Kazakhstan people: patriotism, tolerance, regional and intercultural competence. The authors of the educational textbook examined the essence of the concepts of the ethnic identity, tolerance, patriotism, regional and intercultural competencies as the key values of public consciousness and the important components of the process of personality formation.

The textbook contains information about outstanding personalities of Pavlodar region who gloriefied their land in past and do it today. Considering that educational system should train students to cooperate and communicate with people of various nationalities, races, religions, however keeping their national identity and nativeness, the educational texbook contains information on cultural attitudes which have important implications for business and national specifics of etiquette in business communication in Kazakhstan. The authors of the textbook suppose that complex studying of various parts of national etiquette, identifying its traditional specific features is an important scientific task to form the multicultural personality in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness in Kazakhstan. From various etiquette norms the etiquette of greetings and etiquette of business communication are described. Working on the texts and tasks proposed in that part of the textbook, students will acquire not only special competencies, but also values and ideals that determine their worldview, citizenship and self-determination. In the appendix there is  a glossary containing the terms used in the research.  The educational textbook includes an extensive bibliography reflecting progress made in addressing the problems under study both in Kazakhstan and abroad.