
If we began to study the program of professional teachers’ capacity, we can, firstly mention teacher's skills as an integral quality.

Skill is high and constantly improving quality of education and training, which is available to each teacher who works hardly and loves children. A teacher is a high culture specialist, who knows his subject deeply, gets familiar with the relevant branches of science or art and practically knows current questions of general and especially children psychology.

Personality in the teaching profession is inseparable from the professional one. Professional teacher’s quality is usually ranked as acquired in the course of practice, related to obtaining special knowledge, skills and ways of thinking, methods of operation. Among them are mastering of teaching subject, psychological training, general knowledge, a broad cultural outlook, pedagogical skills, knowledge of psychological work techniques, organizational skills, pedagogical tact, educational equipment, mastering of communication technologies.

Scientific interest is the mandatory of teacher's quality. Scientific interest helps teachers to generate respect for his subject, keep scientific culture, to see and to teach students to see the connection between science and general processes of human development.

The personality of modern teacher and educator is largely determined by his erudition and high level of culture. He, who wants to freely navigate in today's world, should know a lot. The erudite teacher should be a person of a high culture. It’s for sure, that a teacher always is a clear sample of cultural behavior for his students.

An ideal teacher is a role model, a benchmark for training and for comparison. An ideal teacher is a sample of professional support of civil, industrial and personal functions, formed at the highest level. Structure of pedagogical potential is expressed through the ideal teacher concept.

An ideal teacher is specialist with:

1) educational theory knowledge; 2) mastering of pedagogical skill; 3) mastering of training and education technologies; 4) ability to efficiently organize his work; 5) love for students; 6) pedagogical skills; 7) general knowledge; 8) patience; 8) optimism; 9) self-restraint; 10) agility, speed and accuracy of his reaction; 11) generosity; 12) emotional balance, 13) understanding of children; 14) a desire to work with children; 15) demands, tact; 16) self-control, justice; 17) organizational skills, sociability, ability to listen.

Ideal teacher as a worker with:

1) ability to set a goal and achieve it; 2) ability to manage time; 3) systematic professional development; 4) focus on increasing productivity; 5) ability to create; 6) comprehensive education; 7) reasonable optimism, moderate skepticism; 8) the desire to work at his best; 9) ability to work in a team; 10) discipline; 11) responsibility; 12) work activity; 13) ability to find a way out from work situations; 14) the ability to distribute the work; 15) the willingness to take responsibility.

Ideal teacher, as a person with

1) high moral qualities; 2) active participation in social life; 3) an active life position; 4) respect for state laws; 5) national pride, patriotism and willingness to defend the homeland; 6) good health, a healthy lifestyle; 7) humanism; 8) spirituality, 9) morality.

Devoting to the professional work is the main quality of a teacher. The quality terms are honesty and dedication, happiness to achieve educational results, ever-growing demands on himself and professional development.