Comparative politics is one of the most popular to date, the social and political sciences. The range of phenomena, which it studies, includes all aspects of social and political life, concerned in reference to each other. Comparative politics is valuable and interesting because it offers a number of ready-made analytical tools by which the world of politics is experienced. In the globalized world, the role and importance of comparativistics is continuously increasing. The transition from the classical methods of research in Political science to the post-classical could not affect Comparative politics. Comparative politics is actively developing a rich experience of world civilizations, especially, draws new discoveries in the area of comparative analysis of political cultures.
Comparative politics allows analyzing of the current, past and future events, finding and explaining law of development of the political system as a whole and its individual stages in particular. Namely methods of Comparative politics afford to conclude regularities, to built typologies and classifications, to develop theories which allow increasing the scientific status of politological knowledge. Methods of studying the objective reality, used by the science, enable to achieve a variety of results. The dominant method of this science at the time of its formation was a comparative analysis, and this method continues to justify itself at the present stage, when Comparative politics has taken one of the key positions among research disciplines. Comparative studies tend to methodological diversity that allows us to study the same processes and phenomena from different methodological positions, to create a clear picture of the ordering.
During the entire period of its development, Comparative politics has absorbed the rich theoretical and methodological base, along with a major focus on the practical application, which is expressed in attempts to reflect, explain and predict the modern realias of political development.
This teaching guide on comparative politics developed on the basis of modern approaches for dealing with political phenomena and processes. It is designed to help students learn the basics of political science through the methods of comparative analysis of the events taking place in the modern world, and to develop his capacity for critical and independent thinking in the categories of comparative politics.
A teaching guide, offered to readers, does not solve all the problems of Comparative politics. It does not pretend to sum up some results of development of Comparative politics.