Unit 10

1. Match the words and their definitions

1. marketing a. a company, organization, or business
2. refund b. someone who has borrowed money and has not yet paid it all back
3. enterprise c. the activity of deciding how to advertise a product
4. obligation d. an amount of money that is given back to you if you are not satisfied with the goods or services that you have paid for
5. borrower e. a moral or legal duty to do something

2. Read the text

Marketing and sales


 Marketing is the process of identifying, anticipating and then meeting the needs and requirements of consumers in order to make a profit. In contrast, selling involves persuading customers that your products or services provide the benefits that they are looking for.

You can therefore see that there is an important difference between marketing and sales. Marketing puts the needs of the customer first. Through market research, it is possible to find out about customer tastes and requirements.

In contrast selling takes place after marketing has helped the business to identify those sorts of goods that customers are looking for. The sales person is convinced that theirs is the best in the market. It is their job to then convince customers that this is the case.

The marketing department of a firm that produces razors like BIC or Gillette carries out research to find out the sorts of shaving developments that their customers are looking for. They ask customers to tell them what improvements they would like to see to existing products and what new products they would like developing. They test market a range of possible products on customers. As a result of the marketing process they are able to come up with the most suitable products.

Having invested so much in customer focused marketing they must then sell the benefits of the new product developments to customers. This involves advertising and promotion to communicate product benefits. It involves providing the appropriate support literature and direct selling to retail outlets that will stock the new razors. The sales force is effectively selling the benefits of the new products. These benefits were developed as a result of market and product research. Marketing and sales therefore go hand in hand.

Marketing is all about finding out what the customer wants. Selling is all about showing the customer that you can please them by providing them with the products that they want.

Marketing is designed to achieve profitable sales. It involves the use of powerful tools to manipulate the decisions of individuals and of other firms in the private and public sectors. This means that boundaries must be set to define the limits of acceptable behaviour.

Some limitations are imposed on a voluntary basis by firms themselves and by industry-based organisations such as the Advertising Standards Authority. But the law must provide the ultimate source of regulation in areas such as:

consumer protection: laws regulating product safety, honesty in product description and rights to refunds and exchanges;

credit: laws requiring lenders to provide full information about a loan including the Annual Percentage Rate (APR); also giving time for borrowers to change their minds;

information: obligation to disclose information held about consumers;

child protection: age limits for the sale of alcohol and tobacco products; film certification.

Overall the law has to find a balance between the importance of profitable business enterprise and the need to protect consumers from unfair or anti-social marketing activity.

3. Translate the following words and word combinations into English

1. продавец                                             6. продвижение (товара)

2. разглашать информацию                  7. реклама

3. годовая процентная ставка                8. торговый персонал

4. выгодный сбыт                                   9. защита прав потребителей

5. магазин розничной продажи             10. маркетинговый отдел


4. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian

1. to manipulate the decisions of individuals            6. product safety

2. private and public sectors                                    7. loan

3. to make a profit                                             8. market and product research

4. limitations                                                    9. to change mind

5. industry-based organisations                      10. to use powerful tools


5. Choose the right variant

1. ………….. is the process of identifying, anticipating and then meeting the needs and requirements of consumers.

a) refund            b) product safety           c) marketing

2. Communicating product benefits includes ………….. and promotion.

a) product research            b) advertising           c) product safety

3. Marketing involves the use of powerful tools to …………. the decisions of individuals.

a) manipulate            b) change             c) encroach

4. The ……….. is effectively selling the benefits of the new products.

a) marketing              b) sales force            c) promotion

5. The job of ………… is to convenience customers.

a) sales person         b) manager             c) consumer

6. Answer the following questions

1. What is marketing?

2. What is sales force?

3. What should be done to increase sales?

4. What limitations are provided by the ultimate source of regulation?

5. What is the job of a sales person?


7. Translate the sentences with Participle II

1. Deductions about the behavior of aggregate consumption based on the principle of individual utility-maximization applied to many households might be said to be a bridge between microeconomics and microeconomics.

2. The two ends of the spectrum represent attitudes to or styles of theoretical work that may be called system-building and problem-solving.

3. The problem-solving theory is most often carried on with a particular applied problem and sometimes even a particular body of empirical data, in view.

4. This is the company built many years ago.

5. The stolen money was returned to the bank.

6. Concerned parents complained about the dangerous playground.

7. The strategy adopted made them think that the war was going splendidly.

8. The companies involved are keeping a frosty silence.

9. The thing that makes economic forecasting difficult, if not impossible, is the sheer complexity and variability of the relationships involved.

10. The energy-saving measures adopted by the companies have met with the approval of the trade unions.

8. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Participle II

1. Informed of the change in flight times, the passengers sat down for a long time.

2. Dressed in her smartest clothes, she arrived early for the interview.

3. Exhausted in a day of different climbing, they could hardly stay awake.

4. Tired out after the long journey, I collapsed into an armchair.

5. The books written by Dickens give us a realistic picture of the 19th century England.

6. The problem discussed should be solved.

7. He knew very little about his mother’s early life spent in Africa.

8. By the time I had finished the letter there were distinct sounds of breakfast prepared.

9. There will be a reward for any information led to the arrest of the robbers.

10. The car badly damaged in the accident was towed early.


9. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of any

1. Do you have any books on economics?

2. Did he have any reason for doing this?

3. I don’t have a ny book on biology.

4. Do you have any idea about seriousness of this situation?

5. I don’t have any idea when he comes back.

6. Do you have any explanation of what has happened?

7. Are there any question about theme discussed?

8. I can’t find any word to express my inspiration.

9. There must be any reason for his leaving.

10. Any idea regarding this discussed theme?

10. Express your opinion

1. Does advertisement influence people? Whom is advertisement aimed at? Why?

2. What TV commercial can you watch on TV every day? What goods / services are advertised more frequently than others? What is your favourive TV commercial? Why?

3. You are the Marketing Manager of a clothes producing company. Think of an advertisement campaign that you can launch to advertise your clothes.


Use the following phrases

To my mind …                                              In my experience … 

In my opinion …                                           As far as I understand …

On the one hand, …on the other hand               From my point of view …

If my memory serves me right …                     If I am not mistaken …

It seems to me that …                                    Personally, I think …

My personal view is that …                           I am sure/certain/convinced that …

The fact is that …                                           This proves that …

It is obvious that …                                        There is no doubt that …


11. Make up your own resume to the following advertisement:

Computer Sales ltd

is looking for a dynamic


If your qualifications include:


- University degree in Economics or Management

- Fluent English, Spanish is a plus

- Computer literate

- Working experience in sales or marketing

- Ability for teamwork, communicative skills


Please send your resume to hh.compsales.com, attn. Mary Recruiter