Unit 3

1. Guess the meanings of the words. Which of them can be used as special economic terms?

Production stuff, goods, customers, luxury, activity, service, human, to practice, requirements, marketing planning, responsibility, to provide, financial dealings.

2. Find the right definition to the following words from the text

1) The Managing Director a) controls all the financial dealings of the company and is responsible for producing management accounts and financial reports.
2) The Distribution Manager b) is responsible for making contact with customers and obtaining orders from those contacts.
3) The Production Manager c) is responsible for keeping a continuous supply of work flowing to all production staff and also for organizing manpower to meet the customers' orders.
4) The Sales Manager d) is responsible for controlling the movement of goods in and out of the warehouse, supervising drivers and overseeing the transport of goods to and from the firm.
5) The Company Accountant e) has the major responsibility for running of the company, including setting company targets and keeping an eye on all departments.

3. Choose the correct word: economy, economics, economist, economic, to economize, economical.

1. An early definition (определение) of… was «an inquiry (изучение) into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations».

2. The national… is the system of the management and use of resources of a country.

3. You can… if you compare the prices of goods before buying them.

4. J. M. Keynes was a famous…

5. Inflation may cause a bad… state (положение) in a country.

6. If you've got a large family, it's more… to travel by car than by train.

4. Read the text and choose the most suitable title for it

1. Market structure

2. Organizational structure

3. Microeconomics

Every organization made up of more than one person will need some form of organizational structure.

The way in which a company is organized can be illustrated for a packaging company. The company will be owned by shareholders that choose directors to look after their interests. The directors then appoint managers to run the business on a day-to-day basis. The Managing Director has the major responsibility for running of the company, including setting company targets and keeping an eye on all departments.

The Distribution Manager is responsible for controlling the movement of goods in and out of the warehouse, supervising drivers and overseeing the transport of goods to and from the firm. The Production Manager is responsible for keeping a continuous supply of work flowing to all production staff and also for organizing manpower to meet the customers' orders. The Sales Manager is responsible for making contact with customers and obtaining orders from those contacts. The Company Accountant controls all the financial dealings of the company and is responsible for producing management accounts and financial reports. Other organizations will have different structures. For example most organizations will have a marketing department responsible for market research and marketing planning. A customer services department will look after customer requirements. A human resources department will be responsible for recruitment and selection of new employees, employee motivation and a range of other people focused activities. In addition there will be a number of cross-functional areas such as administration and Information Technology departments that service the functional areas of the company. These departments will provide back up support and training.

Organizations are structured in different ways:

1) by function as described above;

2) by regional area – a geographical structure e.g. with a marketing manager North, marketing manager South etc.;

3)by product e.g. marketing manager crisps, marketing manager drinks, etc;

4) into work teams, etc.

Reporting in organizations often takes place down the line. An employee might be accountable to a supervisor, who is accountable to a junior manager, who is then accountable to a senior manager – communication and instructions can then be passed down the line.

5. Match the words and their definitions

1) shareholder a) someone whose job is to manage part or all of a company or other organization
2) market b) someone who owns shares in a company or business
3) accountant c) the job of hiring people
4) recruitment d) a place to buy and sell things
5) manager e) someone whose job is to keep and check financial accounts

6. Translate the following words and expressions into English

1. руководитель отдела продаж                            6. назначать

2. начальник отдела сбыта                                   7. отдел информационных технологий

3. рабочая группа                                              8. отдел обслуживания клиентов

4. руководитель отдела маркетинга                      9. начальник производственного отдела

5. акционер                                                         10. получать заказы

7. Say if the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false statements

1. The Company Accountant doesn’t control the financial dealings of the company and isn’t responsible for producing management accounts and financial reports.

2. A human resources department will be responsible for recruitment and selection of new employees, employee motivation and a range of other people focused activities.

3. The Distribution Manager has the major responsibility for running of the company, including setting company targets and keeping an eye on all departments.

4. The Distribution Manager is responsible for controlling the movement of goods in and out of the warehouse, supervising drivers and overseeing the transport of goods to and from the firm.

5. Shareholders don’t choose directors to look after their interests.

8. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the Participial constructions:

1) In East-European countries consumers couldn't get goods, and factories couldn't buy inputs at prices held low by governments.

2) Governments intervene in economies controlling the supply of money, limiting monopolies and helping private industries.

3) An improvement in technology will increase the supply of a good, increasing the quantity supplied at each possible price.

4) Governments regulate economic activities imposing some restrictions.

5) The governments can influence for whom goods are produced, taking income away from some people and giving it to others.

6) The high price for a good is the market mechanism telling suppliers it is now time to increase production.

7) The developing countries hope that the industrial countries will raise imports from the less developed countries imposing tariffs on imports from other industrial countries.

8) Income is money of all kinds coming in regularly to a person, family or organization.

9) Active money is money going from man to man and used by the people in buying and selling goods and services.

10) Reducing our imports, we decrease the exports of others.

11) At prices above equilibrium we have a situation known as excess supply, or surplus.

9. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian

1. provide back up support                6. organizational structure

2. employee                                     7. work teams

3. senior manager                            8. shareholder

4. junior manager                             9. human resources department

5. set company targets                     10. market research

10. Choose the right variant of answer

1. ……controls all the financial dealings of the company.

a) Senior Manager    b) Accountant     c) Sales Manager

2. The ……. is responsible for keeping a continuous supply of work flowing to all production staff.

a) Production Manager     b) Sales Manager     c) Distribution Manager

3. The ……. has the major responsibility for running of the company.

a) Distribution Manager     b) Managing Director     c) Production Manager

4. A human resources department is responsible for recruitment of new ……..

a) employers        b) directors       c) employees

5. A marketing department is responsible for ………

a) recruitment        b) market research       c) promotion

11. Answer the following questions:

1. What is organizational structure?

2. Who are directors chosen by?

3. What is the function of a human resources department?

4. What are the main departments needed for a company to function properly?

5. What department is responsible for servicing the functional areas of the company.

12. Express your point of view using the following expressions in your answer:


To my mind …                                           In my experience …

In my opinion …                                        As far as I understand …

On the one hand, …on the other hand         From my point of view …

If my memory serves me right …                If I am not mistaken …

It seems to me that …                               Personally, I think …

My personal view is that …                         I am sure/certain/convinced that … 

The fact is that …                                      This proves that …

It is obvious that …                                   There is no doubt that …

1. A big oil-refining company is going to open a new dealership in a foreign country. The manager is asked to choose all the possible positions and vacancies for a new dealership. What departments should be established, what staff should be hired, what criteria for the applicants can be requested.

2. Imagine that you are an applicant at the interview applying for a position of human resources manager at a foot-wear shop. You are asked to enumerate the responsibilities of a distribution manager, production manager, sales manager and an accountant. What responsibilities can you mention?