Annex 2. Types Of orchestras

Symphony Orchestra – a large group of musicians performing symphonic musical works.

In the modern symphony orchestra instruments are divided into the following groups:

  1. Stringed bow instruments: violins, violas, cellos, double basses;
  2. Wind wood: flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons;
  3. Copper–wind: French horns, pipes, trombones, tubes;
  4. Shock: noise: castanets, ratchets, maracas, scourge, tomtam, drums (large and small), timpani, plates, triangle, Bell, xylophone, vibraphone, celesta;
  5. Keyboard: pianoforte, organ;
  6. Additional group: harp.

Brass Band – an orchestra consisting exclusively of wind and percussion instruments. The basis of the brass band consists of brass instruments, the brass instrumental brass instruments of the flugelhorn group – soprano–flugelhorns, cornettes, altorgons, tenorgorns, baritone–euphoniums, bass and contrabass tubes – have a leading role in the brass band among brass instruments. On their basis are imposed batches of encompass brass trumpet instruments, horns, trombones. Also brass orchestras use wooden wind instruments: flutes, clarinets, saxophones, in large compositions – oboes and bassoons. For the brass band is typical performance of military music, as well as popular dances of European origin (the so–called garden music) – waltzes, Poles, Mazurkas.

A string orchestra is essentially a group of bowed stringed instruments of a symphony orchestra. The string orchestra includes two groups of violins (first violins and second violins), as well as violas, cellos and double basses of guitar. This type of orchestra is known from the XVI–XVII century.

Orchestra of folk instruments. In various countries, orchestras composed of folk instruments, performing both transcriptions of works written for other compositions, and original compositions have been distributed. As an example, we can name the orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments, which includes instruments of the family of dombra and kobyz, as well as cheese (bayans), sherds and other instruments. The idea to create such an orchestra was proposed in A.K. Zhubanov. In some cases such instruments are additionally introduced with instruments that are not actually related to folk instruments: flutes, oboes, various and many percussion instruments.

Pop–Jazz Orchestra – The Jazz Orchestra is one of the most interesting and unique phenomena of modern music. Characteristic features of the musical language of jazz were originally improvisation, polyrhythmic based on syncopated rhythms, and a unique set of rhythmic patterns – swing. The most notable contributions to the development of jazz were made by Louis Armstrong, Art Hodes, Barrett Dimes, Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Chick Webb, Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Jimmy Lansford, Charlie Barnett and many others.

Children's Orchestra is one of the types of collective music making. There are several types of children's orchestra: noise (including different types of percussion instruments that do not have a scale), an ensemble (consisting of the same or similar instruments), and a mixed orchestra (which includes different groups of instruments).

The most simple, accessible of them is the noise orchestra. It can be arranged already with young children, if they are able to rhythmically reproduce the strong points of the clocks, mark the meter of music. In the performance of the orchestra of children's noise and percussion instruments, songs, marches, dance, folk melodies can sound. Those that emphasize the rhythm sound better, there are accents, pauses, graphic elements: clatter of hooves, drum roll, rain, wind noise, etc.

– School orchestra – an orchestra consisting of students of the school, a collective of musicians, led, as a rule, by the teacher of primary musical education. For musicians is often the starting point of their further musical career.

The Jazz Orchestra is one of the most interesting and unique phenomena of modern music. Arising later than all other orchestras, he began to work on other forms of music – chamber, symphonic, music brass bands. Jazz uses many of the instruments of the symphony orchestra, but has a quality radically different from all other forms of orchestral music. The main quality that distinguishes jazz from European music is the big role of rhythm (much larger than in a military march or waltz). In this regard, in any jazz orchestra there is a special group of instruments – a rhythm section.

The jazz orchestra has one more feature – the prevailing role of jazz improvisation leads to a significant variability in its composition. However, there are several types of jazz orchestras (approximately 7–8): a chamber combo (although this is an area of the ensemble, but it needs to be specified because it is the rhythm section), the chamber ensemble dixieland, the small jazz band is a small band small band, A large jazz orchestra without strings – a big band, a large jazz orchestra with strings (not symphonic type) – an extended big band, a sympho–jazz orchestra.

The rhythm section of all types of jazz orchestra usually includes percussion, stringed plucked and keyboard instruments. It is a jazz drum set consisting of several plates of rhythm, several accents, several tom–toms (either Chinese or African), pedal plates, snare drum and special kind of a big drum of African origin – "Ethiopian (Kenyan) drum" (its sound Much softer than a Turkish big drum). In many styles of southern jazz and Latin American music (rumba, tango, samba, cha–cha–cha, etc.) additional drums are used: a set of Congo–bongo drums, maracas (chocalo, kabas), bells, wooden boxes, Senegalese bells (agogo ), Etc. Other instruments of the rhythm section, already holding a melodic–harmonic pulse: a piano, a guitar or a banjo (a special kind of North African guitar), an acoustic bass guitar or a double bass (played only with pinch). In large orchestras, sometimes there are several guitars, a guitar with a banjo, both kinds of basses. Rarely used tuba – wind instrument bass rhythm section. In large orchestras (big bands of all 3 types and symphojazes) they often use vibraphone, marimba, flexion, Hawaiian guitar, blues guitar (both of them are slightly electrified, together with bass), but these instruments no longer enter the rhythm section.

In Dixieland there are 1–2 pipes, 1 trombone, clarinet or soprano saxophone, sometimes alto or tenor saxophone, 1–2 violins. In the rhythm section of the Dixieland, the banjo is used more often by guitars. Examples: Armstrong ensemble (USA), Tsfasman ensemble (USSR).

In a small big band there can be 3 pipes, 1–2 trombones, 3–4 saxophones (soprano = tenor, alto, baritone, all also played on clarinets), 3–4 violins, sometimes cello. Examples: The first Ellington Orchestra 29–35 years (USA), Bratislava Hot Serenaders (Slovakia). In a big band, usually 4 tubes (1–2 play high soprano parts at the level of small ones with special mouthpieces), 3–4 trombones (4 trombones tenor–bass or tenor–bass, sometimes 3), 5 saxophones (2 viola, 2 tenors = soprano, baritone).

In the expanded big band there can be up to 5 pipes (with view pipes), up to 5 trombones, additional saxophones and clarinets (5–7 common saxophones and clarinets), string bowed (no more than 4–6 violins, 2 viola, 3 cellos) , Sometimes a french horn, a flute, a small flute (only in the USSR). Similar experiments in jazz were conducted in the USA by Duke Ellington, Stanley Kenton, Count Basie, Cuba – Paquito Rivera, Arturo Sandoval, in the USSR – Leonid Utyosov.

The sympho–jazz orchestra includes a large string group (40–60 performers), and bow–basses are possible (in the big band there can be only bowed cellos, bass player of the rhythm section). But the main thing is the use of flutes rare for jazz (in all kinds from small to bass), oboes (all 3–4 kinds), horns and completely not typical for jazz bassoons (and counterfeit). Clarinets are supplemented by a bass, an alto, a small clarinet. Such an orchestra can perform specially written for him symphonies, concerts, participate in operas (Gershwin).

His feature – a pronounced rhythmic pulse, which is not in the usual symphonic orchestra. From the sympho–jazz orchestra it is necessary to distinguish its full aesthetic contrast – a variety orchestra based not on jazz, but on beat–music. Special types of jazz orchestras are a brass jazz orchestra (a brass band with a rhythm section of jazz, including a guitar band and a decrease in the role of flugelhorns), a church jazz band (now only in Latin America, includes organ, chorus, church bells, Section, drums without bells and agogo, saxophones, clarinets, trumpets, trombones, string bowed), jazz–rock ensemble (Miles Davis collective, from the Soviet – Arsenal, etc.).

Variety orchestra – a group of musicians performing pop and jazz music. The variety orchestra consists of strings, brass (including saxophones, usually not represented in the wind groups of symphony orchestras), keyboards, percussion and electric musical instruments. The Variety Symphony Orchestra is a large instrumental composition capable of combining the performing principles of various kinds of musical art. The variety part is represented in such compositions by a rhythm group (drum set, percussion, piano, synthesizer, guitar, bass guitar) and a full big band (groups of pipes, trombones and saxophones); Symphonic – a large group of stringed bow instruments, a group of woodwinds, timpani, harp and others.

The predecessor of the variety symphony orchestra was the sympho jazz, which arose in the USA in the 1920s. And created a concert style of popular–entertaining and dance–jazz music. In line with the sympho jazz, the local orchestras of L. Teplitsky (Concert Jazz Band, 1927), the State Jazz Orchestra under V. Knushevitsky (1937) performed. The term "Variety Symphony Orchestra" appeared in 1954. This was the name of the Variety Orchestra of All–Union Radio and Television, directed by Yu. Silantyev, created in 1945.

Most variety–symphony orchestras are used during song gala performances, television competitions, less often for the performance of instrumental music. Studio work (recording of music in the fund of radio and cinema, on sound carriers, the creation of phonograms) prevails over the concert. Variety symphony orchestras have become a kind of laboratory for domestic light and jazz music.

The jazz orchestra is one of the most interesting and unique phenomena of modern music. Arising later than all other orchestras, he began to work on other forms of music – chamber, symphonic, music brass bands. Jazz uses many of the instruments of the symphony orchestra, but has a quality radically different from all other forms of orchestral music. The main quality that distinguishes jazz from European music is the big role of rhythm (much larger than in a military march or waltz). In connection with this, there is a special group of instruments in the jazz orchestra – the rhythm section.

The jazz orchestra has one more feature – the prevailing role of jazz improvisation leads to a significant variability in its composition. However, there are several types of jazz orchestras (approximately 7–8): a chamber combo (although this is an area of the ensemble, but it needs to be specified because it is the rhythm section), the chamber ensemble dixieland, the small jazz band is a small band small band, A large jazz orchestra without strings – a big band, a large jazz orchestra with strings (not symphonic type) – an extended big band, a sympho–jazz orchestra.

The rhythm section of all types of jazz orchestra usually includes percussion, stringed plucked and keyboard instruments. This is a jazz percussion unit (1 performer), consisting of several rhythm plates, several accents, several tom–toms (either Chinese or African), pedal plates, a snare drum and a special kind of a big drum of African origin – the Ethiopian (Kenyan) barrel "(Its sound is much softer than a Turkish big drum). In many styles of southern jazz and Latin American music (rumba, salsa, tango, samba, cha–cha–cha etc.), additional drums are used: a set of Congo–bongo drums, maracas (chocalos, cabas), bells, wooden boxes, Senegalese bells (Agogo), clave, etc. Other instruments of the rhythm section, already holding a melodic–harmonic pulse: a piano, a guitar or a banjo (a special kind of North African guitar), an acoustic bass guitar or a double bass (played only with pinch).

In large orchestras, sometimes there are several guitars, a guitar with a banjo, both kinds of basses. Rarely used tuba – wind instrument bass rhythm section. In large orchestras (big bands of all 3 types and symphojazes) they often use vibraphone, marimba, flexaton, Hawaiian guitar, blues guitar (both of them are slightly electrified, together with bass), but these instruments no longer enter the rhythm section. Other groups of jazz orchestra depend on its kind. In the combo, usually 1–2 soloists (saxophone, trumpet or bow instrumentalist: violin or viola). Examples: ModernJazzQuartet, JazzMessenjers.

In Dixieland there are 1–2 pipes, 1 trombone, clarinet or soprano saxophone, sometimes alto or tenor saxophone, 1–2 violins. In the rhythm section of the Dixieland, the banjo is used more often by guitars. Examples: Armstrong ensemble (USA), Tsfasman ensemble (USSR).

In a small big band there can be 3 pipes, 1–2 trombones, 3–4 saxophones (soprano = tenor, alto, baritone, all also played on clarinets), 3–4 violins, sometimes cello. Examples: The first Ellington Orchestra 29–35 years (USA), Bratislava Hot Serenaders (Slovakia).

In a big band, usually 4 tubes (1–2 play high soprano parts at the level of small with special mouthpieces), 3–4 trombones (4 trombones tenor–double bass or tenor bass, Sometimes 3), 5 saxophones (2 viola, 2 tenors = soprano, baritone).

In the expanded big band there can be up to 5 pipes (with view pipes), up to 5 trombones, additional saxophones and clarinets (5–7 common saxophones and clarinets), string bowed (no more than 4–6 violins, 2 viola, 3 cellos) , Sometimes a french horn, a flute, a small flute (only in the USSR). Similar experiments in jazz were conducted in the USA by Duke Ellington, Stanley Kenton, Count Basie, Cuba – Paquito Rivera, Arturo Sandoval, in the USSR – Leonid Utyosov.

The sympho–jazz orchestra includes a large string group (40–60 performers), and bow–basses are possible (in the big band there can be only bowed cellos, bass player of the rhythm section). But the main thing is the use of flutes rare for jazz (in all kinds from small to bass), oboes (all 3–4 kinds), and horns and completely not typical for jazz bassoons (and counterfeit). Clarinets are supplemented by a bass, an alto, a small clarinet. Such an orchestra can perform specially written for him symphonies, concerts, participate in operas (Gershwin).

His feature – a pronounced rhythmic pulse, which is not in the usual symphonic orchestra. From the sympho–jazz orchestra it is necessary to distinguish its full aesthetic contrast – a variety orchestra based not on jazz, but on beat–music. Special types of jazz orchestras are a brass jazz orchestra (a brass band with a rhythm section of jazz, including a guitar band and a decrease in the role of flugelhorns), a church jazz band (now only in Latin America, includes organ, chorus, church bells, Section, drums without bells and agogo, saxophones, clarinets, trumpets, trombones, string bowed), jazz–rock ensemble (Miles Davis collective, from the Soviet – Arsenal, etc.).

Variety orchestra – a group of musicians performing pop and jazz music. The variety orchestra consists of strings, brass (including saxophones, usually not represented in the wind groups of symphony orchestras), keyboards, percussion and electric musical instruments.

The Variety Symphony Orchestra is a large instrumental composition capable of combining the performing principles of various kinds of musical art. The variety part is represented in such compositions by a rhythm group (drum set, percussion, piano, synthesizer, guitar, bass guitar) and a full big band (groups of pipes, trombones and saxophones); Symphonic – a large group of stringed bow instruments, a group of woodwinds, timpani, harp and others.

The predecessor of the variety symphony orchestra was the sympho jazz, which arose in the USA in the 1920s. And created a concert style of popular–entertaining and dance–jazz music. In line with the sympho jazz, the local orchestras of L. Teplitsky (Concert Jazz Band, 1927), the State Jazz Orchestra under V. Knushevitsky (1937) performed. The term "Variety Symphony Orchestra" appeared in 1954. This was the name of the Variety Orchestra of All–Union Radio and Television, directed by Yu. Silantyev, created in 1945.

Most variety–symphony orchestras are used during song gala performances, television competitions, less often for the performance of instrumental music. Studio work (recording of music in the fund of radio and cinema, on sound carriers, the creation of phonograms) prevails over the concert. Variety symphony orchestras have become a kind of laboratory for domestic light and jazz music.

The jazz orchestra is one of the most interesting and unique phenomena of modern music. Arising later than all other orchestras, he began to work on other forms of music – chamber, symphonic, music brass bands. Jazz uses many of the instruments of the symphony orchestra, but has a quality radically different from all other forms of orchestral music.

The main quality that distinguishes jazz from European music is the big role of rhythm (much larger than in a military march or waltz). In connection with this, there is a special group of instruments in the jazz orchestra – the rhythm section.

The jazz orchestra has one more feature – the prevailing role of jazz improvisation leads to a significant variability in its composition. However, there are several types of jazz orchestras (approximately 7–8): a chamber combo (although this is an area of the ensemble, but it needs to be specified because it is the rhythm section), the chamber ensemble dixieland, the small jazz band is a small band small band , A large jazz orchestra without strings – a big band, a large jazz orchestra with strings (not symphonic type) – an extended big band, a sympho–jazz orchestra.

The rhythm section of all types of jazz orchestra usually includes percussion, stringed plucked and keyboard instruments. This is a jazz percussion unit (1 performer) consisting of several rhythm plates, several accents, several tom–toms (either Chinese or African), pedal plates, a snare drum and a special kind of a big drum of African origin – the Ethiopian (Kenyan) barrel "(Its sound is much softer than Turkish The big drum). In many styles of southern jazz and Latin American music (rumba, salsa, tango, samba, cha–cha–cha etc.), additional drums are used: a set of Congo–bongo drums, maracas (chocalos, cabas), bells, wooden boxes, Senegalese bells (Agogo), clave, etc. Other instruments of the rhythm section, already holding a melodic–harmonic pulse: a piano, a guitar or a banjo (a special kind of North African guitar), an acoustic bass guitar or a double bass (played only with pinch).

In large orchestras, sometimes there are several guitars, a guitar with a banjo, both kinds of basses. Rarely used tuba – wind instrument bass rhythm section. In large orchestras (big bands of all 3 types and symphojazes) they often use vibraphone, marimba, flexaton, Hawaiian guitar, blues guitar (both of them are slightly electrified, together with bass), but these instruments no longer enter the rhythm section. Other groups of jazz orchestra depend on its kind. In the combo, usually 1–2 soloists (saxophone, trumpet or bow instrumentalist: violin or viola). Examples: Modern Jazz Quartet, Jazz Messenjers.

In Dixieland there are 1–2 pipes, 1 trombone, clarinet or soprano saxophone, sometimes alto or tenor saxophone, 1–2 violins. In the rhythm section of the Dixieland, the banjo is used more often by guitars. Examples: Armstrong ensemble (USA), Tsfasman ensemble (USSR). In a small big band there can be 3 pipes, 1–2 trombones, 3–4 saxophones (soprano = tenor, alto, baritone, all also played on clarinets), 3–4 violins, sometimes cello. Examples: The first Ellington Orchestra 29–35 years (USA), Bratislava Hot Serenaders (Slovakia). In a big band, usually 4 tubes (1–2 play high soprano parts at the level of small ones with special mouthpieces), 3–4 trombones (4 trombones tenor–bass or tenor–bass, sometimes 3), 5 saxophones (2 viola, 2 tenors = soprano, baritone).

In the expanded big band there can be up to 5 pipes (with view pipes), up to 5 trombones, additional saxophones and clarinets (5–7 common saxophones and clarinets), string bowed (no more than 4–6 violins, 2 viola, 3 cellos) , Sometimes a french horn, a flute, a small flute (only in the USSR). Similar experiments in jazz were conducted in the USA by Duke Ellington, Stanley Kenton, Count Basie, Cuba – Paquito Rivera, Arturo Sandoval, in the USSR – Leonid Utyosov.