Productive stage of work of the conductor and the orchestra directed by it on which efficiency and expediency of all previous efforts is estimated is a concert (concert performance).
During the concert – Sh. Myunsh wrote – it is necessary to bring all feelings to extreme tension. In it the main mission of the conductor also consists. It is necessary to concentrate as much as possible on the executed kyu or the work.
In whatever situation, the orchestra performed (audience hall), the conductor is obliged to surrender to the execution and to demand maximum commitment from the orchestra [12].
During preparation for a concert or at rehearsals, a great influence on artists render and appearance, and mood, and the behavior of the conductor, namely, sight, posture, way of communicating with others.
The conductor has to be inspired, but at the same time is tightened, built and surely quiet.
Knowledge of individual and personal and professional properties of the student in their interrelations and dependences are absolutely necessary for the teacher in development of optimum ways and ways of behavior to concert performances, namely before playing in audience or on a concert platform, it is extremely necessary to consider a psychological spirit of the student orchestral player.
The professional the performer-orchestral player, during playing has to show resourcefulness and will, to get out in this situation and having continued playing further. Any performer has to have this quality. During performance, it is necessary to be attentive, to keep internal calm.
Sometimes even the General mood that occurs in the hall, and infects the audience and the band creates a particular atmosphere of the concert.
If such connection is established if the performers feel the kindness and interest of the audience, this gives them encouragement, reinforcing, in turn, the emotional impact on the audience.
Music and movement are interrelated. The individual elements of music – tempo, meter, agogics, dynamics, caesuras, the nature of the reference sound are both elements of movement and they are adequately expressed. For example, an increase or decrease in sound power can be expressed, respectively, by increasing or decreasing the volume of the gesture, the acceleration or deceleration rate – by increasing or slowing the speed of movement. Portraying in music the power and scope, the pace and rhythm of movements, the composer conveys those emotions, traits which serve these properties.
Thus, the music, its content, is a source of some motor skills, musically meaningful movements necessary in conducting practice. However, it should again be emphasized that the gesture of the conductor must not follow the music or to illustrate it, and to bring to life a sound influence on performers and performance [12].
In the process of the work or kui, head introduces the participants to work in their own performance or mechanical recording, talks about the author, the nature and content of the play, drew the participants ' attention on specific features of the musical language, style, etc. If the team is sufficiently prepared, the Manager summarizes essential information about the author, the content of the work, describes its features and puts before the participants of the task, pointing to the musicians performing on the difficulties they have to overcome. Then, playing with the orchestra work completely, without interruption, to the members of the group got the General idea of it, begins together with them to solve performance problems, connect each to the search for means of expression [30, p.94].
The concert and the rehearsal process. The purpose of rehearsing for a live performance changes the very nature of musical-educational activities of the orchestra: it is a positive attitude to practice with the band, arouses interest, changes the motives of learning musical and performing arts.
Very important, is, also drawing up the program: a concert has to go on the accruing line so that perception of the viewer was supported by amplifying "immediacy" of numbers, that is to execute numbers causing the most rough reaction of the audience closer to the end of the program. The end of a concert surely demands the most effective and impressive point.
The head has to care for contrast of numbers. Joints between numbers of different genres have to be selected carefully to help to shade contrast of number. Each program, each performance has the specifics, and to the head all the times anew have to think over performance options depending on contents [30].
Much important form of collective occupations in teaching and educational work of orchestra is rehearsals.
The rehearsals are held to address specific tasks related to improving the quality of performance of the work or kui, the establishment of the right balance of pace, dynamics, etc., and also to maintain the artistic level of performance ready pieces [30].
Rehearsal process prepares the interpretative moments which reveal at full capacity and power on the stage.
In the performance of musical compositions. Rehearsal, the formation of a musical sound image is a long process filled with a quest for balance of the various components constituting a single interpretive unit, the opening music sounding in terms of the collective creativity – the essence of the process of conducting and performing, the most difficult his task.
The purpose of concert performance is realization of all previous work in specific conditions of public performance, transfer of the maintenance of music to listeners. High requirements at this total moment are shown to virtuosity, an intuition and emotional and strong-willed qualities of the conductor. An important role is played by the scenic attention directed externally to public to stage movement and internally – for the image and on itself.
The purpose of concert performances is the realization of all previous work in the specific conditions of public performance, transmission to listeners the content of the music. High requirements in this final moment of the artistry, intuition and emotional-volitional qualities of the conductor. An important role is played by stage attention directed externally to the public, the movement on stage and internally on the image and themselves.
Of great importance are the stage movements of the conductor associated with the maintenance performed music and influencing the process of its perception by the listeners. Conductor with expressive gestures makes a visual impact on a holistic perception. These gestures are clearly expressed communicative function, as movement of the conductor is expressed not only emotionally-shaped maintenance performed music, but also the attitude of the artist to the audience [45].
Every rehearsal or conducted cultural events enrich the participants and expand their knowledge, managed to experience. It constantly needs to remember the leader to adapt their methods of operation, to diversify it, looking for all the new techniques.