10 Personality and society. Socialization of a person

The problem of personality, personality and social relations belong to the most interesting and important topics in sociology. Personality comes from the word mask – a mask. Man is always and everywhere plays a role. We get to know each other in these roles; in them we know and themselves. In the sense that the mask is a picture that we create for ourselves, our roles are executable also masks our true self – the self that we want to have. Performance as it becomes second nature and an integral part of the personality. Personality is continuously connected with the community. The sociological interpretation of the individual is reflected in the measure of social man, the measure of his involvement in social relations. Personality – a social being. This concept allows you to highlight and emphasize unnature, imply a supernatural essence of man, pay attention to his scientific social principle and essence. Personality – is the result of the development of the individual, the full embodiment of human social qualities. "Man is born, and the person becomes" What are those individuals or other people – it depends on the nature of the society in which they live, acting in its education and training system.

All social processes – economic, political, spiritual, and others – are made up of human activities, which represent one or another person. Raises questions about the incentive power of their work, its content and social orientation, its practical results and their significance for the life and development of society.

The concept of personality.

Sociology – the science that studies the person as a social type as personality type, endowed with typical features, gaining in the process of functioning of social communities. However, in its field of view and includes real – life personality, whose formation is due to the specifics of "current" socio – cultural conditions. But we do not study their individual characteristics and social characteristic in a person, his function and role, as well as socially significant activity. Social in man is the source, mainly in the sociological analysis of the individual.

In the humanities are widely used concept of "person", "individual", "individual", "personality". Each of them carries a particular burden.

In the concept of "man" recognized the features characteristic of the human race, man appears as a biological and social. "Individual" – is an individual, a unit of the human race, a particular carrier of all social and psychological traits of humanity, reason, will, needs, interests, values, etc. The notion of "individual" reflects the characteristic features of a person as a whole at the level of the individual, it is a kind of atom, first human race, indivisible and final. The concept of "individuality" fixed special, distinctive, which distinguishes one individual from another. This may be physiological, psychological, and other cultural characteristics.

The sociological interpretation of social identity is reflected in the measure of man, the measure of his involvement in social relations. Personality – a social being. This is the result of an individual, the full embodiment of human social qualities.

Many modern researchers spread the concept of personality to the class of social objects, broader in scope than the human individual (tribe, band, nation), define "social identity" as inherent in certain social object of any level of generality holistic unique doctrinally–constitutional Complex (integrated life superprogram , hierarchic system in varying degrees conscious ideals, values, theoretical views, the organization laws and applied patterns of existence, reproduction and development of the social object).

Socialization of personality.

The concept of socialization.

The process of assimilation of personality traits at different stages of man's physical existence is defined in sociology the term "socialization".

Socialization – a complex process of inclusion of the individual in social relations, in which he learns the patterns of behavior, social norms and values required for successful functioning in a given society.

Primary socialization – a socialization in which the individual is included in the childhood. Secondary socialization (resocialization) – is the subsequent process of learning new roles, values, knowledge at every stage of life.

In sociogenesis implemented specific social program of its formation and further development, implicit in the very social reality, and above all in the objective world of material and spiritual culture; language, different sign systems, embodying the spiritual experience of mankind; existing systems of education and training; such forms of social life, both work in the field of material production, political, cognitive and other activities, moral, aesthetic and religious relations, manifested in turn, the system of family and inter–ethnic relations, as well as for the representatives of different generations. In many of these relationships a person is included literally from the cradle and operates within them the rest of his life.

People and institutions, through which the socialization of the individual, called agents of socialization. Agents of primary socialization – parents, siblings, grandparents, and all other relatives, friends, family, peers, teachers, doctors, trainers, etc. – All of the people associated with the individual's close personal relationship. Secondary socialization carry people associated formal business relationship and therefore agents of secondary socialization are, for example, representatives of the school administration, university, enterprise, military, employees of mass media, political parties, court, etc.

At the individual develop appropriate capacity to enable it not only to adapt to the environmental conditions of its life and activity, but also to actively assert itself in this environment, to be creative and change their lives in their own interests. All this becomes possible only at a constant multiplication of a person of his knowledge and all – round development of their abilities and skills to a variety of activities. A decisive role in this is a good education in the middle school and high school and subsequent professional and other activities.

Each person appears at the same time as the product of the modern era and it as a result of the world – historical development of mankind, whose experience is embodied in the content of the accumulated knowledge of existing activities and works of art, she learns by living in a particular country in a particular part of the people.

Any person acts as a rather difficult and open its system to dynamically manifested social properties – production – economic, political, family – domestic, moral, aesthetic, religious and other. The open nature of the personal properties of the system is manifested primarily in conjunction own personalities, whether they act on their own or as part of certain social groups, ultimately – in the interaction of individuals with the entire environment of their social life activity, exchange of information, knowledge, experience, activity with other subjects.

I must say that the system of social properties of the individual functions and develops under the direct and indirect influence of the entire content of the public life and always manifests itself in specific socio – historical parameters. It includes a system of its public relations and interpersonal communication, the prevailing of its activities, its system of spiritual world. All of them operate and develop as a major subsystem of an integrated system of identity – social systems of all its properties.

Social connections of a person and his social relationships with other entities should be included in its system. Yes, because it exists only as an individual in the system of connections and relationships. Beyond them there is no identity. Social connections and relationships entered into by the person – it's not just the external conditions of its functioning and its essential attributes. It acts as a carrier of these connections and relations and therefore it personality. The collapse of its links and relations means the decomposition of the personality, its social degradation.

To create the representatives of society (children, youth, adults) are useful for his personality, it is necessary to form appropriate social relationships – economic, political, legal, moral, aesthetic and other, on the basis of which, with appropriate education and training system can nurture such persons. These social relations are not only social ground of personality activity and determine the content of its social activities, but also the defining influence on the development of its spiritual world. This means that the formation of the person should start with improving the society, that is, the entire system of social relations inherent in it.

Theories of socialization.

Socialization theories have a rather long history of formation and development. Best known theory of Charles Cooley and John. G. Mead,          R. Linton, S. Freud, J. Piaget. Great contribution to the explanation of the process of socialization made by representatives of the school of symbolic interactionism Cooley and Mead.

According to Cooley, each person builds his ego, based on the reactions of other people with whom he comes in contact. The core personality – is the result of social interaction in which the individual has learned to look at myself as an object through the eyes of other people.

A man has as many social I, as there are individuals and groups whose opinion of himself he is concerned. The decisive role in the socialization of the individual is given the primary groups – family, friends, neighbors, that make up the informal and trusting relationship. The human I, which opens through the reaction of other, known as the mirror I (Cooley). According to him, other people – these are the mirror in which I formed the image of man. I includes: an idea of "what I seem to another person," the idea "how the other evaluates my way of" following from this specific "feeling" pride or humiliation ("self–esteem"). Supplement and develop the theory of the mirror I was the concept of the generalized other, developed by Mead. "Generalized other" refers to Mead anonymous "people", "people", "society" as an abstract entity – a network of institutions (family, religion, education), the state. Formation in the minds of "generalized other" – the decisive phase of socialization. According to Mead, the conscious I grow in the social process. A small child discovers his I like being with certain intentions only in interaction with others. If the child communicates with only one person, his development as an individual will be relatively straightforward and one–dimensional. The child takes a few adults who react differently to the world. In addition, it is necessary that the child's significant other for themselves in contact with the "generalized other." Seeing a feature of the human mind's ability to use symbols and gestures, Mead believed that the person being the subject may be an object for themselves. Psychological systems that process Mead calls I (I) and Me (me). As a subject, I can be myself, as an object – by adopting another attitude to himself. Intermediaries of this process are the "significant others", ie mother, father and other relatives. The main role in the socialization process, according to Mead, belongs to children's games, which are in the process of developing the mind and the child's ability, absorbed the role of several individuals. In the first stage of development (one – three years) a child trying on all sorts of roles. In the second stage (three – four years), called the stage of collective game, the child with the other begins to implement structured collaboration between the various parties (playing "Daughter – mother"). The criterion for the formation of the mature I is the ability to take on the role of the "generalized other" – with the advent of the third stage (four – five years and beyond). Mead emphasized the importance of peer relationships to form an independent and responsible person.

One of the first identified mechanism of socialization of the child the founder of psychoanalysis Freud. According to Freud, personality consists of three main components: It is I, Ultra – I It – a primitive component, irrational and unconscious instincts carrier obeys the pleasure principle. The instance I shall monitor the individual, taking into account the features of the external world. Above – I – carrier of moral norms, performing evaluation functions. Socialization is understood by Freud as a process of "deployment" of human innate characteristics, which results in the formation of the three constituent elements of personality. In this process, Freud identifies five stages associated with certain parts of the body: the oral, anal, phallic, latent and genital.

From the practice of psychoanalysis originated the theory of personality development E. Erickson. According to Erickson, the fundamentals of the human I am rooted in the social organization of society. Each stage of development of the individual meet your specific to the expectations of society, that individual can justify or not justify, and then it is either included in the Company, or rejected them. These ideas formed the basis of Erikson two important concepts of his concept – "group identity" and. "Ego – identity" Due to the fact that from the first day of life education is focused on its inclusion in the social group formed by group identity. In parallel with the group identity is formed by the ego – identity, which creates in the subject the feeling of stability and continuity of the self, in spite of the changes that occur to him in the process of growth and development.

Erickson put forward three new and important position.

In – First, he suggested that, in addition to those described by Freud phases of psychosexual development, during which changes the direction of inclination of autoerotism to an external object, there are psychological development stage I, in which the individual process establishes the basic guidelines in relation to themselves and their social environment .

In – the second, Erickson claimed that the formation of the person is stretched to the entire life cycle and not the end of adolescence.

And in – the third, each stage has its own development of its own parameters, which can be positive or negative.

In Freud's theory of the first stage of human development corresponds to the oral phase and covers the first year of life. During this period, developing social interaction parameter, which serves as the positive pole of the trust, and the negative – distrust. If the baby does not receive proper care, love, produces in his distrust of the world it will bring in other stages of development. The question of how the beginning prevail, will appear again at each subsequent stage of development.

According to Freud, the second stage, coinciding with the anal phase, it covers the second and third years of life. This phase relationship is established between independence on the one hand, and modestly and uncertainty – the other. A child that has passed from this stage is much more independence than shame (if parents provide him do what he can do), would be well prepared for the development of self – reliance in the future. The third stage is usually between the ages of four to five years. The social setting of the stage, according to Erikson, developed between the entrepreneurial spirit at one extreme, and the feeling of guilt on the other. From that, at this stage the parents react to the child's game and fun, it depends largely on which of these qualities outweigh his character. Age six to eleven years – the fourth stage, corresponding to the latent phase of psychoanalysis. Here Erickson expands the scope of psychoanalysis, and indicates that the child's development during this period depends not only on parents but also on the attitude of other adults. The child develops the ability to deduction, to organized games, regulated occupations, and social dimension of this stage is characterized by skillful, on the one hand, and a sense of inferiority – on the other. In the transition to the fifth stage (twelve – eighteen years) communication parameter with the environment varies between the positive pole of identification I and the negative pole of the confusion of roles, ie, teenager who gained the ability to generalize is to unite all that he knows about himself as a son, a schoolboy, friend, athlete, etc. All these roles he should gather into one whole, to comprehend, to link with the past and projected into the future. If a young person to successfully cope with the psycho – social identity, it will have a sense of who he is and where he is going. Unlike previous steps, the influence of parents is now becoming much more indirect.

The sixth stage of the life cycle is the beginning of maturity. Specific for this stage of the parameter is made between positive pole of proximity (in a marriage, friendship) and negative – of loneliness. Seventh stage – adulthood. At this stage, there is a new parameter of the individual – are universal. Erickson calls are universal human ability to be interested in the fate of people outside the family circle, to think about the lives of future generations. Whoever has a feeling of belonging to humanity has not developed, focused on himself and his own comfort. Eighth, the last parameter classification Erikson – psychosocial, he made between integrity and despair. These are the main stages of the life cycle in the classification of Erikson. Extending the period of formation of the person for the entire life cycle, scientists have argued that each age has its own emotional crises. Erickson believes that each stage has its own strengths and failure in a single step can be corrected in a subsequent successes to others. In addition, Erickson theory shifts the responsibility for the formation of personality with the parents of the individual and on society.

The latent and genital stage for Erickson – are periods when an individual develops a sense of identity or role opposite him a sense of diffuseness. For Erickson decisive task of adolescence is the formation of a sense of I – identity, growing confidence that the current perception of the individual himself is a continuation of his past, and I agree with his perception of other people. Compared with people who have developed a sense of identity, a person with roles diffusion is not quite sure who he really is, he does not know whether what he thinks about himself he is, what people think around about him and he does not realize in. how he became who he is and what he will become in the future. In late adolescence and college years the desire to solve the problem of identity can lead to entry into a variety of groups and to the painful feelings about career choices.

In their study of the formation of the identity of an American social scientist Marcia D. identifies four positions that can have individuals in the process. Position reached identity the person gets, if it finds its identity after searching and learning itself. Such individuals are functioning at a high psychological level, being able to think independently, to the proximity in interpersonal relations to complex moral reasoning, they are with their sense of self–esteem are resistant to group pressure and group manipulation. The position of the identification of the moratorium is the individual, if he is in the midst of an identity crisis. These people are capable of a high level of mental activity, resulting in complex reasoning and moral reasoning: they also appreciate the closeness in relationships with other people. However, they still continue to solve the problem of who they are and what others think of them, and less ready to make responsible choices in different areas of life than attained identity. In the case of unpaid individual identity it takes a certain identity, bypassing the research process itself. Such individuals are prone to rigidity, are highly susceptible to group pressure and vulnerable to manipulation. They tend to comply with the conventions and refuse to deviate from the standards of good and evil they have taken. And, finally, the individual who has attained the diffuse identity, deprived of – a strong sense of identity or obligations to anyone – ever. These individuals are easily vulnerable to attacks on their self–esteem, their thinking is often disorganized, they have problems with establishing a close relationship with the people. Thus, according to D. Marsia, individuals differ in the way they cope with the process of identity formation, and these differences are manifested in their sense of self, in the thought processes and interpersonal relationships. Although how the process of identity formation takes place, and does not prejudge the rigid structure of the future life, this process is, according to the views of D. Marsia, of great importance for the further development of the individual. Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget, highlighting the various stages in the development of the individual, emphasizes the intellectual development of children and adolescents, depending on experience and social interaction. In Piaget's intellectual development highlights several large stages, replacing each other in a certain sequence.

For the first time the child's actions are reflected in the form of thought in the second year of life. From that age and up to about two years of a child being preoperational stage of thinking, which is characterized by Piaget as a stage of self–centeredness. At this stage, the child uses images rather than concepts, and concentrating on the present moment.

At the age of seven years of the child's thinking, "decentering", there is a transition to the stage of concrete operations. The child begins to understand that there are different points of view – self – centeredness gives way sociocentrism. After eleven years of the child's thinking goes on stage of formal operations, which culminates to fifteen years and characterizes the "mature mind" capable of deductive reasoning and the construction of hypotheses.

Socialization Piaget calls the social relations between children themselves (cooperative relationship), and between child and adult (relationship of coercion). The child is social from birth, but further socialized only gradually as the formation of the corresponding intellectual and moral principles of the device.

For several generations of scientists are developing the concept of "social learning" (N. Miller, J. Dollard, R. Sears, B. Skinner, A. Bandura, et al.). According to the concept of social learning, socialization – a process that allows the child to take their place in society as a result of learning. There are different concepts of learning. According to Skinner, behavior is formed due to the presence or absence of the reinforcement of one of the many possible options, with the help of reward or punishment. Bandura believed that children acquire new behavior through imitation. Another form of learning – learning through observation, imitation and identification. The social learning theory examines the satisfaction of the biological needs of the child's mother, an imitation of the behavior of children strong personalities, reinforcement of their social behavior and other effects of the external environment

T.Parsons has applied the concept of imitation and identification, introduced by Freud to the theory of social action and social systems. He defined imitation as a process by which absorbed the elements of culture, specific knowledge, skills, rituals, etc. Identification of means to Parsons internal assimilation of the values people and is a process of social learning. In his view, the individual incorporates the common values in the process of communicating with the "significant others". The main body of the primary socialization Parsons said family where lays the basic setup of the individual.

From birth and throughout the life of the person in contact with others, joining in various activities. In the sociology of the socialization process can be divided into three periods: before labor, labor and after labor. Many authors emphasize that socialization is never complete and never ends.

New behavior patterns develop when a person, for example, migrate to another country, he goes to a new job, entering into a religious sect out of the house, divorce, etc. At each stage of socialization in effect certain social institutions: the family, peer groups, schools, mass media, labor groups, various associations, etc.

Obviously, the most important for the individual is usually the primary socialization, secondary socialization as a derivative of the primary. Each individual is born in the objective social structure in which he meets the significant others who are responsible for its socialization. The child takes the role and setup of significant others, i.e., internalizes (metabolizes) and makes them his own. Assimilating social values, learning to understand other people, a person acquires the ability to live in society. At each stage of socialization of personality acquires new to social certainty. Especially important are the changes taking place in the consciousness of the individual. Assimilation of new norms of behavior – is not just an external change that happens to the individual, but also the inner transformation of consciousness, a new look at their identity. Objectively, the person enters into a new social field, subjectively, she learns a new view of the world.

On the other hand, the process of socialization, howsoever how individualized occurs in the broader context of the social structure. The individual always meets certain program behavior adopted in a society, a social and structural order. Will people fit into the existing order – then socialization is successful. There are also situations where the person is not only corresponds to the social order, but also the significant impact on it.

The individual and society are mutually dependent on each other. In the structure of the social world and the structure of the personality is always a process of mutual adaptation. On the part of the person – this socialization of the society – the constitution regulative system, norms and principles with which the individual coordinate their individual behavior.

Relations between the individual and society – is the foundation of all aspects of its life. In society, a person is born, grows, develops, operates, it is this or that person. Which personality he will – again – still largely depends on the conditions of his life in a given society, as well as the activity of the person, aimed primarily at the development and implementation of its socially significant abilities.

The fundamental problem of the individual life – to adapt to the social conditions of its existence, to establish itself in them through appropriate forms of social activities and thus meet their needs and realize their interests. The main method of self–realization in a society – it is work, and other manifestations of their social activity. Realizing their interests, you must reckon with the interests of other people and society. It is a fundamental rule of human life in society should be reflected in the psychological and ideological attitudes of its activities, the system of its value orientations. Only in this case it can be a normal constructive (not destructive) life of society and of its constituent individuals.

No person is to develop and create a society can not, that its self – realization depends on social conditions of her life, is determined by its social position, economic and other opportunities. Her social rights and freedoms as defined by the company and sold in it, protected by the state. It would not be happy with a respectable man, if he is surrounded by unhappy people, if the degraded society in which he lives. So you need to do for the community rehabilitation and recovery, to achieve the well – being of all people. The decisive role in the revival of the society the state should play. But in this it must support every able–bodied person, in this case, we are talking not only about the effective solution of internal problems of the society and its citizens, but also to protect them from external attacks.

It follows that the driving forces of each individual activity must be feeling and consciousness of patriotism, love for the Fatherland, responsible attitude to everything that happens in it. Such psychological and ideological tenets it is definitely oriented to the fact that in all their social activities each person combined their interests with the interests of society and the state in which he lives herself, her family and her people.

Control questions

  1. The relationship of the individual and society as a key problem of social psychology.
  2. Specifics of the socio–psychological approach to understanding personality.
  3. The social psychological theory of personality.
  4. Personality as the spokesman of the individual and the group, as the national and international media.
  5. The process of social development of the individual.
  6. Social identity: the image of "I".
  7. Traditions and the present state of the individual studies in social psychology.