Difficulties age periodization in adulthood are related to the lack of systematic data to change the psychological processes and personal characteristics in different periods of adulthood. The genetic psychology has spread point of view, according to which the maturity is the cessation of the development process. Following the youth come stabilization, preservation, then a full stop, and further reduction in the level of development of mental functions. During adulthood there is only the accumulation of life experience, not affecting the internal mechanisms of psycho – physiological functions.
The urgent need for the development of adult psychology was caused by the needs of adult education and training practices, the organization of work and rest in the different periods of life.
The emergence of "Psychology" of the concept refers to the 20's. XX century and is associated with the search for an answer to the question: "Do adult learners" To answer this question it was necessary to develop "standards" of psycho–physiological, intellectual and personal development in different periods of his life. This required the development of an age periodization of the life cycle with the release periods and phases of development. The first, who drew attention to the problem of undeveloped age periodization in relation to an adult, was N. Rybnikov, who proposed in 1928 to name the section of psychology of adults acmeology (Acme – "flourishing", "top"). This underlines the main feature of adult status, in contrast to childhood and adolescence – reaching maturity (mental, civil, labor), professionalism and flourishing of creative capacities in a variety of occupations.
The subject of adult psychology (acmeology) is the ontogenetic evolution of constitutional, neurodynamic, psycho–physiological, intellectual, personality, age – sexual characteristics of adult, manifested in the life conditions. Adults act as direct producers of material and spiritual wealth of society, are active participants in all spheres of social and working life, which makes to consider impact on the development stages of labor and social status of adults in the development of age periodization. In the current age periodization today (D. Birri, D. Bromley, D. Wexler, V. Bunak, V. Ginzburg) is not the same as the lower and upper limits of maturity, there is not even a consensus on the boundaries of youth.
Contradictory in defining age limits due to different principles of construction of age periods classifications – physiological, anthropological, demographic, psychological. Periodization of the ground states of maturity at a common approach to the life cycle of human B. Ananiev proposed to build on the basis of the definition mikro – age intervals psychophysiological and intellectual development of adults.
In accordance with the experimental data of the research process of psycho–physiological development of adult uniform. At the age of 18–46 years old are three macroperiod in the development of memory, thinking, attention, the first of which covers the age from 18 to 25 years, the second – from 26 to 35 years, the third – from 36 to 46 years. These age macroperiod differ at different rates of development of mental functions and intelligence, understood as the result of cross–functional relationships.
In the first macroperiod declines in the level of development of thinking continuously about a one – two years, replaced by lifts. Further, since 26 years, the changes are more uniform. Up to 32 years there is a gradual rise with two recessions (28 years old and at age 31). After 32 years (point of highest pitch of the second macroperiod) level of thinking is gradually reduced and maintained at a reduced level in 34–36 years. Raising takes place in 38–39 years, and then a decrease to the lowest level. The highest values of indicators of development thinking accounted for 20, 23, 25 and 32 years. In the third macroperiod peaks are observed at age 39 and 45 years, but at a reduced level compared to previous periods.
Unidirectional and omni directional development, showing heterochrony or nonequal sequence in the manifestation of mental functions occur in all ages of maturity. On the basis of level indicators and to identify the stages of unidirectional and multidirectional development of mental functions within the allocated macroperiod mikroperiody development.
The simultaneous increase in the development of memory, thinking, and attention only found in two mikroperiod – 22–25 years and 30–33 years, the simultaneous decline – only one mikroperiod – 34–35 years.
The study of cross – functional relations of mental processes adult human has shown that in the process of restructuring and transformation of cross–functional structures of the elements of the new structure are generated in the bowels of the old. Structural transformations of the intellectual system are influenced by lifestyle factors that cause qualitative changes in intelligence as an integrated system. Among these factors are the decisive role in the ontogenetic development of man belongs to the education and employment.
As the age of human development is not only the growth potential (evolution), mental functions, but also reduced the level of their "efficiency" (involution). However, there is a combination of things (evolution and involution), affects inner functional restructuring and cross – functional structures.
Development of structures of intelligence comes from the low level of integration to its high level of differentiation based on it, which indicates the hierarchical organization of the human intellect. The complexity of the system intelligence show communication: logical reasoning and semantic memory; Logical thinking and imaginative memory; verbal and non – verbal thinking; practical thinking, memory and attention; level of generalization in the thinking and the amount of information.
When comparing the development of intelligence and level of education, especially higher education, at the same age for men and women is "imposing" education factor by a factor of sexual dimorphism, which affects the performance of the same thinking development.
In an unstable society, which is characterized by crises and unemployment, a woman is faced with the underestimation of their intellectual and personal possibilities and uncomfortable because the same level of education in preference to a job is given to men.
Thus, based on a combination of individual and age – related development of psycho – physiological functions and the intelligence of the Leningrad school of psychology based periodization age of maturity from 18 to 50 years. A distinctive feature of this periodization is that micro age approach (follow the development from year to year) was done in her, which allowed to determine the transition states in phases and periods of the age groups.
Contrary to popular belief, that by the beginning of maturity takes place on completion of the human growth of the various functions in this periodization marked periods of uneven development of an adult.
How does education influence on the intellectual growth of adults?
The formation of man as a subject of activity – a long and intense occur at maturity. The formation of the entity's activities and personality development are influenced by life circumstances. Develop character traits, abilities, interests and inclinations. Personal adult quality increasingly individualized, compared with the child at all stages of its development, which is associated with a variety of influencing factors and breadth of contacts in the outside world.
Social maturity – the period of active employment rights, when there is a formation of the individual as the subject of activity and its creative possibilities. In the formation of a social maturity, which can be called civil, exclusively important role belongs to the person participating in the production, social and cultural life of society.
Talking about the social factors of longevity and modern gerontologists call one of the main adult education, providing the duration of disability and human vitality. There is a close link between education and work capacity.
Factors – age and education – not acting in isolation but in conjunction. They combine to affect a person's susceptibility and determine the conditions of its life forms and means of education, changing attitudes to the educational process, the content of the educational material.
Receptivity to learning, understood as the ability to learn, at different ages, but with the same level of education is not the same. Thus, representatives of the older age group complain of memory loss, fatigue in the classroom. But the state of mental health should be considered in the specific conditions of the organization of mental activity. B. Grekov, comparing memory 30– year and 70–90 – year, drew attention to the decline in memory general age only 90 years old. All changes in the period of maturity, the author explains the influence of confounding factors, and the manifestation of specific features, which are formed in vivo. The level of mechanical and shaped memory declines faster than meaningful, long – term stability of the different (70 and older).
When comparing the levels of development of memory, thinking and intelligence of two groups of adults (students and non – learning) it turned out that learning disabilities there is a significant decrease in the level of development of all functions of memory, but especially – for short–term auditory modality, involuntary memorization of words, verbal and figurative memory.
In studying the structure of memory was similar to the structure of the memory period of early adulthood (18–25 years), i.e. age, which is characterized by the highest rates of memory development. An active mental activity is in the process of assimilation of knowledge contributes to the preservation of memory functions.
Do students in comparison with learning disabilities are found higher rates of verbal – logical, imaginative and practical thinking, the relationship between which is agile and flexible.
As the experimental material in the course of educational activities along with the expansion of mental horizons of man originate deep transformations and changes in the structure of mental functions, which are components of intelligence. Unteachable behind the students to develop both verbal and non–verbal intelligence. Education speeds up the process of intellectual development in different periods of maturity.
Thus, under the condition of constant optimum load, operational transformation and motivation has been progress development of mental functions and intelligence. In the absence of such conditions there is a premature involution of these functions even in younger years.
How are the age and labor connected?
According to the methodological principle of unity of consciousness and activity of the person as the subject of activity and it is formed. The activity is characterized by human orientation towards an active attitude towards the world, to transform the natural and social environment. In the normal course of business people come into the system of social relations, realizing the aims and objectives of production, communication with other people.
Human activity has historically caused, and thereby affects the person as a representative of a certain environment, period. Formation of the person as the subject of knowledge, labor and communication takes place over time and is carried out throughout the whole person under the influence of the factors accelerating, slowing or delaying the development lifecycle.
At maturity, adulthood leading activity is the work which has developmental impact on the person together with factors such as age and education. Impact on human factors themselves are subject to change. Varying factors and occurs as a result of their influence system of relationships are not constant for different age periods of human life. The intensity of the effect of different phenomena on physiological functions and mental processes change during ontogeny.
Fruitful is the idea B. Ananiev about two – phase in the development of psycho–physiological functions, which consists in the ratio of the moments of increase of their "performance" in the course of maturation and specialization under the influence of living conditions and activities. The first phase of the development of psycho – physiological functions is a front progress in the development of functions from birth to maturity age (early and middle), the second – the specialization of the same functions in adulthood. In the process of development is observed not only the growth potential functions, but also a decrease in their 'health' or relative stabilization.
A two – phase development of mental functions in different periods of adult life manifests itself – differently. For early adulthood (18–25 years) tend to increased development of mental functions, their front advances. The most optimal recovery point is in the level of development of memory and thinking Front progress takes place in this period in terms of the relative autonomy of functioning of memory, thinking and attention, as evidenced by the small number of cross–functional relationships.
The second phase of development of the same features – specialization – begins to actively occur mainly after 26 years, as evidenced by the increase in inner functional and cross–functional relationships. Starting with 30 years specialized mental functions dominates, due to the acquisition of life experience and professional skills.
Means human exposure during the period of training for self – employment through the specialized mental functions lead to the rational combination of general and special abilities.
Abilities – individually – psychological characteristics of the individual, ensuring the success of any given activity. Any activity makes certain demands to the system of personality traits, starting with physical and intellectual ending. Meets these requirements a person will successfully carry out the training and professional activities
There are two levels of ability: reproductive and creative. In the development of skills both levels interact, for self – approach to problem solving (creativity level) required reproduction rate associated with the original terms of training for the accepted rules.
Abilities are formed in the concrete conditions of life at the crucial role of education and training, social experience of man. Natural abilities are the prerequisites for the makings of which are possibilities for the development of skills in the work. For inclinations are not only anatomical – physiological characteristics of the body (body structure for a ballerina), and physiological properties (increased sensitivity of the visual, auditory analyzer) and typological properties of the nervous system (strength, mobility, balance, the predominance of excitation or inhibition), which determine the form temperament.
Deposits appear in the inclinations of man to this or that type of activity and are found in the human desire to deal with precisely this type of activity.
There are general and special abilities. General ability to meet the needs of many types of activities, they include intelligence, speech and volitional qualities of personality. Special abilities – personality traits that help a person to achieve good results in a specific activity (art, music, design, etc..).
There is a relationship and interaction between the general and special abilities. For the success of a special kind of activity, such as painting, music, not enough presence color distinctive sensitivity or absolute ear for music. You must also have the appropriate knowledge, erudition different, creative thinking, imagination.
Abilities, according to B. Teplov, not only manifested in the activities, they are created in this activity. It is in the normal course of business, training and employment, training place, exercise psychophysiological functions, mental processes and the properties of the individual in accordance with the requirements of the activity.
Thus, the leading adult activity – at work – developing specific and general human abilities, which are a crucial factor in the development of personality. The presence of contradictions between the possibilities, potentials of the individual and his interests, relationships, the direction appears as an essential factor and driving force behind the development of individuality. Ways and means of resolving the contradictions can be different: the formation of individual style, reducing the level of claims, the emergence of new interests, relations, development and improvement of the individual properties.
Professional activity makes to man certain requirements, the satisfaction of which – a necessary condition for the effectiveness of work, for example, a high degree of coordination of movements, switching and distribution of attention is needed for the profession of the driver. The sensitivity of different modalities (the development of sensations) is formed depending on the focus of (a musician, an artist, a taster) and is associated with the subject of labor. In practice, adult supervision is of great importance, which is a purposeful perception of objects (tools, equipment, materials, etc.). The most difficult is to observe the person intended to be included within the scope of the process of perception of communication, which are also important features of influence on each other entering into mutual relations of people.
With age, people communicate more with other people, acquires professional experience, which affects the perception of objects as the activities and the people with whom he comes into contact.
In solving professional problems mental functions and processes are in a state of increased activity. Handling spatial imaging, flexibility in establishing links between figurative, conceptual thinking and effective components are connected not only with a view of the professional activity, but also with the level of education the subject of activity.
There are studies using longitudinal and biographical methods to study the life and creative activity of the human way of confirming the dependence of the intellectual development of man from its activities. H. Lehman (USA) concluded nonequal sequence in the manifestation abilities in different activities. Optimal performance display capabilities are located within the middle ages of adulthood: the sport – 25–30 years, in poetry – 25–29, in prose – 30–39 years, painting – 30–40 years, philosophy and medicine – 35–39 years old, in a staggered sport – the rise in 35 years, a decrease is observed in 41–43 years, and a marked decline – in 47 years.
The most intense scientific activity was among those scientists who combine it with pedagogical work. The latter is a favorable condition for the formation of the scientific orientation of the scientist at all stages of its research activities, which ensures a high degree of productivity.
On the intellectual development of adult affect his participation in the creative work (e.g. work – Inventor).
Valuable human orientation depend on the age factor. For 25 years a large role in the development of the individual belongs to the pursuit of knowledge, at the age of 26–30 years to the fore concern for the welfare of the family, improvement of living conditions. The group of workers older than 40 years of life is dominated by the orientation of the labor conditions and the rest, after 50 years of commitment to improving earnings approaching retirement age.
When comparing age groups revealed restructuring plans in life. If a group of 20–25 – year olds in the first place there is the desire to get an education, then 26–30 – year – to create good living conditions, care of family and child–rearing. Changing life plans and orientations affects the level of development of mental functions, processes, and intelligence.
The work requires mental effort from the part of man, so is the incentive for the development not only professional skills, but also the intellectual system in general the intensity of the adult depends on the orientation of labor and its intensity, from involvement in the activities of the various psycho – physiological characteristics of the human.
What is the self – realization of a person?
Self – realization – the embodiment of the man in the life of their potential (development of the "I") through their own efforts, co–creation, joint activity with other people.
Self–realization – a complex process, which includes self–knowledge, self–organization, self–testing and monitoring, self–management. Of all the "self" in self–realization is based on self–knowledge, by which one detects and recognizes the possibility of their intellectual, personal and professional development. Self – knowledge is actively functioning in adolescence and continues into the period of early adulthood, but unknowable nor himself until the end of man or other. Realize you can only what a person has, but not all of it can be detected independently. In children, actively helping to open man makings of educators and teachers.
Self – knowledge is related to achievement motivation, which affects the success and lack of success, satisfaction and dissatisfaction with himself in the activities and behavior. Self – knowledge is because, as a man appreciate other people. After an assessment of its other people as individuals, individual, professional man seeks to mobilize themselves to achieve goals in life, what's the big role belongs to the strong – willed qualities of the person. With age, the assessment of other orientation becomes less a person becomes self – sufficient and independent. Take the right decisions and follow them in behavior, predict the results of operations – qualities that are particularly important for self – realization. Other components of the self – organization, such as self – esteem and self – control are necessary for the correction of the process of achieving life goals, plans.
Self–realization is a complex process of human development as a person, the subject of activity and individuality and, together with the result of this development. As a process, it is characterized by uneven development in different age periods.
On personality and her self – realization affect scientific – technical, economic and cultural conditions of social life, they are responsible for the manifestation of human activity. However, a person can realize his "self" as able to realize their value, to rise above the circumstances, to have plans and objectives of the activities, take into account the real situation and the long – term consequences.
Self – realization depends on his social position (asocial, narrow – minded, civic, cultural – historical) and the latitude range of activities. At the widest possible circle of activities (for example, a combination of scientific, pedagogical and aesthetic activities) and cultural – historical position of the person can reach the level of genius.
Self – realization plays an important role throughout the course of life of the individual, in fact, defining it. Background of self inherent in human nature and exist as the makings of that with the development of human capacity are the basis for self – realization. The image of the world will also change throughout a person's life, it becomes more and more complete and adequate. However, successful self – realization condition is a dynamic functional unit, where the image of the world and the image of "I", as it were balanced by an adequate understanding of its place in the world (social position) and use appropriate social skills. If these or other violations of this equilibrium man to solve the problems of self – realization we have to look for shareware – compensatory way by type of psychological protection.
What are the psychological characteristics are typical for an adult (early adulthood from 20 to 40 years).
The development of cognitive mental processes during early adulthood is uneven. Intelligent human development, has reached early adulthood, takes place in close cooperation with the formation or transformation of his personality. Moreover, with the cessation of psychophysiological functions at the turn 25 years old intellectual development does not stop, and lasts for many years.
In addition, the development of human cognition is largely due to the individual character: an adult able to independently control the course of his intellectual development and to achieve the heights of professional skill and creativity. This process is influenced by the degree of human talent, education level and occupation.
In the emotional sphere of the main problems that need to be resolved in early adulthood – is the achievement of identity and intimacy.
Proximity – the basis of love. Love is composed of emotions such as interest – excitement and fun – joy. Often love is accompanied by a feeling of jealousy, which can be expressed emotions of anger, sadness, anger, and so on.
During this period a person is experiencing a new set of emotions. Among them – the emotions of parental relationships, which include: the joy of communicating with the child, affection and mutual trust, sensitivity to the needs of the child, the child a sense of interest in and admiration for him.
In general, human emotional sphere at this age already formed and is stable.
Motivational sphere is characterized by the fact that young people entering adult life, is facing the need to select and solutions to many problems, among which the most important marriage, birth of children and the choice of a career path. Thus supported, expanded or previously existing human being undermined by attitudes, formed new motives for his behavior.
The desire of young people to enter into marital union may be due to such motifs: love, spiritual closeness, material calculation, psychological satisfaction and moral considerations.
The most important motives of choice of profession are practical considerations, parental or family, the desire to realize their potential, interest in the profession, its prestige and focus on the existing system of values, which may change with age.
By age of 30 to replace the romantically colored values come more practical. In the foreground the external factors of labor motivation in the form of wages and material incentives. Man realistically assess their capabilities, corrects their life goals and the level of claims.
Many ideas about themselves, which form the "I – concept" during adolescence, continue to enrich the experience of active self – manifestation of the person as a sexual partner, spouse, parent, professional and citizen.
In accordance with the perception of their physical characteristics, knowledge of psychological age, vocational guidance and basic personal and social attitudes in a holistic, "I – concept" includes neoplasms, reflecting the maturity of the individual.
Regulatory crisis 30–33 years due to the mismatch between human life plans and real possibilities. A man weeds out non–significant, reviewing the system of values. Reluctance to go for a change in the value system leads to the growth of contradictions within the individual.
In the period of early adulthood of human behavior associated with the development of professional and self – improvement, the creation of his own family, raising children, as well as the holding of free time and leisure activities, which allows to realize the untapped potential of the individual.
Each sphere of human activity is characterized by the specific nature of the activity and communication: work – socially useful activities, family – concentration and variety of interpersonal relations, leisure – realization of personal potential.
It should be noted that the leading factor in the development in the period of early adulthood is a labor activity and age are the main tasks of professional self–determination and the establishment of a family.
What changes in the psychology of the adult occurs between middle adulthood (40 to 60 years)?
The forty – fifty years of life a person is in a psychologically significantly different from the previous ones. By this time it has accumulated great life and professional experience, the children are grown, and with them have acquired a qualitatively new character, have aged parents, and they need help. In the human body begin to happen legitimate physiological changes, to which it also has to adapt: deteriorating vision, slowed reaction waning sexual potency in men, women going through menopause, which many of them are physically and mentally extremely difficult to tolerate. Many are beginning to emerge health problems.
There relative reduction characteristics of the psycho – physical functions. However, this does not affect the functioning of human cognition, does not reduce its performance capability, allowing him to keep working and creative activity.
The development of the individual abilities that are related to professional and daily activities continued throughout the middle ages.
The intensity of the involution of intellectual functions of man depends on the talent and education, which resist aging, decelerating involution process.
The main achievement of this age can be defined as the acquisition of the state of wisdom, a man with extensive factual and procedural knowledge, the ability to evaluate information and events in the broader context and the ability to cope with uncertainty.
The development of the affective sphere of man in this age is not uniform.
This age can be for a person the heyday of his family life, career or creative abilities. But he increasingly begins to think that he is mortal, and that his time is running out.
Work becomes an important source of human emotions. The emotional state of a person's mood is increasingly dependent on the success or failure of his work.
This period of life has a very high potential for the development of stress, people often experience depression and loneliness.
The desire of middle – aged man to act without delay and immediately receive the result changes the structure of its motivation, shifting its components forming the side meet the escalating needs. Among the main ones are: the implementation of its creative potential, the need to pass it – the next generation, adjustment activities, taking care of maintaining close relationships with family and friends, preparing for a quiet and comfortable life in old age. In the context of these changes occur reflection and re–evaluation of life in general, the adjustment of the existing system of values in three areas: personal, family and professional.
During middle adulthood, "I – the concept of" identity is enriched with new "I – images", taking into account the ever – changing situational relations and variations of self – evaluation, and determines all interactions.
The essence of "I – the concept of" self – actualization becomes within the moral rules and personal values.
To gain self – esteem have a tendency cognitive component. Conscious, balanced, realistic attitude to oneself leads to the fact that knowledge of the self begin to regulate and lead the emotions, addresses to his own "I". The number of private self – assessment is reduced, they become generalized nature.
"I – the image of" dynamically developing personality is transformed into "I – image", mainly related to the provision of other individuals (children, students, co–workers).
The leading activity is work, a successful professional activity, providing self–actualization. The relationship with her husband at this age and stabilized to the fore the problem of care for children and parents.
Leisure self–realization can afford a few, as free time to spend on additional earnings and Welfare.
What characterizes the mid – life crisis?
Mid – life crisis – a psychological phenomenon experienced by people under the age of 40 – 45 years old and was the critical evaluation and re – evaluation of what has been achieved in my life at this time. Unfortunately, very often this leads to a reassessment of the understanding that "life was pointless and time has been lost." As a result of depression become dominant in the general background mood.
In late adolescence and early adulthood, many believe that the best years are already behind, and the forthcoming lifetime appears to them as a kind of gigantic "black hole" in which to spend at least twenty years of his life. These people believe that the growth and development of the person stopped, when it reaches the middle adulthood. A person in this period of life have to say goodbye like with their youthful dreams and plans in respect of his professional career, family life, personal happiness.
Ronald Kessler, an American psychologist, says such an opinion erroneous: "Everything indicates that the average age – is the best time of life. You are not disturbed by the disease and ailments of older age and you are not bothered by anxieties of young people: if anyone will love me or something like that? Will I ever – ever succeed in his work?"
Researchers share the view of R. Kessler, believe that the mid – life crisis – it is rather an exception than the rule. The vast majority of people move into middle age is seamless and smooth. They believe that the average age – a transition period associated with the redefinition of goals. Such a shift primarily involves comparing yourself with people who have set themselves similar targets and achieve results in similar professional activities. Carol Riff, a scientist from the US, said: "The better your mental health, the less likely you are comparing yourself with people who make you feel inferior."
Age 40–45 years old for many is a crisis, because there is a growth of contradictions between ideology and integrity of the single line. Man loses the meaning of life. To exit from the crisis it is necessary to find a new meaning – in universal values, the development of interest in the future, to the new generations. If the person continues to concentrate forces on themselves, their needs, it will lead to illness care, to new crises.
Midlife crisis often and primarily face to those who tend to avoid self – analysis and uses the defense mechanism of denial, trying to ignore the changes taking place in his life and body.
According to American researchers, the mid –l ife crisis is more typical for the wealthy than the poor and the working class.
What changes in human mental life takes place between late maturity (60 years)?
This period is often referred to gerontogenesis or aging period. People who have reached a given age, divided into three groups: the elderly, elderly and centenarians.
Gerontology – the area of knowledge of human aging. Old age is, the final stage of human life. A transition from maturity to old age at the age of periodization of the life cycle of a person, some authors believe old age.
The main feature of this age is the aging process that is genetically programmed.
The people of this age are not as strong physically, total energy supply have become much smaller. Deteriorating the activity of the vascular and immune systems. Lose vivacity of body tissues.
Cognitive development is changing, as the majority of sensory functions significantly deteriorates. Most suffer from intellectual functions, processes requiring speed.
Memory is based on logical connections, which means that it is closely connected with thinking, we can assume that the thinking of the elderly is very developed.
The dynamics of cognition depends on subjective factors, the characteristics of the individual, from the field of professional activity.
Changes in the emotional sphere: the uncontrolled increase in affective reactions (severe jitters) with a tendency to causeless sadness, tearfulness. There is a tendency to eccentricity decrease sensitivity, self – absorbed and reduced ability to cope with difficult situations.
Older men are more passive, and women – more aggressive, practical, authoritative.
In the affective sphere of – the loss of brilliance and brightness of new experiences observed attachment to the past, the power of memories.
Older people have less anxiety at the thought of death, than the relatively young, they think about death often, but with remarkable calmness.
Retirement changes the position and the role of men in society, influencing the development of motivational sphere of the elderly.
Motivation 60 year old man: the need for self – realization, creation and transfer of inheritance.
After 70 years on the foreground there is another problem – the maintenance of physical health at an acceptable level. To show interest in collecting, music lessons, painting and so on. N.
Family relationships give a person a sense of security, stability and strength, largely determine the joys and sorrows of elderly man.
"I – the concept of" old age is driven by the desire to integrate their past, present and future, to understand the connection between the events of his own life. Effectively integrate their life can be subject to the successful resolution of individual regulatory crises and conflicts, the development of adaptive personality traits, ability to extract useful lessons from past failures, the ability to accumulate the energy potential of the passed stages.
Positive and active, "I – concept" ensures continued personal development and an optimistic approach to life in the later years, it allows to slow down natural aging. Preservation of disability in the elderly and old age depends on the duration of employment rights. On the safety of disability with age, affect the physical safety of the organism, the ability of generated modes of activity, the level of education. The names of scientists, writers and artists who were engaged to old age productive activities, such as V. Hugo, I. Kant, L. Tolstoy and others.
The most important factors that determine the behavior of a person at this stage of life are: reducing mental and physical capabilities, sex, personality type, gradual withdrawal from active social life, material well – being, the loss of loved ones and loneliness, the consciousness of the approaching end of life. The physical world around older people is increasingly shrinking.
Sharp increases in the elderly interest in religion. Quiet and tolerant attitude towards life and what is happening leads to the fact that human life is filled with calm and peaceful light from itself the fact of life.
The leading factors in the development of productive aging is self–actualization, "I" and focus on creativity. When the happy combination of natural features of the body, abilities, creativity and efficiency, high level of education a person is able to maintain and realize their creative potential to a ripe old age.
Control questions