12 Communication as a social – psychological phenomenon

Communication is one of the objects of social – psychological research.

Communication – many pronged and multi–faceted process of formation, maintenance and implementation of interpersonal and intergroup contact, which is due to the need to organize the implementation and maintenance of the joint activities of people.

Research G. Andreeva, D. Mead, G. Kelly and other scientists who analyzed the content and communication mechanisms, have shown that it processes or leading parties of communication are:

  • communicative (the transmission of information in the process of communication);
  • interactive (i.e., the interaction of partners);
  • perceptual components (the partners' perceptions of each other).

Within the framework of socio – psychological knowledge on problems of communication more meaningful and deeper bulk material accumulated on interpersonal communication. In this regard, all three parties communicate collectively reflect the multidimensional nature and thus ambiguous complexity of internal subjective world of one man, when it comes to its relation to the other. The communicative aspect of communication reflects the aspect of interpersonal contact, which is expressed in the exchange of information, dialogue participants.

Communication structure.

Communication as a process has its own structure, which is considered in detail by various authors.

B.Lomov proposed a classification consisting of three levels:

  1. Macro level: communication is a complex network of individual relationships with other people and social groups and is seen as an important aspect of the way of life (the process of communication is studied in the time intervals are compared, are compared to the duration of human life, with emphasis on the analysis of the mental development of the individual ).
  2. Meza level: communication is seen as a set of focused, logically completed contact or interaction situations that are changing and in which people are in the process of life at a specific time segments of his life (the emphasis is on content components of communication situations – "in this connection" and " for what purpose ", around the subject of communication reveals the dynamics of communication, analyze verbal and nonverbal means of communication steps).
  3. Micro level: focuses on the analysis of the elementary units of communication as the interaction of behavioral acts (interaction covers the action of one partner and the opposition to the other, such as "question – answer", "communication of information – the attitude to it," etc.).

G. Andreeva defines the communication structure as a selection of its three interrelated factors: communicative (provides for the exchange of information between individuals); interactive (the organization of interaction between participants of communication, ie not only the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and actions); perceptual (the process of perception and knowledge of partners to each other and to establish on this basis of understanding).

B. Parigin considered communication structure as two aspects of the relationship – the substantial and formal, i.e., communication and interaction with their content and form.

A. Bodalev in the structure of communication distinguishes Gnostic (cognitive), affective (emotional) and practical (active) components.

The logical basis for modeling the structure of a communication process (communication, interference, knowing each other, sharing the results of activities, etc.) may be characteristic of its relatively autonomous components, such as: goal, content, means of communication; participants in the process, the type of communication established between them; motives, needs, values of dialogue participants; communicative potential subjects of communication; types and forms of communication; socio–cultural and ethno – psychological specificity of communication; ethical – psychological and gender characteristics of communication; style, strategy and tactics of communication; the result of communication.

The process of communication can be considered complete if it harmoniously combines two interrelated factors: external (behavioral, operational – technical) and internal (individual valuable features.

Exterior – manifested in the communicative actions of participants of the process, in a choice of styles, shapes, communication strategies, linguistic activity, intensity of actions, the adequacy of behavior, etc.

Internal – plays the subjective perception of the situation of interaction, which is expressed by means of verbal and non – verbal signals.

Communication as a social – psychological phenomenon.

In social psychology, the phenomenon of communication is one of the most important, as generates such phenomena as the exchange of information, people's perceptions of each other guidance and leadership, cohesion and conflict, likes and dislikes, etc.

Domestic science of psychology has a long tradition of research regarding the "Communication" category and to identify its specific psychological aspects. First fundamental question is the relationship of communication and activity.

Based on the idea of unity and communication activities (B. Ananiev, A. Leontiev, S. Rubinstein et al.). For communication to understand the reality of human relationships, which involves any form of joint activity of people. That is, any form of communication belonging to specific forms of joint activities. Besides, people do not just communicate in the performance of certain functions, but they always communicate during respective activities.

G.Andreeva believes that it is appropriate to the widest understanding of communication activities and communication, when communication and considered as an aspect of joint activity (since the activity itself is not only work, but also communication in the labor process), and how it kind of derivatives (from the latin. Derivatus derivative from which the primary).

In other words, it is advisable to consider the communication on two planes: as an aspect of joint activities and how its product.

Regarding the other position where the category "communication" can be regarded as an independent activity and reduced to (B. Znakovoe, A. Rean et al.), The process of communication is not only the means but also the purpose for humans. The idea of autonomy and self – worth of communication A. Rean and J. Kolominsky justify:

  • in – the first, a theoretical concept of the structure of basic human needs (a. maslow), in which the communication is one of the basic needs (it is necessary to share with another person their grief or joy, to feel like a man);
  • in – the second, from the standpoint of the subject – the subject approach to communication (if the activity is related to the formula "subject – object", in one dialogue partner can not be regarded as an object, because each of them is an active participant in this process).

Community is a social phenomenon, the nature of which is manifested in society, among people during the transmission of social experience, behavioral norms, traditions, and others.

It contributes to the enrichment of the knowledge and skills of participants of joint activity that satisfies the need for a psychological contact, it is a mechanism of events play, sentiment, coordinates the efforts of people helping the objective identification of the behavior of partners, their manners, personality traits, emotional, volitional and motivational sphere.

So, the specifics of communication is in the process of interaction between the subjective world of the individual is disclosed to the other, there is a mutual exchange of views, information, interests, feelings, activities, etc.

As a result, communication is defined contacts, interpersonal relationships, carried out the union (or disengagement) people worked out the rules and norms of behavior.

The success of any of the contacts depends on the establishment of mutual understanding between the partners in dialogue. In real interpersonal contacts revealed the whole range of personality traits, its communicative potential, social significance, are human likes and dislikes, love and friendship, compatibility and incompatibility, attractiveness and enmity.

In this regard, it is extremely important to know the relationships that exist between the members of the contact group, because of them, in the end, depends on the whole system of communication of the individual, the development of its communicative potential, the tools used in the process of interaction.

The human need for communication due to its public way of life and the need to interact with other people.

Communication is a basic human condition of survival and ensures the implementation of the functions of training, education and development of the individual.

By studying the behavior of babies, US researchers K. Flake – Hobson, B. Robinson and P. Skene noted that in the first weeks of life, children can communicate with adults only gestures, facial expressions, multiple sounds, indicating that the genetic "programmed to" to communicate with the environment .

Communication is an extremely complex phenomenon in the life of the individual and of humanity as a whole, it covers a large number of relationships, interpersonal relationships, carried out in various forms and by various means, which are an essential factor in culture and constantly improved and enriched.

Communication – a whole range of relationships and human interaction in the process of spiritual and material production, the process of formation, development, implementation and regulation of social relations and psychological characteristics of the individual, which are carried out through direct or indirect contact, which come of the individual and the group.

This broad understanding of communication and the narrow context – interpersonal communication – indicates the process of objective information and interaction between people, in which form, concretized, refined and implemented their interpersonal relationships and manifest psychological features of the communicative potential of each individual.

Based on the information set out in this paper, we can conclude that communication – this is a multi–faceted, but the whole process of the development of contacts between people, which includes three interrelated aspects: communicative, interactive and perceptive.

The communicative aspect of communication is the exchange of information between the parties to the joint venture.

Interactive Party – is the interaction of people communicating – sharing in the process of speech is not only words, but also actions and behavior.

Perceptual aspect of communication – the perception of people communicating with each other. It is important that perceives if one of the partners in dialogue other as trustworthy, intelligent, understandingly, prepared or pre–supposes that he did not understand, and with nothing reported he did not understand.

In social psychology, the phenomenon of communication is one of the most important, as generates such phenomena as the exchange of information, people's perceptions of each other guidance and leadership, cohesion and conflict, likes and dislikes, etc.

As a result, communication is defined contacts, interpersonal relationships, carried out the union (or disengagement) people worked out the rules and norms of behavior.

Communication is an extremely complex phenomenon in the life of the individual and of humanity as a whole, it covers a large number of relationships, interpersonal relationships, carried out in various forms and by various means, which are an essential factor in culture and constantly improved and enriched.

Control questions

  1. The communicative aspect of communication: verbal communication. Kinds, means and conditions for effective communication. Socio – psychological patterns of understanding the voice message. Text as a subject of socio – psychological research: regularities of mechanisms of perception, ways of interpretation..
  2. Non – verbal communication. Concept and characteristics of the main types of non – verbal behavior. Optical–kinetic, paralinguistic and extralinguistic system of signs, the space–time frame communication and eye contact. Polyfunctionality nonverbal behavior in interpersonal communication. The concept of human expressive repertoire.
  3. Perceptual and interactive aspect of communication. The role of interpersonal perception and understanding in the process of communication. Mechanisms and perception effects. The content and significance of the phenomenon of stereotyping. The concept, types, functions, social stereotype. The phenomenon of "causal attribution". The problem of accuracy of interpersonal perception. The impact of the "first impression" on the process of communication and other knowledge. The structure and mechanisms of mutual understanding. The concept of reflection. The phenomenon of empathy. Socio – psychological studies of interpersonal identification. Interpersonal interaction (Interaction) as a subject of socio–psychological research. Cooperation (cooperation) and rivalry (competition) as a kind of interaction. The interaction in the structure of the joint venture. The overall objective as a factor of intra – group interaction. Harmony as an indicator of optimal interaction.