Junior school age – the most important period in a person's life. It was in the early school years begin targeted training and education, the main activity of the child becomes a learning activity, which plays a crucial role in the formation and development of all its mental properties and qualities. Studies, brought up a person not only in primary school, but in the middle, and older, and life. But in primary school is laid that will grow and mature with age. Therefore, to teach and educate the younger schoolboy – a very important task. In the hands of the teacher of initial classes in fact the destiny of man, and to treat this fate should be carefully and cautiously. Junior high school student – even a small man, but very complex, with their inner world, with their individual – psychological characteristics. In modern conditions of an increasing number of children left without parental care, children with deficiencies in mental and physical development of children with disabilities in the behavior and the number of single – parent, large, low – income families. Ie. A growing number of children who are at risk. Often, these children end up in institutions. Not many residential institutions manage to overcome the factors injuring pupils: hospital principle of the organization of living space; isolation and poor contact with the social environment; step by step control and the complete dependence of the child from the adult mood; violation of essential child relationships and relationships with others, but exposed persons; the acquisition of various types of child deprivation: maternal, sensory, emotional, social and OE Despite the fact that various attempts being made to overcome these contradictions, creating specialized institutions in different models and forms for children at risk, the problem of restoring full childhood teaching facilities in these institutions still it remains unsolved. In order to qualitatively change the status of pupils in boarding system requires a lot of attention paid to the process of rehabilitation. If the little man will be left alone with their difficulties in the development of the world, if its development will take place spontaneously and depend on the random effects, it is unlikely to be able to find their place in life. Only with the help of a sensitive, friendly adult it can be a normal social adaptation. Leave the baby without psychological help is unacceptable.
Of course, working with children in a children's home requires not only knowledge and experience, but also patience, love for them, and it is a great and laborious work.
4.1 General characteristics of primary school–age children
The boundaries of primary school age, coinciding with the period of primary school, established at the present time from 6–7 to 9–10 years. During this period, there is a further physical and psycho–physiological development of the child, providing the possibility of systematic training in the school. Above all, improved performance and cerebral nervous system. According to physiologists, to 7 years in the cerebral cortex it is already largely mature. However imperfect the regulatory function of the cortex manifested in peculiar to children of this age peculiarities of behavior, organization and emotional sphere: junior high school students are easily distracted, incapable of prolonged concentration, excitable, emotional. In the early school years marked unevenness of the psycho–physiological development in different children. And there are still differences in the pace of development of boys and girls: girls – continue to outperform boys. Pointing to this, some authors come to the conclusion that in fact in the early grades "for the same desk sit kids of all ages: an average of boys under the age of girls for a year – and a half, although this difference is not in the calendar age."
Home schooling is a radical change in the social situation of the child's development. He becomes a "public" entity and now has significant social responsibility, which receives public assessment.
Leading in the early school years becomes learning activity. It identifies the major changes taking place in the development of the psyche of children at this age stage. As part of the training activities are added psychological formations that characterize the most significant achievements in the development of younger students and is the foundation for ensuring the development of the next stage of age.
For primary school age starts to develop a new type of relationship with other people. Unconditional adult authority being lost, increasing the value of the child – are beginning to acquire peers, the role of children's community. Thus, the central tumors of primary school age are:
Thus, according to E. Erikson's concept of the age 6–12 years is considered as a period – child transmission of systematic knowledge and skills, providing introduction to working life, and aimed at the development of diligence.
The most important tumors occur in all areas of mental development: converted intelligence, personality, social relations. The leading role of training activities in the process does not exclude the fact that the younger the student is actively engaged in other activities, during which improved and fixed the new achievements of the child.
According to L. Vygotsky, the specificity of primary school age is that the objectives of the activities are set primarily by adults for children. Teachers and parents determine what can and can not do your child what tasks to carry out, which rules to obey, etc. One of the typical situations of this kind – the execution of a child – any order. Even among those students who are willing to undertake errand adult, are quite frequent cases where children can not cope with the job, because not learned its essence, quickly lost their original interest in the job or just forgot to implement it in life. These difficulties can be avoided by giving the children some – any order, to comply with certain rules.
J. Kolominsky believes that if a child to 9–10 – years of age shall be established a friendly relationship with anyone – any of my classmates, this means that the child is able to establish close social contact with their peers, to maintain a relationship for a long time, that communication with him too, who – it is important and interesting. Between 8 and 11 years, children are considered friends of those who help them, responds to their requests, and share their interests. For the occurrence of mutual sympathy and friendship are important qualities such as kindness and care, independence, self – confidence, honesty. Gradually, as the development of a child of school reality, he develops a system of personal relationships in the classroom. It is based on the immediate emotional relationships that prevail over all others.
Numerous studies of domestic psychologists were the most essential conditions that allow adults to shape a child's ability to self – manage their behavior.
These conditions are:
The most important condition for the development of any child's behavior is part of the adult, who directs the efforts of the child and provides a means of mastering.
From the first days at the school the child is included in the process of interpersonal interaction with classmates and teacher. For primary school age this interaction has a specific dynamics and patterns of development.
4.2 Peculiarities of informative sphere of junior school–age children
The transition from preschool to school is characterized by a fundamental change in the child's place in the system of social relations and its whole way of life.
Going to school – a turning point in a child's life, the transition to a new way of life and conditions of activity, a new position in society, new relationships with adults and peers.
A distinctive feature of the student position consists in the fact that his study is compulsory, socially significant activities. For her, he is responsible to the teacher, school, family. The life of a disciple is subject to strict system, the same for all students of the rules.
The main thing is that the changes in the relationship of the child – is a new system requirements for the child in relation to his new responsibilities, important not only for himself and his family, but also for society. Its starting to be seen as someone who came on the first rung of the ladder leading to the civic maturity.
Along with the new responsibilities of the student and acquires new rights. He may claim to be taken seriously by adults to their academic work; he has the right to their workplace, on the need for his training time, the silence; he has the right to rest, to leisure. Received for his work a good evaluation, he is entitled to approval of the others, it requires them to respect themselves and their activities.
Studies show that young students in the vast majority of cases are very fond of learning. The social meaning of the doctrine is clearly visible from the ratio of students to small markings. They have long been perceived as a mark of an assessment of their effort, not the quality of the work done.
They loved and respected teacher, first of all, because he is a teacher, because he teaches; In addition, they want it to be demanding and rigorous, as it emphasizes the seriousness and significance of their work.
This social motivation teaching in primary school children is so strong that it does not always tends to even understand why you need to perform this or that task – once it comes from a teacher is given in the form of a lesson, then it is necessary, and it is the task will be to carry out as closely as possible.
All children experience difficulties in adapting to the new conditions of training and education. They strained psychologically – the effect of the uncertainty associated with a whole new life in the school, causes anxiety and discomfort. They stretched physically – the new regime is breaking old stereotypes. This leads to the fact that even in a well–mannered child who knows how to follow the rules and live in conditions of a rigid regime, changes behavior, degrades the quality of sleep. Some children react very badly to the new situation of his life. They seriously disturbed sleep, appetite, deteriorating health conditions, there is anxiety, irritability. In some cases, it may develop neurosis.
Congestion experienced by the child, leading to fatigue. Fatigue – a condition characterized by a decrease in performance.
Psychological tension runs through a half or two months. If an adult quietly and systematically carries regime moments, the child learns the mandatory rules regime and its intensity decreases. Mode and removal of mental stress and stabilize the physical well–being of the child. Weakened children are physically and mentally fatigued faster. Such children are often sick, capricious and nervous. Malaise is manifested in the constant irritability, crying on the most insignificant occasion.
The desire for positive relationships with adults organizes a child's behavior: he is considered their opinions and evaluations, tries to comply with the rules of conduct.
The leading activity in the primary school age is training. The educational activity of the assimilation of scientific knowledge emerges as the main goal and the main result of the activity.
Features of educational activity at younger school age:
Characteristics of educational activity consists of five main parameters: the structure, motivation, goal–setting, the emotions, the ability to learn.
The development of cognitive mental processes in the primary school age is characterized by the fact that of the involuntary actions that are done unintentionally in the context of a game or practice, they become separate species of mental activity, with the purpose, motive and methods of implementation.
The most typical feature of the perception of students in part 1 and 2 class is its low differentiation. Starting from the 2nd class, students' perception of the process a little more complicated, increasingly analysis begins to dominate it. In some cases, the perception takes on the character of observation.
Junior pupils easily confused bulky items with flat shapes, often do not recognize the figure, if it is a bit different. For example, some children do not take a straight line as a straight line, if it is vertical or inclined.
It should be borne in mind and the fact that the child grasps a general view of the sign, but did not see its elements.
Perception of the younger schoolboy is determined, first of all, the peculiarities of the object itself. Therefore, children notice in objects is not important, important, significant, and what stands out – Color, size, shape, etc. Therefore, the number and brightness of the images used in educational materials, should be strictly regulated and extremely reasonable.
Features of perception of story pictures are: junior high school students use pictures as a means of facilitating memorization. When memorizing verbal material all over the younger children better remember the words for the names of objects than words for abstract concepts.
Junior pupils can not even manage a proper degree of their perception, can not independently analyze this or that subject, fully, to work independently with visual aids.
Through educational activity developing intensively all processes of memory: storing, preservation, reproduction of the information. And also all kinds of memory: long – term, short – term and operational.
The development of memory associated with the need to memorize the course material. Accordingly actively formed voluntary memorization. The important is not only what to remember, but also how to remember.
There is a need to develop specific targeted actions to memorization – mastering a mnemonic method.
Underdeveloped self in memorizing. Junior high school student is not able to test yourself. Sometimes it does not realize is learned or not specified.
The ability to systematically systematic memorization of training material increases throughout the primary school age. In the beginning of primary school age (7–8 years) has the ability to memorize a little different from the ability to memorize in preschool children, and only in 9–11 years (i.e. in the 3–5 grades) students show clear superiority.
An adult should use the following methods for the development of voluntary memorization:
In the early school years the main kind of thinking – clearly – shaped. The specifics of this kind of thinking is that the solution to every problem is the result of internal actions with the images.
Formed elements of conceptual thinking and mental operations – analysis, synthesis, comparison, grouping, classification, abstraction, which are necessary for the appropriate processing of theoretical content. The predominant is practically effective and sensitive analysis. This means that students are relatively easy to solve educational problems, where you can use the action with the objects themselves, or parts of objects to find, watching them in the visual aid.
The development of abstraction in students is manifested in the formation of the ability to allocate general and essential features. One of the features of the lower grades of abstraction is that of the essential features they sometimes take outside, bright signs.
Instead of generalizations often synthesized, i.e. not combine objects by their common features, and for some cause – and – effect relationships and on the interaction of objects.
Formation of conceptual thinking occurs within educational activity through the following ways of working:
The main source for the development of concepts and thought processes are knowledge.
Thinking in terms of the need for assistance and ideas on them built. The more accurate and wider range of ideas, the fuller and deeper under construction on the basis of their concepts.
Great value in mastering concepts are specially organized surveillance, which are based on the perception of the subject. baby story, built on the basis of a series of questions asked by an adult in a certain order, leads to the fact that the perception is systematized, it becomes more focused and systematic.
Thus, the most important feature of thought emerging in the course of study, is the emergence of a system of concepts, which clearly separated and are correlated with each other more general and more specific concepts.
Training activities contributes to their imagination how to recreate and creative. Development of imagination is in the following areas:
Formed arbitrary imagination. Imagination develops in terms of the specific activities: writing stories, fairy tales, poems, stories. The development of a child's imagination gives new possibilities:
Imagination has a therapeutic effect when the child can not afford to be in your imagination and how someone wants to be and what he wants. On the other hand, the child's imagination can take away from the reality, creating a haunting image.
In the early school years is dominated by involuntary attention.
Children is difficult to focus on the monotonous and unattractive for their activities or the activities interesting, but requires mental effort. The response to all new, bright unusually strong in this age. The child can not even control his attention and is often at the mercy of external impressions. All the attention is directed to the individual, catching items or their symptoms eyes. Emerging in the minds of children images, representations evoke powerful emotions, which have an inhibitory effect on mental activity. Therefore, if the essence of the subject is not on the surface, if it is masked, the younger students, and do not notice it.
The amount of attention of the younger schoolboy less (4–6 sites) than in the adult (6–8), the distribution of attention – is weaker. Intrinsically inability to distribute attention between different symbols, objects of perception and types of work.
Attention junior pupil is fragile, easy distractibility. The instability of attention due to the fact that the junior pupil prevails excitation over inhibition. Disabling saves from overwork. This feature of attention is one of the reasons for inclusion in the employment elements of the game and rather frequent changes of forms of activity.
One of the characteristics of attention, which also need to be considered, is that junior pupils are not able to quickly switch their attention from one object to another.
Attention is closely connected with the emotions and feelings of children. All that makes them strong emotions, attracts their attention. Therefore it is very imaginative, emotional language decoration manuals confuses the child in their own training activities. Children of primary school age, of course, able to keep the attention on intellectual tasks, but it requires a tremendous effort of will and motivation high. One and the same activity of the junior pupils may engage in a very short time (15–20 minutes) due to the rapid onset of fatigue, limiting inhibition. An adult should organize the child's attention in the following way: using verbal instructions – remind you to perform the specified action; specify the methods of action ( "! Children Open album Take a red pencil in the upper left corner – here – draw a circle ...." etc...); teach the child verbalize what and in what order it will have to perform.
Gradually the attention of the younger schoolboy gets expressed an arbitrary, deliberate.
Significant changes are taking place in the sphere of development of arbitrary behavior and activity. The main factor in the development of the arbitrariness of the child is the appearance in his life of academic work in the form of regular duties.
It is necessary to teach children to control their behavior. Development of arbitrariness goes in two directions:
It is known that the objective has a different motive power depending on how large the target amount of work. If the amount is too large, the activity again starts to unfold as if there was no goal.
Between the creation of the child corresponding to the intentions and the implementation of this intention must take a little time, otherwise the intention of how to "cool down", and his motive power is reduced to zero.
In cases where the child does not want to perform any – any job, division of tasks into smaller individual tasks, designated purpose, encourages him to begin the work and bring it to the end.
In terms of personal development it is essential that the age of 7–8 years is a sensitive period for learning moral standards. This is the only time in a person's life when he is psychologically ready to understand the meaning of the rules and regulations, and to their daily implementation.
Formation of moral qualities of the person – a special work of educating certain habits of behavior that constitute the foundation of personality traits.
Before you bring a claim and monitor its implementation, the adult has to make sure that the child understood its meaning.
Experiments have shown that in cases when it is possible to generate a positive emotional attitude to performance requirements, the habit is formed within one month; where applicable penalty is not generated any desired habit nor correct attitude. Thus, the formation of the children sustained correct behavior and formation on its basis of personal qualities is successful only if the exercise of certain behaviors is carried out against the background of the positive motive, not the method of coercion.
Younger school age – is the age of greatest prosperity in the affective – need sphere, age predominance of positive emotions and personal activity.
Name. Adults should pay attention to how the children turn to each other, prevent harmful forms of treatment to each other organically internal installation of every child to value attitude to himself and to his name.
Of great importance for the development of the younger schoolboy acquire motives establishing and maintaining positive relationships with other children. Therefore, the child desire to gain the approval and sympathy of other children is one of the main motives of his conduct.
A child of primary school age, as a preschooler, continues to strive to have a positive self – esteem.
"I am good" – the child's inner attitude to himself. In this position – a great opportunity for education. Due to the recognition of the claims it performs standards of behavior – trying to behave properly, it tends to knowledge, because his good behavior and knowledge have become the subject of constant interest on the part of the elders.
The desire to "be like everyone else" occurs in the conditions of educational activity – for the following reasons. First, children learn to master the required for this activity training skills and expertise. The teacher controls the class and encourages everyone to follow the proposed model. In – Second, the children learn about the rules of behavior in the classroom and school, which are shown all together and each separately. B – Third, in many situations the child can not choose a course of conduct, and in this case it is focused on the behavior of other children.
In unfamiliar situations, a child often follows the other in spite of their knowledge, in spite of their common sense. At the same time, regardless of the choice of behavior, he feels a sense of strong tension, confusion, fear. Conformal behavior, following of peers is typical for children of primary school age. This is evident in the school in the classroom (children, for example, often raising his hand after the other, at the same time is that they are internally not ready for the answer), it is manifested in the joint games and in everyday relationships.
The desire to be "better than anything" in the early school years appears ready to do the job faster and better, properly solve the problem, write the text, read expressively. The child tends to assert itself among peers.
The desire for self – affirmation and encourages the child to normative behavior, to ensure that adults have confirmed his dignity. However, the desire to assert themselves in the event that the child is not able or difficult to carry out what he expected from the (first of all, it is his success in school), may cause its uncontrolled whims.
Caprice – often repeated tearfulness, unfounded willful antics, acting as a means to attract attention, "take precedence" over the older forms of antisocial behavior. Moody, usually there are children: unsuccessful in school, overly pampered children, where little attention; loose, passive children.
In all cases, these children can not satisfy the desire to assert themselves in other ways and elect infantile unpromising way to draw attention to themselves. The shape of the vagaries of the child's behavior becomes an even hidden accentuation in personality development that can later manifest itself as a teenager in antisocial behavior.
How to give your child instructions? Having entrusted the task to ask him to repeat. This allows the child to think about the content of the job and take it to him.
Submit a detailed plan for its work: to outline the precise deadline, divide the work by the day, schedule time.
These techniques help to create the intention necessarily do the job even in those children who initially did not have.
From self – confidence depends on the student in his abilities, his attitude towards mistakes, difficulties in learning activities. Younger students with adequate self – esteem different activity, the desire to achieve success in learning, greater autonomy.
Otherwise behaved children with low self – esteem: they are insecure, afraid of the teacher, waiting for failure, in the classroom prefer to listen to others, and not be included in the discussion. Unfortunately, parents and teachers often compare children with different capabilities. Putting the example of a child who learns to matter, other, more gifted and industrious, they are trying to improve the performance of the first, but instead of the expected result, this leads to a decrease in its self–evaluation. It is much more efficient compared with the effect of the child himself if he tell how he advanced in comparison to the same level, it can have a beneficial effect on his self – esteem and become a prerequisite for raising the level of educational activity.
Younger school age is the most important stage of childhood school. High sensitivity this age period defines the great potential of diversified development of the child.
The main achievements of this age group are due to the leading nature of learning activities and are largely decisive for the subsequent years of study by the end of primary school age child must want to learn, able to learn and believe in themselves.
The full accommodation of this age, its positive acquisitions are necessary foundation on which is built the further development of the child as an active subject of knowledge and activity. The main task of adults to work with children of primary school age – to create optimal conditions for the disclosure and realization of children's capabilities, taking into account the individuality of each child.
4.3 Peculiarities of high – risk group children
As you know, many children are peculiar to temporary deviations from the behavior. As a rule, they are easily overcome by the efforts of parents, teachers, educators. But the behavior of some of the children goes beyond the permissible pranks and misdemeanors, and educational work with them, flowing with difficulty, does not bring the desired success. These children are considered to be "difficult" category.
Students "at risk" – this is a category of children who require special attention from the teachers, educators and other professionals.
These include children with disabilities in the affective sphere, pedagogically neglected children, children with mental retardation, children with developmental problems (oligophrenic), children with psychopathic behavior, and many others. After reviewing the literature on the psychology and defectology, it turned out that this category can be attributed to left–handed child, children with emotional disorders.
In recent years, the difficult schoolchildren written and spoken a lot. As a rule, the so – called underachieving, undisciplined students, disrupters, that is not amenable to training and education of students. "Difficult" teenager "difficult" the student became a buzzword. It is believed that the majority of juvenile offenders were in the past, difficult students.
When people talk about difficult children usually have in mind the difficulty of teaching. This is most often taken as a basis one side of the phenomenon – the difficulty of working with these children and is not considered a second – the difficulty of life for these children, the difficulty of their relationships with parents, teachers, friends, peers, adults. Difficult children are often not so much do not want to, as they can not study hard and behave properly.
The composition of the difficult children far not homogeneous, and the reasons for this difficulty is not the same. The difficulty students caused by three main factors:
In some cases, the difficulty of teaching dominance is a consequence of these factors, in others – a combination thereof, of the complex. In cases where this difficulty can not be overcome, there is a "difficult", "incorrigible" child. In the category of "hard" and "incorrigible" is often recorded and are educationally and socially neglected children, to which the teacher was not able to find the right approach.
The question of the difficult children, adolescents, schoolchildren are not new. In 20–30 years, they engaged many teachers, psychologists, lawyers and psychoneurologists. A special institute for the study of difficult children was created, written many interesting articles and monographs about the nature, origin, and forms of manifestation of a difficult childhood (P. Blonskii, V. Kashchenko, G. Murashev, L. Vygotsky, V. Myasintsev et al.). Considering the difficult childhood as a result of the adverse effects of the environment, improper upbringing in the family and school, they shared difficult children in educationally neglected, socially neglected and neurotic (suffering from mental health problems). There have been other attempts to classify difficult children (N. Chekhov, A. Graborov, P. Ozeretsky). With the development of pedology of difficult children become engaged mainly pedology. During this period, scientific, Marxist positions gradually substituted for unscientific; most difficult children was regarded as morally and mentally handicapped, for their proposed creating special schools with a primitive curriculum, and so on. d. However, the elimination of pedology as a science and led to a de facto termination of the study of difficult children, working to prevent and address this phenomenon. And only in the late 50's, began to reappear some works devoted to the problem of educational difficulties children (L. Slavin, V. Suhomlinsky, G. Medvedev, V. Matveyev, L. Zyubin, E. Kostyashkin et al.).
The problem of "difficult" students – one of the central psychological – pedagogical problems. After all, if there were no difficulties in educating the younger generation, the society's need for and educational psychology, pedagogy and private methods would simply disappeared. three essential attributes can be distinguished pedagogical literature that constitute the notion of "difficult children" – Based on the analysis of modern science. The first sign is the presence of children or adolescents aberrant behavior.
By "difficult" pupils are understood, these children and adolescents, disorder of behavior which is not easy to be corrected, corrected. In this regard, we must distinguish between the terms "difficult children" and "educationally neglected children." All children are difficult, of course, are educationally neglected. But not all educationally neglected children difficult: some are relatively easy to re – education.
"Difficult children", especially in need of individual attention from the teachers and staff attention of peers. It's not bad, hopelessly spoiled students how wrong according to some adults, and require special attention and participation of others.
The main reasons for the difficulties in the education of individual students in the wrong relationships in the family, in school miscalculations, isolation from friends, in enviromental maladjustment in general, the desire to establish itself in any manner and in any small group. Often, a set of functions, a set of these reasons. Indeed, quite often it happens that the student learns from the bad – of the troubles in the family, and this causes him to neglect of teachers and school class – mates. Such a situation leads to the most undesirable changes in consciousness and behavior of the student.
4.4 Hyperactive and passive children
Hyperactive children can not be ignored, as they stand out against the background of their peers by their behavior. You can select traits such as excessive activity of the child, excessive mobility, restlessness, inability to long–term focus on what – ever.
Recently, experts shows that hyperactivity appears as a manifestation of a whole range of disorders observed in these children. The basic defect is associated with the failure mechanisms of attention and inhibitory control.
Attention deficit syndromes considered to be one of the most common forms of behavioral disorders among children of primary school age, and boys recorded more frequently than girls.
Admission to the school is creating serious difficulties for children with attention as learning activity places high demands on the development of this function.
Usually in adolescence attention defects in these children are saved, but the hyperactivity usually disappears and is replaced frequently inertia of mental activity and disadvantages motives.
Basic behavioral disorders accompanied by severe secondary disorders, which include poor academic performance and difficulties in communicating with other people.
Low performance – a typical phenomenon for hyperactive children. It is due to the peculiarities of their behavior, which does not correspond to age norm, and is a serious obstacle to the full inclusion of the child in the educational activity. During the lesson these children cope with difficult tasks, because they have difficulties in the organization and completion of the work, quickly turn off the process of the job. reading and writing skills they are significantly lower than those of their peers. Their written work looks sloppy and are characterized by errors that are the result of carelessness, failure to instructions of the teacher or guessing.
Hyperactivity affects not only the school failure, but also to relationships with others. These children can not be a long time to play with their peers, among others they are a source of constant conflicts and are quickly becoming outcasts.
Most of these children characterized by low self – esteem. They are often marked aggressiveness, stubbornness, deceit and other forms of antisocial behavior.
In working with hyperactive children is very important knowledge of the causes of the observed behavioral disorders.
The etiology and pathogenesis of hyperactivity have been studied by experts. They concluded that such factors play here:
On this basis, work with hyperactive children should be comprehensive, with the participation of specialists of different profiles and required the involvement of parents and teachers.
First of all, it should be noted that an important role in overcoming Attention Deficit Disorder medication belongs. Therefore, you must make sure that a child is under a doctor's supervision.
To organize activities with hyperactive children technician can use a specially developed correction – developing programs to increase attention to the amount of the distribution of attention, to enhance concentration and stability of attention, attention switching.
Teachers and educators should remember that improving the status of the child depends not only on specially appointed treatment, but to a large extent, also on a good, calm and consistent relationship to it.
No less responsible role in dealing with hyperactive children belong to the teachers. Often teachers are not coping with these students, under various pretexts, insist on their transfer to another school. However, this measure does not solve the problems of the child.
However, the implementation of some recommendations may contribute to the normalization of relations between teacher and pupil restless and will help the child to cope better with the teaching load.
With regard to the further development of these children do not have unambiguous forecasts. Many serious problems may persist into adolescence.
The opposite of hyperactive children is passive. The main reasons for the passivity of students:
4.5 Left – handed child in school
Left – handedness – a very important feature of the individual child, which must be taken into account in the process of training and education.
The asymmetry of arms, i.e. the dominance of the right or left hand, or a preference – either out of hand, due to the peculiarities of functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres. Left–handers celebrated less clear specialization in the work of the cerebral hemispheres.
Specificity of lateralization of brain functions lefties affects the characteristics of their cognitive activities, which include: analytical method for processing information, better recognition of verbal stimuli than non – verbal; reduced possibility of the visual – spatial tasks.
Until recently, left – handedness was a serious educational problem. Children are taught to write with his right hand. It harmed the health of children (neurosis and neurotic states).
In recent years, the school refused to practice relearning left – handed children and they write convenient for them by hand. It is important to determine the direction of "handedness" of the child prior to the study: in a kindergarten or in school enrollment.
Determination of dominant hand of the child is necessary in order to make fuller use of its natural features and reduce the likelihood of complications arising from the left – handers in the transition to a systematic schooling.
Thus, the question of retraining left – handed child in each case should be decided strictly tailor made to suit the individual physiological and psychological characteristics, the adaptive capacity of the body and the child's personal settings.
The activities of left – handed child features of the organization of its cognitive areas may have the following symptoms:
One of the most important features of left – handed children is their emotional sensitivity, increased vulnerability, anxiety, impaired performance and fatigue.
In addition, great importance may be the fact that approximately 20% of left – handed children have a history of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, birth injuries. Increased emotional left – handed is a factor greatly complicating adaptation in school. Left – handers entry into school life is much slower and more painful.
These children need special exercises aimed at the development of:
When organizing developmental work may be necessary to bring to a speech therapist cooperation, pathologists, psychologists.
Thus, left – handed child may have a lot of problems at school. But it should be noted that left – handedness is not a risk factor in itself, but in connection with the specific disorders and developmental disabilities that can meet a particular child.
4.6 Emotional disturbances in the junior school age
The development of emotional – volitional – one of the most important components of school readiness. One of the most common questions among teachers is the problem of emotional instability, imbalance of students. Teachers do not know how to behave with students too stubborn, touchy, tearfulness, anxiety.
Conventionally, there are three most distinct groups of so – called difficult children who have problems in the emotional sphere. Aggressive children. Of course, in every child's life there were times when he showed aggression, but highlighting the group, drew attention to the degree of manifestation of aggressive reaction, duration and nature of the possible causes, sometimes implicit, caused affective behavior.
Emotionally – disinhibition children. These children all react too violently, if they express delight, as a result of their expressive behavior give birth to the whole class, if they are suffering – their cries and moans are very loud and provocative.
Too shy, anxious children. They hesitate to loudly and clearly express their emotions, quietly live out their problems, fearing to attract attention.
Teachers working with children who have difficulties in the development of the emotional sphere, the diagnostic step is to determine the characteristics of family education, the attitude of those around the child, its level of self – esteem, psychological climate in the classroom.
The family is one of the most important factors influencing the emotional sphere. However, we can not ignore that sometimes emotional stress in children provoke teachers, unwittingly and unconsciously. They require this behavior and the level of performance, which for some is unbearable. Failure on the part of the teacher and the individual characteristics of each child's age may be the cause of negative mental states student, school phobias, when a child is afraid to go to school, to answer at the blackboard.
Thus, the main factors affecting the emotional disturbances include:
These children need a friendly and understanding chat, games, painting, outdoor exercise, music, and most importantly – attention to the child, respect for the day.
Characteristics of high – risk group children we have considered can help us in this most important stage – is the development of methods of psychological – pedagogical correction, differentiated depending on a particular type of conduct disorder in adolescents.
Organization of training and education "at risk" children should be carried out thoroughly, only then it will be effective. The doctor neuropsychiatrist, therapist, psychologist, speech therapist, social worker. These children require medical therapy, which carries a doctor – a psychologist.
4.7 Forms and methods of socio – pedagogical support
All educational work on the socio – pedagogical support "at risk" children is based on the following principles:
Thus, the objectives of the educational system on the socio – pedagogical support "at risk" children are:
On social concept of the educational system – pedagogical support "at risk" children involves the following functions:
Junior school age is the most important stage of childhood school. High sensitivity this age period defines the great potential of diversified development of the child.
The main achievements of this age group are due to the leading nature of learning activities and are largely decisive for the subsequent years of study by the end of primary school age child must want to learn, able to learn and believe in themselves.
The full accommodation of this age, its positive acquisitions are necessary foundation on which is built the further development of the child as an active subject of knowledge and activity. The main task of adults to work with children of primary school age – to create optimal conditions for the disclosure and realization of children's capabilities, taking into account the individuality of each child.
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