The group is any collection of people with what – the general characteristics or properties.
Groups are classified according to the following criteria.
Conditional and real Group.
Conditional groups are analytically allocated to a plurality of people having a common sign of how conventional they are because they do not live together and do not represent a real social integrity.
The actual group is a community in which people are united together a joint venture they have the same living conditions, and they are aware of their membership of a particular social group. The actual group can be: natural groups in the life, laboratory.
By the nature of the organization and interaction of members in these groups: official groups are openly, publicly and on a legal basis, ad hoc groups arise spontaneously on their own.
As the number of groups are: small, large, medium.
Small groups:
The band members are direct contacts, people have a common meaning, a common activity, lifestyle and behavior, social relations are in the form of direct personal contacts, each person is a member of a small group.
In the study of small groups, there are two approaches.
Socio – psychological study of social phenomena occurring in the groups with the joint activity of people in this study:
Group norms and values.
Small groups are divided into formal and informal. The group has a formal roles and submission management system. The informal groups no strict structure of power.
Reference groups are those in which individuals may not be included but the rate of which they are made and implemented.
Comparison function compares the individual behavior of the owl with the rules of the reference group.
The regulatory function, it evaluates the individual with the position adopted in the standards group.
Petrovsky classification.
It distinguishes between small groups according to their degree of development, which is based on the nature of interpersonal relations
Diffuse group, in which the relationship is based on the principle of sympathy and antipathy.
The association is a group in which relationships are built on personal order.
In the small group dynamic processes occur which are called psychodynamics.
Psychodynamics features are:
Appearances at some stage of the leader or the head, which stimulates the group and its aims at addressing specific problems.
In psychology, there are three theories of leadership
For small social groups, we will refer to any group, starting with the dyad or triad.
The directions called the dyadic interaction range of the dyad as the model has a fundamental importance, domestic studies express controversial opinions on whether it is possible to consider the dyad group. In foreign psychology rather than the issue of the redistribution of the top of a small group, most researchers favored the predominance of figures 7 (+ –) 2 but this figure has not received confirmation, and in theory supposedly the moraine was assumed that within a small group should be dependent on the Group's activities. Small groups are divided, depending on what kind of detail, this group is engaged in this context refers to them will be 3 basic education.
The family is a small social group is an important form of personal life organization based on the marital union and family ties of family life is characterized by the material and spiritual processes, the family has the following features:
In domestic psychology of the different types of mental organization and the family life cycle, types of family organizations differ on mono and polygamy. The most common type is the nuclear family – a married couple with children, they are full of incomplete. Family life cycle is called, model development, he studied at the age scale spouses.
A special place in the family takes the value – motivational structure includes family relations, biological, economic, psychological components.
Pathological group (psychosocial pathology).
Existing theories of social deviation are divided into personal and group one of the most interesting theories is the theory of Italian psychologist Cesare Lombroso. He argued that there is a relationship between anatomical structure of man and his criminal behavior. The presence of criminals Lombroso theories can be identified by their appearance. According to another theory, the formation of deviations associated with the use of additive drugs.
French sociologist Emile Durkheim linked the causes of social pathologies, with particular state of society which is called anomie – a situation where the old rules no longer correspond to reality, and the new has not yet been firmly established.
Groups with the criminal subculture of these groups are very diverse: it is the company's yard teen, small criminal groups, organized crime and major criminal organizations. Criminal subculture is the culture of a minority that is in conflict with universal human culture, people criminal orientation produces a subculture of the central point of which is the social value of a material nature. Specific elements of the criminal subculture appears stratification that is the division of the group members into hierarchical groups according to their authority.
Control questions