15 The main directions of applied research in social psychology

You need to understand that studies are divided into basic and applied. Basic – any research – the problems Poisons recommended to understand the contradiction of knowledge about the objects – a contradiction between what we know and what we do not know yet. This – the study of fundamental problems. Basic can be theoretical and empirical. Theoretical studies are limited to the construction of the model scheme. As a result – the creation of a theory, the creation of the theoretical model. As a rule, accompanied by empirical. Empirical include experimental and non–experimental. If basic research to acquire new knowledge, the application – are making known to the knowledge of psychology to the new object. This study should present recommendations. Another criterion of efficiency. Here – the solution to a specific position. In fundamental research required to obtain new knowledge. Here – it is important to solve the problem, execute the order. Hypotheses – theoretical and experimental, and empirical. The theoretical assertion – only supported by theoretical arguments. In the applied research best practices should be developed. Applied research conducted in the field (we distinguished between laboratory and applied). It is necessary to get rid of the cumbersome procedures. The main directions of applied research in social psychology: the area of industrial production; the field of social psychology of management; development of the organization (organizational development); mass communication and advertising; school staff, and social – psychological problems of the school; wrongful conduct.

The specifics of applied research in social psychology.

The rapid development of the socio – psychological research is largely stimulated by practical needs, which require a sufficiently fast decisions. It has imposed its own specifics on the formation of most scientific disciplines. In social psychology, there is a certain "overtaking" of fundamental research from applied research. This situation gives rise to both positive and negative aspects for the development of social psychology. Positive – there is a demand – there is funding. Negative points are generated by the fact that social psychology are often not prepared to answer some questions posed by the practice, but in a highly general requirements it gives the answers. Sometimes it is a relatively poor quality of applied research because the level of development of science is not always possible to give a comprehensive and in–depth response to a practical question. In this situation, the social psychologist better outline the scope of his own. opportunities and take questions that can not be answered at this level of development of science, so as not to damage it.

Difficulties in studies.

They are associated with the features used in social psychology methods. All of them are based on the fact that the source of information – the person. And if the subject is in the real world (a psychologist conducts research in the "field" and it gives a large gain field – social – psychological research), it is not turned off completely from the surrounding system of relations and it helps to avoid the "sterility" of situations arising in the laboratory, where man "is set to wave" of the experimenter. But when the field study may arise such variables that are difficult to take into account and which can give a "shift" in the data that will distort the relationship whole picture.

 Another issue concerns the time of the applied research. All socio – psychological techniques are cumbersome, their application requires considerable time. If you carry out research in the workplace, it can disrupt the rhythm of production. If it is carried out after the work shift, or with the rest of the volunteers, then there are some negative effects.

The inherent difficulty of every applied research in relation to language increases dramatically in social psychology. Need a kind of "adaptation" of the language in relation to the test: a single term may be incomprehensible, and others, as a "person", "activity", "value", will be seen in the sense in which they are used to in everyday situations. This problem can give undesirable effect.

The specifics of the socio – psychological experiment and its basic types.

Experimental method. The experiment is used in two forms – laboratory and field.

Laboratory – working with a group of collected specifically for this study and the group exists as long as the study continues. In the second case – with the current. The essence – the introduction of controlled effects. This is the only method where the experimenter affects the object of study. This independent variables. Changes in the group – the dependent variables. In a classic experiment – control. Desirable – to eliminate all but his own influence. Used quasi–experiments. Very detailed studied American psychologist D. Campbell. Model experiment in social psychology and other social sciences. The basic idea – 16 models of different (half – quasi) – is not controlled by a variable, but carried out the research plan – when and on whom the measurements will be made, and measurements in a group, which pass with a time interval – before and after the impact – an option consistent metering.

Experiment "Before – After". Two measurements are made in the same group in series. A parallel experiment – Parallel measurements in the experimental group and the control group, which was not exposed to the effects. Parallel measurement of psychological characteristics. One – experimental, the other – the control. In any group there is a natural background.

The main directions of applied research in social psychology.

Studies are divided into basic and applied. Fundamental research of any problems, academic. Poisons recommended to understand the contradiction of knowledge about the objects – a contradiction between what we know and what we do not know yet. This – the study of fundamental problems. Basic can be theoretical and empirical. Theoretical studies are limited to the construction of the model scheme. As a result – the creation of a theory, the creation of the theoretical model. As a rule, accompanied by empirical. Empirical include experimental and non–experimental. If basic research to acquire new knowledge, the application – are making known to the knowledge of psychology to the new object. This study should present recommendations. Another criterion of efficiency. Here – the solution to a specific position. In fundamental research required to obtain new knowledge. Here – it is important to solve the problem, execute the order. Hypotheses – theoretical and experimental, and empirical. The theoretical assertion – only supported by theoretical arguments. In the applied research best practices should be developed. Applied research conducted in the field (we distinguished between laboratory and applied). It is necessary to get rid of the cumbersome procedures.

The main directions of applied research in social psychology: the area of industrial production; the field of social psychology of management; development of the organization (organizational development); mass communication and advertising; school staff, and social – psychological problems of the school; wrongful conduct.

The main customer on the application of social – psychological research is industrial production. Two blocks: production management problems and scientific organization of labor; problems of formation of production groups.

The most common are topics such as collective psychological climate, job satisfaction, turnover, certification training, adaptation of newcomers, management and communication problems within the production team, the formation of marketing thinking and psychology of advertising.

Above all, attention is paid to the development of psychological problems of climate. Expand psychological climate can designating at least three rows of relations:

  • the relationship between the team members in the vertical (leadership, perception of the head of the team, and vice versa, the degree of participation, satisfaction with it);
  • the relationship between the team members in the horizontal (cohesion of the team, the nature of interpersonal relationships, the types and methods of conflict resolution);
  • attitude to work (job satisfaction, effectiveness of team activities, etc.).

As manifestations of the psychological climate diverse as the people's behavior, and the various systems of their relationship, it does not exist and can not exist any – that a single research methods. Virtually all known methods applied in this case. Integration received three data series is still a certain difficulty. Some researchers have introduced the concept of the type of socio – psychological climate and produce 4 possible types: favorable, contradictory, moderately favorable, unfavorable climate.

The main directions of applied research in social psychology:

  • an industrial plant: the formation of labor groups, job satisfaction, turnover, adaptation beginners);
  • psychological climate – consistent state groups, a reflection of real work situations. It can be analyzed to reveal relationships between the members of the vertical, horizontal (solidarity, types and methods of conflict resolution), attitude to work;
  • control: the relation of leadership style and effectiveness of group activities, the issue of conflict resolution, the psychological qualities of the head;
  • development organizations: the creation of a special culture for the use of various techniques to improve the behavior of the individual and group in the organization, particularly with regard to decision–making, the development of communication networks, conflict resolution, human resources (trust development, greater awareness of the company's employees);
  • mass advertising and communication;
  • school: psychological education, prevention, counseling, psycho–diagnostics;
  • the fight against illegal behavior: mechanisms of influence on the undergrowth;
  • the science;
  • family service;
  • policies (systematic analysis of the dynamics of public opinion and participation in development and decision–making and direct counseling and psychological support political negotiations.

An important area of application of social – psychological knowledge is the sphere of education of the younger generation. This question can not be considered only from the point of view of social psychology. For her, very clearly delineated social – psychological angle of view in the fight against illegal behavior. Prevention, analysis and conditions of formation of illegal behavior, the area for perpetrators of unlawful actions (eg, methods of influence used in these cases) – this is the problem, which could have their say, and social psychology. Social psychologist task is to help identify those deviations from the properties of the individual, observing standards of conduct.

The scope of strengthening and development of the family – the scope of the practice of socio – psychological knowledge. The main objectives: to prepare young people to create a family (educational function, providing so–called "dating service" training fellowship); regulation of family relationships, enhance family stability (clarification of the shape and structure of family conflicts, how to resolve them, the creation of special family counseling.); Research within the family setting, which arise in relation to children ( "reproductive Installation"): whether to have children, how many to have, etc.

Scope of interpersonal attraction – regularities of affection, friendship, love, etc.

Political psychology, political leader, creating an image.

Harmonisation of communication, competence in communication, etc.

Optimizing relations between people of different ethnicities and cultures.

Practical directions of social – psychological work in the field of advertising and marketing.

Control questions

  1. Applied social psychology as a field of professional activity.
  2. The subject, structure, functions and tasks of Applied Social Psychology.
  3. The main directions of applied research in social psychology: social organizational psychology; Socio–psychological aspects of mass communication system (QMS); Socio – psychological aspects of illegal behavior; Socio–psychological aspects of family life; Social psychology of advertising; Social – psychological aspects of creativity and art; Social – psychological aspects of management; Socio–psychological service in school, in high school; The socio – political psychology; Socio – psychological aspects of formation and functioning of totalitarian sects; Socio – psychological aspects of loneliness, social exclusion and others.