3.1 General, the most characteristic patterns of physical development of the child's body
Pre – school age – from birth to school entry – the most crucial period of development of the body and one of the most important in the development of the human personality. In those years laid the foundations of good health, harmonious moral, intellectual and physical development.
The system of comprehensive education of pre – school children physical education is particularly important. The body of the child is growing rapidly in this period and developed at the same time, resistance to adverse environmental influences is still low, the child gets sick easily. Therefore, the fore concern for the health.
For preschool – age people is changing so quickly and strongly as any one the subsequent seven years. age division into periods reflects the stage of biological development and at the same time meets the requirements of the educational process in preschool.
Preschool age is divided into:
In pre – school institutions practice are used the following terms:
Growth and development of children of preschool age are subject to the general laws of living matter and take place in close cooperation with the external environment.
By increasing understanding quantitative changes in the body that occur due to cell division, to increase their size.
The development – a quality process that is expressed in the improvement of the organs and tissues.
Quantitative and qualitative changes occur simultaneously, but they are not the same intensity: against accelerated ripening slow growth observed and, conversely, increased body function improving growth slows down.
The greatest intensity of the child's growth is different in the first year of life. If the birth of the baby's body length is equal to the average of 50 cm. By the end of the first year of life it reaches 75–80 cm., i.e., it increases by more than 50%.
During the period from 3 to 7 years, the body length is increased by an average of 28–30 cm., And this process is uneven. In 3–5 years the child grows year by about 4–6 cm, and in 6–7 years – 8–10 cm, which is associated with endocrine shifts, increased pituitary function. This age segment is called the first period of the extension (the second in the 13–14 years – is associated with the onset of puberty).
A feature of the growth in the preschool years is a noticeable change in body proportions due to a rapid increase in limb length, compared with the body. If the seven – year length of the body is increased by 2 times, then hands the length – more than 2.5 times, and feet – more than 3 times.
Body weight of from 3 to 7 years increased by 8.10 kg, and also uneven. The average gain is 1.2–1.3 kg in 3 years and reach 2.5 kg in 6–7 years. Since 5 years, more than actively growing chest, especially in boys.
Thus, anthropometric indices in healthy children from month to month change of more or less intense, depending on age, seasons, nature of the activity.
At preschool children the same age body length varies. There are children of low, medium, high and very high growth. For the same length of the body in children can vary its mass. If the length of the body is due to hereditary characteristics, the mass – the value of which is closely connected with the nature of power, the motor mode, the presence of diseases, etc. Indicators of body length and the ratio of length and weight as the basis for evaluation of the physical development of the child.
Children whose weight corresponds to the length of the body, ranging from below average to high, have normal physical development (most of them). The other group consists of preschool children with physical disabilities. Embodiments deviations are different. First of all, it is low growth, which is a sign of the lag in physical development.
More often lag behind in physical development of preschool children with a history of early rickets or dysentery, as well as having myopia and some chronic diseases. With the delay in physical development and linked breach pronunciation, especially in the age of 3–4 years, when the voice feature is not yet sufficiently entrenched.
In a period of adjustment in translation of younger preschool children in the next group, followed by education in kindergarten to the systematic training and education of the school children are observed not only decrease the intensity build – up of body weight, but even its fall (sharp deficit).
Typically, after the elimination of conditions, delaying the growth of regular somatometric parameters of specific hygiene measures (rationalization mode of education and training) – the growth rate of these parameters become 3–4 times more intense routine, and performance over time reach the age limits.
3.2 Peculiarities of development and enhancement of the functions of the various organs and systems of a child’s body
Brain weight reaches to 6–7 years of 1200–1300, approaching the weight of an adult. And the appearance of the child's brain is not very different from the adult brain. However, the internal structure and its functionality have big differences. The combination of excitation and inhibition determine brain function. For the higher nervous activity of the child is characterized by the predominance of excitation over inhibition and the instability of the basic processes of the nervous system, which is particularly acute in the difficult period of adaptation to the new conditions (sleep disturbance, irritability, excessive mobility, restlessness, distractibility, and so on.).
The acquisition and consolidation of knowledge, skills and proper standards of conduct related to the functional state of higher nervous activity, which is based on the formation of conditioned reflexes.
The more perfect the cerebral cortex, the more subtle and complex reflexes can be formed. At preschool age reflexes are formed not only on the real – life stimuli (first signal system – analyzers), but also on their speech code (second signal system).
Prolonged use of a certain sequence of external stimuli leads to the formation of dynamic stereotype i.e. sustainable system responses.
Dynamic stereotypes produced by the child in the process of training and education.
However, care should be taken to train the nervous system of the child in order to change (i.e. perfection) steady stereotype. So, given the peculiarities of the movements of the child in the second year of life, it should be in the physical training lessons after mastering normal children walking to enter complicated walking (along the path, board, etc..).
As a result, improvement of skill, not only during exercise, but also in everyday life.
Learning material and its fixation is facilitated by the simultaneous participation of multiple analyzers – auditory, visual, tactile. This is determined by a rational method of carrying out the learning process based on the use of aids, toys, games, coupled with a shaped, clear explanation.
The formation of conditioned reflexes depends on the state of health of the child. Any, even minor illnesses disturbed excitability, increased exhaustion of the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex.
The new conditioned connections are formed with difficulty, and their production requires stimuli with a large number of repetitions.
Available, but not yet attained sufficient stability due violated, and the child loses previously acquired, but loose skill.
A powerful stimulus for the development of the central nervous system, the higher nervous activity is the richness and diversity of information coming into the brain cortex due to the specific function of the sense organs (analyzers), including a special role in the preschool play visual, auditory, tactile and motor.
Visual Analyzer.
Visual Analyzer provides analysis of perception and visual sensations. It consists of: eye, the optic nerve and the visual areas of the brain, located in the back of the head.
Variability of eye elements and forming its optical system is parallel to the growth and development of the whole organism. This is a lengthy process, especially intensively flowing from 1 to 5 years of age. At this age, significantly increases the size and the refractive power of the eye. Gradually develops visual acuity (the ability of the eye to perceive the shape of the distance, shape, object size), reaching a possible minimum to 5 years.
The first years of life a child can distinguish and name colors, identify simple geometric shapes, read the first large 5–7 years, and then the small letters, write and draw. At this age, the child ends up forming a joint vision with two eyes, provides the spatial perception of objects.
Throughout the pre–school age, in connection with the ongoing development of the organism, its resilience is not sufficient.
Hearing analyzer.
Hearing analyzer as visual, provides flow of information to the cerebral cortex. With the function of the analyzer associated with the formation of speech.
The human ear can perceive sounds of varying intensity, but for the normal functioning of the auditory analyzer noise level should not exceed 55 decibels (DCB 120 – standing next to a turbine jet, 110 DCB – human threshold of pain sensitivity).
The noise intensity in preschool often goes beyond the norm. Adults do not always educate preschool children the ability to talk without straining the vocal cords, often they themselves are trying to drown children (loud speech from 70 to 80 decibels).
Therefore, additional noise load to the total background should not exceed the range of normal speech.
Features of the structure of the ear preschooler create preconditions for its inflammation – otitis media, especially in diseases of the nose and throat. Precipitating factors of occurrence of otitis media – cooling of the child, which lowers resistance to fabrics.
Thus, essential for the prevention of diseases of the ear become hardening and thermal comfort of the child.
Motor analyzer.
Motor analyzer participates in the development and improvement of a variety of motor skills, starting with sitting, standing, moving in space and ending complex coordinated movements, such as the preservation of balance, the performance of the graphic action, accurate pronunciation and others.
The function of the motor analyzer is closely linked to the activities of support – motor system.
Features of formation of the supporting – motor apparatus
The source of the development of children, their natural need is a movement carried out by the operation of skeletal muscles and bone basics – the skeleton.
Skeleton child of preschool age consists mainly of cartilage, which leads to the possibility of further growth. However, soft and pliable bone under the influence of load change shape.
Excessive and uneven workload associated with prolonged standing, walking, carrying heavy loads, the seat of the inappropriate growth of desks, may adversely affect the development of the supporting skeleton – change the shape of the legs, spine, foot arch, cause incorrect posture.
By the end of preschool age is substantially complete formation of the skeleton of the hand that creates, along with other factors, the possibility of systematic training.
During the preschool years is a change form the skull – an increase in the front part.
To a certain extent this is due to the chewing function, which is formed after the eruption of teeth.
Intense skeletal development in preschool children is closely linked with the development of the muscles, tendons and articular – ligament apparatus. Preschoolers there is a high mobility of the joints associated with high elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments.
The originality of the musculoskeletal system is a small thickness of the muscle fibers, a high content of water in the muscles, low muscle strength indicator.
The amount of muscle fibers significantly increases to 5 years, and at the same time increasing muscle strength but these changes are unequal in different groups of muscles. The deep back muscles and at 6–7 years of age are weak, they are not sufficiently strengthen the spine. Poorly developed and abdominal muscles. Therefore, in preschool children of the functionality (unstable) postural deviations.
At this age, the power of the muscles of the flexor muscles of the above – extensor that determines the characteristics of the child's posture: head slightly tilted forward, jutting belly, legs bent at the knee joints. That is why it is so important and necessary exercise for the muscles that hold the pose, and extensor muscles.
Slowly developing small muscles of the hand. Only by 6–7 years the child begins to master the more complex and precise movements of the hand and fingers. This is facilitated exercises with balls, sculpture, drawing and others.
Children of preschool age poorly developed muscular system of the foot, so you should not allow them to jump from a height.
To strengthen the arch useful systematic corrective exercises. It is necessary to pay great attention to sports shoes (thick heel, flexible sole with heel corresponding to the size of the insole of the foot).
An indicator of improving the bone – muscular system is the development of basic movements (running, jumping, throwing, climbing) and physical qualities – strength, speed, agility, coordination abilities.
Movement toddlers differ lack of coordination, blurred rhythm, lack of coordination of hands and feet. The development of the child's movements with age comes not only as a result of the strengthening of bone – muscular system, but mainly on improving the function of the nervous system and cerebral cortex.
Children of preschool age are characterized by low endurance of the muscular system. Static muscle tension child can be held for only a short time. Therefore, younger preschool children are not able to perform the same motion for a long time, keep calm, steady pace. They now and then change the position while standing or sitting.
Older preschoolers muscles become much stronger, their endurance increases slightly, but in this age of the rhythm of walking, as well as a fixed posture, especially when sitting, stored for long. Low endurance and remains with respect to the power voltage.
However, under the influence of excitement preschooler may show greater strength and endurance of the motor vehicle, it is not inherent in the normal conditions, which is often negatively affect the general condition of the body and, in particular, cardio – vascular system. Therefore, these physical activities like outdoor games, gymnastics classes, must be strictly dosed, observing the rule of gradual increase in load.
The level of development of basic movements and physical properties depend on the setting of physical education, conducted on the basis of the child's age features.
Features of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
Development of the respiratory system characterized by an increase in lung volume and improving respiratory function. For 3–4 years set the thoracic type of breathing that occurs as a result of respiratory muscles. Increases depth of breathing and hence blood oxygen saturation. Increases lung capacity: with 400–500 ml – in 3–4 years to 1500–2200 ml – 7 years.
At 6–7 years of lung function (VC, respiratory rate, minute volume of breathing) in boys is higher than girls. In more rare respiratory rate large quantity of breathing minute volume (both at rest and under load) is provided in boys due to the depth of breathing, i.e., more economical than that of peers.
Positive dynamics of respiratory function to a large extent related to the influence of exercise.
In the first years of life there is particularly intensive development of the entire cardio – vascular system.
In the period from 5 to 6 years, significantly accelerated weight increase (to 80 g) and cardiac output (up 90sm3).
With age, with an increase in heart size and the volume of blood ejected with each of its reduction, heart rate became less frequent (up to 80 beats per minute at the senior preschool age).
A distinctive feature of the cardio – vascular system is the non – uniformity of the frequency and strength of heart contractions, even at rest.
This non–uniformity is more pronounced under the influence of physical activity, the child's excitement.
Blood pressure in children due to the large width of the vascular bed, the greater elasticity of vessels and the heart at the discharge capacity is lower than in adults. Exercise trains have an impact on the cardio – vascular system: under the influence of physical activity first increases the pulse rate, changes the maximum and minimum blood pressure, improves the regulation of cardiac activity. As the workout of cardio – vascular system to physical load changes: the work of the heart to become more cost – effective, energy needs are not provided its frequency rate, and increased volume of blood ejected at the same time.
At preschool age especially from 3 to 4 and from 6 to 7 years, improved regulation of blood flow. A more economical to get blood circulation at rest and per unit of work performed, blood distribution between working muscles and various tissues of the body working.
Of particular qualitative leap in improving the regulation of blood flow attributable to the period from 6 to 7 years, calls for bringing more benign stress (especially static) in the mode of activity of children 6 years of age.
3.3 Patterns of mental development of preschool age children
Human mental development is influenced by two groups of factors: biological and social.
Among them, the most important are heredity (biological factor), the environment, training, human activity (social factors).
Heredity – is continuing and fixed several generations of the body's ability to repeat a number of generations similar types of metabolism and individual development as a whole. As a person gets an inheritance type of body structure and all the organs, some special features – facial features, eye color, and others.
From inherited to be distinguished innate traits that are acquired during fetal life (e.g., the individual characteristics of the excitability of the nervous system). From congenital and inherited traits are also important prerequisites for independent sports employment as the general motor activity, the rate of response processes, endurance, strength, etc.
Wednesday is a unity of natural and social conditions.
The environment influences the development of the organism. The social environment forms the mental makeup of the individual. It consists of several zones – the family environment, peer environment social environment.
The development of the psyche in ontogenesis under the influence of these factors has a number of laws, which are determined by the general laws of nature and society.
The first feature of the child's mind is the lack of clearly defined jump when a new quality. Transitions to new quality often stretched for time. The appearance of the child's character, for example, autonomy takes months and sometimes years. The emergence of a new quality of the mental process, mental properties of the individual is not always timely notice if you do not put a special task of studying the child's psyche. The originality of the qualitative changes in the process of mental development – one of the reasons for the difficulties, difficulties in the work of the teacher.
The second feature of the mental development – its unevenness. At the age of one year – infancy – especially intensively developed feelings because they constitute the necessary basis for sensuous cognition of reality. But thinking a baby develops less intensively. During this period, only created conditions for its development.
From one year to three years sensations continue to evolve, but not as rapidly as the other more complex processes. The child begins to walk, which extends the possibilities of his actions with things. Independent movement improves the perception of things in space. There is a very rapid language acquisition. On the basis of mastering speech begins to develop a purely verbal reasoning. The child, although in an elementary form of recourse to the thinking analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization.
The third feature and driving force behind the development of the child's mind is the struggle of internal contradictions.
In this process, the old ideas, habits, interests change, rebuilt under the influence of new coming in to replace them ideas, concepts and interests. So there comes a higher, qualitatively new stage of mental development.
Therefore, in each age period some mental processes and properties are characterized by the accelerated pace of development, others – slower. Periods of accelerated development of certain mental processes or properties referred to the sensitive. At such times, children are extremely sensitive, susceptible to educational influences. This important feature to be considered in the work with children and create the most favorable conditions for the development of mental processes and properties. Such conditions are, in particular, the physical exercise.
The ontogeny of motor activity at different ages.
Development of movement before birth (prenatally).
The first movement of the fetus in humans have been recorded for the eighth week of development. Then, their intensity and the number is growing. Starting from the fifth month of the fetus, the basic unconditioned reflexes typical of a newborn. The development of movements in the fetus (and later in the newborn) is the direction from the head to the lower limbs: first, there are movements of the head, then the torso and arms, and then the lower limbs. Motor fetal activity is reduced in the past month before the birth. In the prenatal period is largely determined by the mother's condition (fatigue, emotional arousal, etc.).
There is a relationship between the motor activity of the fetus and child in infancy.
Development of motion up to one year.
A newborn there are two main types of movement:
An example of an unconditioned reflex is also a swimming reflex, reaching its maximum development around the 40th day of life: if you put a child of that age in the water, gently supporting the head (neck muscles are too weak), he begins to execute swimming motions. Based on this teaching children to swim in its infancy. There are cases where children are in 10 – months of age can stay in the water for 15 minutes.
In the future, such as the swimming and many other unconditioned motor reflexes fade.
Children who are brought up in normal circumstances, there is a certain sequence of mastering basic movements.
The sequence of mastering basic movements in infants (average data according to Sage)
1 day – pose the newborn;
1 month – raises the chin;
2 months – raises the breast;
3 months – trying to take items;
4 months – sitting with support;
5 months – sitting, playing objects;
6 months – sitting, playing hanging items;
7 months – one sitting;
8 months – is using;
9 months – worth holding on to furniture;
10 months – the creeps;
11 months – goes via;
12 months – he gets up, holding on to furniture;
13 months – crawling up the stairs;
14 months – stands on its own;
15 months – walking alone;
In some cases this sequence is broken. A large motor retardation (delay) must be the subject of concern and seeking medical attention.
Until about age of 1.5 motor and mental development of the child parallels. Development of movement is at this time extremely important for mental development. Basic knowledge about space, time, causality laid in this particular age due to motor experience of the child. Therefore it is necessary to create conditions conducive to the development of active movements in children (clothes, not hampering sufficient space for free movement, toys, adult attention and the development of movements, etc.).
Although not all of the movements of children can be "taught" (in the sense that learning does not accelerate significantly the terms of mastering these movements), however an extension of the motor experience of the child in infancy is very useful.
Studies on twins showed that those who are in infancy and pre – preschool age have created better conditions for the motor development (for example, a specially trained some movements), hereinafter outscored motility of their brothers and sisters, even though the immediate effect of education could thus missing: the timing of mastering movements (for example, manipulation of toys) have changed slightly.
Age from 1 to 3 years.
A new stage in the development of the child begins when he learns to walk. In the words of I. Sechenov, "armed with the ability to see, hear, touch, walk or control arm movements a child ceases to be, so to speak, attached to the site and entering an era of a free and independent communication with the outside world."
During this period, the child must master the specifically human movements and behaviors (eating from dishes, observance of cleanliness, etc.), right action with a variety of objects (the ability to use cutlery, etc.). On the basis of objective actions arise game in which the child is trying to reproduce the observed their ways of dealing with different subjects: feeding a doll carriage carries, etc.
At this age, not only is the formation of hand movements. The first time the motion of walking is still very clumsy, which is compounded by purely biomechanical reasons (high center of mass of the body of the axis of the hip joints, weakness of the lower limbs). Walking and Running not differ from each other.
Approximately 2 years to the formation of the act of walking in general ends (although some thin biomechanical peculiarities in walking children compared with adults are walking up to school – age).
The main way of learning at this age is an imitation.
Age from 3 to 7 years.
Motor skills of children of this age N. Bernstein described as "a graceful clumsiness." Children of this age take possession of a large number of different movements, but their movements are not yet sufficiently agile and coordinated.
During this period, the child first takes possession of so – called cannon movements, i.e., movements, where the desired result is achieved by means of instruments and tools (learning to use scissors, writing tools, hammer, etc.).
For the younger pre – school children (3–4 years) are formed running skill, in particular there is a flight phase, alternating hand movements when walking and running (in 7 years, these movements have already observed in 95% of children).
Children first master the jumps (jumping up and down on the first place, then on one foot), methane and actions with the ball.
All these skills are mastered gradually. At the age of 4 years after beginning to show steady movement preferences in the use of one of the sides of the body (the right – or left – handedness), actively used the trunk and legs.
During this period, the first time it is possible to test children with the installation of a better result. Achievements of children at this age are growing very rapidly. At preschool age it is possible to systematically teach children the different movements. Experience in preparation of athletes shows that during this period it is advisable to learn the basic techniques of many athletic movements.
When properly staged process of physical education the children to 7 years of age are able to skate, skiing (on a flat surface and flat ground areas), two – wheel bike, float, throwing and catching balls in different sizes, run, jump, perform simple gymnastic exercises and etc.
Control questions