
Properly organized and well-equipped laboratory and practical exercises are necessary for students to study physiological facts and theories.

Laboratory and practical works are based on a series of workshops according to the curriculum and provides mastering the basic methods of studying the physiological functions of humans and animals, available in the conditions of a training laboratory. In the study guide there are more than 70 works. Before describing each of them, the necessary devices, reagents and other materials are indicated. This information is useful both for people conducting laboratory and practical studies in higher educational institutions, and for young teachers in their pedagogical activities. The study guide is designed in such a volume that the student could understand and consciously perform the work, without resorting each time to the help of the textbook. The design of the experiments is described in the form of instructions that consistently outline the stages of their conduct. In many cases, situational tasks are given at the end of the description of individual experiments; this should contribute to a more in-depth development of the topic. In those cases where it was possible, a description of the experiments on humans was given. Students - participants of laboratory classes can be objects of these works. The objects of most of the experiments described in the study guide are frogs. The choice of this object is due to its availability and convenience for independent experimentation for students. The number of works described in the study guide is somewhat greater than the amount that the students can fulfill within the curriculum for this subject. Depending on the equipment of the laboratory of an educational institution, the teacher must choose those experiments, the performance of which can be provided better.

In the study guide there are questions to colloquiums, test tasks for self-monitoring under this section, situational tasks, which allows not only to consolidate the material covered, but also to expand the amount of information on other topics. Due to the fact that students are not always well-versed in terminology, the guide provides a glossary that will allow the students to expand their scientific horizon.


Ethics of physiological experiment

An obligatory condition for carrying out physiological experiments is observance of the rules of humane treatment of animals. In 1984, the International Recommendations for carrying out biomedical research using animals were approved. This document of the European Council for Scientific Research and the WHO Advisory Committee on Medical Research indicates the most important principles for setting up a biomedical experiment.

In Kazakhstan, the procedure for the use of animals in experiments is determined by a number of documents approved by the heads of all departments, which can carry out this kind of research. The main document is "Rules for conducting works using experimental animals". This document stipulates that the researcher has the right to use animals in an experiment, but must strictly follow a number of provisions:

- an experiment using animals must be carried out only in state institutions that have an appropriate experimental base;

- the setting of such experiments is allowed only in those institutions where there is an equipped vivarium and staff serving animals;

- the experiments with animals must be carried out by people who have higher education in biological, medical, veterinary and zootechnical specialties;

- the model of the experiment should meet the requirements of humane treatment of animals, and in the case of any painful manipulation, anesthesia must be used;

- compliance with the requirements of humane treatment of animals should be noted in the presentation of the methodology and results of the experiment in scientific publications or reports;

- for experiments, healthy animals of the proper species should be selected, and they must be limited to the minimum amount that is required to obtain scientifically reliable results.

The next piece of recommendation in its order and degree of importance is the requirement of ethical treatment of animals. Researchers and other personnel should always treat animals as beings sensitive to different kinds of influences, and consider it their ethical duty to treat animals and use them in such a way as to minimize the inconveniences and pain caused to them.

Safety on practical training of students

The program of training students on the course "Human and animals physiology" provides conducting laboratory and practical works and mastering certain practical skills of working with sharps, electrical appliances, computer equipment, research equipment, laboratory glassware, chemical reagents, experimental animals and biological fluids. Carrying out the practical works is safe if the following conditions are met:

- safety instructions are followed;

- discipline, silence, order and cleanliness at workplaces are observed;

- all students have working clothes (white coats and hats);

- each work begins with a detailed understanding of the methodology for its implementation and obtaining permission from the teacher;

- only fault free electrical equipment and devices are used, and the rules of their operation are observed;

- there is a duty officer (among the students of the group) who monitors the condition of the training laboratories, and if necessary, airs the room, turns off the water and electricity.

To prevent infection, students must comply with the following rules.

When working with blood or other body fluids, or when using piercing tools for the performance of work, always be aware of the threat of HIV infection, viral hepatitis, syphilis and other blood-borne infections.

Students with injuries (wounds) on hands, exudative skin lesions, wet dermatitis are removed from contact with blood and working with sharps for the duration of the disease.

When working with blood, tissues and biological fluids, wearing gloves is mandatory. After the end of work, the hands should be washed. It is not recommended to use the same pair of gloves twice, as this can lead to their defect, which reduces their value as an effective barrier. In case of possible splashing of blood or other biological fluids, surgical masks, goggles or protective screens should be used.

All tools (as well as utensils, linens, appliances, etc.), contaminated with blood, biological fluids, and also that came in contact with mucous membranes, must be disinfected immediately after use, in accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Kazakhstan and other regulatory documents.

The materials used for the work (cotton wool, bandages) are decontaminated according to the same orders with subsequent disposal. After getting acquainted with the rules and getting a safety briefing the students sign in the "Journal of control sheets of the students' safety training".