18 Exam Questions

  1. Metabolism - the main property of living tissues
  2. Self-regulation of the gastrointestinal tract
  3. Blood pressure and its conditioning factors
  4. Mechanism and chemistry of muscle contraction
  5. Definition of physiology as a science, its place among other biological disciplines
  6. Features of digestion in birds.
  7. Types of muscle contractions. Nature of the tetanic abbreviation
  8. The internal environment of the body, its composition and meaning
  9. The pituitary gland and the physiological role of its hormones
  10. Physiological properties of muscle tissue.
  11. Functional features of unstriped muscle.
  12. Physiological adaptation and its ensuring mechanisms.
  13. Absorption of nutrients in the intestine (mechanism and regulation).
  14. Fatigue of muscles, its causes and manifestations
  15. The body as a self-regulating system. Mechanisms of self-regulation
  16. Electrical phenomena in muscles and nerves. The mechanism of their origin
  17. Hemoglobin, its structure and methods of determination. The connection of hemoglobin with gases.
  18. Adrenal glands and their hormones
  19. Potential of rest and action potential, experiments confirming their presence
  20. Nervous-humoral regulation of respiration
  21. Vvedensky's doctrine of lability. Lability of nerves, muscles and synapses
  22. Physiology of erythrocytes (structure, composition, function) and methods of their calculation.
  23. Lactation and its connection with ruminal digestion of central and peripheral synapses (structure, properties).
  24. Protective function of blood (the role of T and B - lymphocytes)
  25. Pancreas and the physiological role of its hormones.
  26. The property of nerves. The laws of nerve impulses conduction of along nerve fibers.
  27. Composition of blood of agricultural animals and its functions.
  28. Humoral regulation in the animal body and its significance from the central nervous system.
  29. Methods for determining tissue excitability (threshold of excitability, useful time, chronoxia).
  30. Physico-chemical properties of blood.
  31. Temperature homeostasis and mechanisms of its regulation.
  32. Single reduction. Change in excitability during excitation of muscles.
  33. Physiology of leukocytes (structure, species, properties) and their calculation. Leukocyte formula and its evaluation.
  34. Urination and its regulation.
  35. Homeostasis and mechanisms of regulation.
  36. Farm animals digestion in the small and large intestine.
  37. Blood proteins and their function, place of formation.
  38. The essence of E. Vvedenskii's theory of the unity of the excitation and inhibition nature (the theory of parabiosis).
  39. Rate of erythrocyte sedimentation, their osmotic resistance (methods of determination).
  40. Vital and total lungs capacity. Pulmonary ventilation.
  41. Reflex and reflex arc. Classification of reflexes and their biological significance.
  42. Mechanism of gas exchange in the lungs and tissues.
  43. Classification of the cardiovascular system and the physiological role of its links.
  44. Nervous impulse, the mechanism of its transmission in the medullated and non- medullated nerve fibers.
  45. Regulation of the secretory function of the lacteal gland and milk ejection.
  46. The importance of saliva in cicatricial digestion. Features of salivation in ruminants.
  47. The significance of the cerebral cortex in the regulation of internal organs. The mechanism of this regulation.
  48. Osmotic and oncotic blood pressure, magnitude and biological significance.
  49. Reflex self-regulation of respiration and the role of the vagus nerve.
  50. Physiology of the medulla oblongata.
  51. The mechanism of blood clotting, and its regulation.
  52. Digestion in the small intestine (cavity and parietal).
  53. Types of inhibition in the cerebral cortex (externally, internally) and their biological significance.
  54. Milk, colostrum their properties and physiological significance
  55. Adipose metabolism, its importance and regulation
  56. The physiology of the diencephalon
  57. Blood groups in humans and animals
  58. The role of pancreatic juice in digestion and the mechanism of its secretion.
  59. The auditory analyzer and its structure.
  60. The role of capillaries in the blood supply and metabolism of organs (tracapillary exchange).
  61. Methods for studying the physiology of digestion, developed by I.P. Pavlov.
  62. Physiology of the cutaneous analyzer
  63. Vascular tone and local mechanisms of its regulation
  64. Secretory zones of the stomach and their functional features
  65. Hypothalamic-pituitary system, its role in the regulation of autonomic functions.
  66. Regulation of the lumen of blood vessels in the body.
  67. Peculiarities of birds breathing.
  68. Stages of physiology development. Significance of I.P. Pavlov's works.
  69. Physiology of the spinal cord.
  70. Basic exchange and methods of its determination.
  71. Physiological mechanisms of conditioned reflexes formation.
  72. Mechanisms of blood and lymph movement along the vessels (factors).
  73. The role of the liver in metabolism.
  74. Dominant of A.A. Ukhtomsky and its meaning.
  75. Coagulant and anticoagulant system of blood, their interrelation
  76. Features of digestion in young animals in the dairy and transitional periods.
  77. Structure and functions of the autonomic nervous system.
  78. Physiological properties of the heart muscle.
  79. Motor activity of the stomach and intestines. The mechanism of regulation.
  80. Reticular formation of the brainstem and its influence.
  81. Methods of studying cardiac activity (electro- and phonocardiography).